

Nuremberg, Bavaria

The Walking Dead: 9x11 Bounty


"They're here."
A Flashback with Jesus!
Flashbacks, Flashbacks, we finally get some Flashbacks.
This Season gets better and better. :D

"Natural selection."
This kinda sums up the Whisperers.
A big bunch of Fucked Up People.

"It's all Right now…"
Awesome. We needed some good times.
I love Jerry. Jerry is the best.
Just the Right amount of fun to make the…

"You call me Alpha, like all the rest."
...the scary parts scarier and better.
Alpha is definetly not mother of the year!
Tension all over the place and that smirk of hers… Ugh.

"She says she's done talking. But I'm not!"
Did Daryl just said that? XD
I love the new Daryl^^

"I couldn't live with it."
I understand Henry. I understand why he went after Lydia.
He is a very good replacement for Carl in my eye. (Pun intended)
But first of all: Go Daryl!

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x13 Memento Mori


As soon as they introduced Billy Ruso I wondered if they got the guts to turn him into Jigsaw.
After last Episode I thought they could actually do it.
And as I saw the mirror I knew: They are fucking doing it!
Can't whait to find out what his face will look like.

Never thought a ride with a carousel would be so intense!^^

Last four Episodes where insane!
I was most surprised by the gore.
Maybe one of the best Marvel Shows!
Hell, it is!

Jon Bernthal is the Punisher!
No doubt about that!

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Dark: 1x07 Crossroads

Shout by MrBlonde
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-12-05T21:35:01Z— updated 2017-12-07T13:43:35Z


Feels good to be right. At least kinda right.
I had Jonas and Michael in the equation, but Helge is the Stranger.
It may be just 50% but for such a Series I'm pretty proud about it. XD

Ulrich connects the dots. Glad he does.
Someone must have a clue in 2019^^
"Eine Reise durch die Zeit"
I want to read that book. :)

Mikkael really loved Hannah. Why else didn't he came back?
It was nice, that Jonas told her.

So Noah started it in 1953. And since then it's on a (kinda) loop.
Interesting. I was suprised, that the Room with the Wallpaper was down there.
I want to know what he is doing with the kids. And how many are there?
Do we know who the redheaded kid in the Room was at the beginning?
I don't think so. So there's that.

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Better Call Saul: 4x03 Something Beautiful
The Walking Dead: 8x11 Dead or Alive Or


Tara is annoying as fuck!
Such a pain in the ass!
Can't believe she survived this long, can somebody please kill her?

The reaction to Carls death was... meh?
I expected way more!
The last two episodes did it so well... and now this... :(
A little crying and then let's move on...

The ending gave me hope!
Would have loved more built up to that, but in the end it was ok.
And does this mean we get another battle before the end of this Season?
Some shit is going down! :D

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Preacher: 3x02 Sonsabitches


It's good, but... slow.
The Comics are just insane and fast.
Not so much the TV Adaption.

With the Grail back in the picture I have hope. (and a look at the titles of the episodes)
The Starr part was great, the goat was funny and the creepy guy from the start being still alive was a cool reveal.
But somehow it's only good.

What do they do with Tulip? I have the feeling they don't really know what to do with her...
In season two they dragged her PTSD through the entire season and now she's just back to mess things up.

And Cassidy is a Vampire, right?
They are a bit too easy with the sun, for my taste...

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Bates Motel: 5x10 The Cord
The Big Bang Theory: 9x24 The Convergence Convergence

I sooo hope it really ends after Season 10!!

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Mindhunter: 1x07 Episode 7


Jerry Brudos.
Totaly different from Kemper! So fucking creepy.
Trying to convince them he didn't do it.
And he fucking knows Kemper!? O.o

That dude on the Airplane... Such a fucking Asshole!
"I'm enjoying the leg room."
I like Bill more and more XD

Finding that photo, I would have probably freaked the fuck out!
Poor babysitter.

The fucking Serial-Killer your talking to, has the same fucking shoes like your fucking girlfriend, wich you're about to fuck.
That's fucked up. And he knows.
I didn't know if he was trying to understand him. Gladly he didn't!

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Lost: 6x09 Ab Aeterno

The Black Rock destroyed the Statue...
Whait what?!?
Well for me it was the Storm and the Black Rock "flew" over the Statue...
Ridiculous but more plausable than wood destroys stone and besides that the Black Rock would have been a total mess when it hit the ground and... aaah forget it! :D

But what I love is, that Arzt was right in the first place and we got the Answer right in the beginning^^

Besides that it was an awesome Episode

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Vikings: 4x18 Revenge


Don't mess with Vikings!^^

Good Episode, but I am a little bit dissapointed....
I mean...
Why didn't they let us see the fight? :(
Let Them Fight!

Maybe wee see them fight King Ecbert?
Fingers crossed.

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Vikings: 5x16 The Buddha


"And who is the Buddha?"
They have a thing with Gods or Godlike beings or not?^^
Let's see where this goes.

"I was thinking at last our settlement was beginning to work."
Huh. Never expected me to say that one day, but:
Was the Floki Story the best part in this one?
Not that the other Characters and Stories weren't good.
They were great, but for me this gets better and better.
Maybe we needed the Story from A to B to get to the great C.

"There is the boundery of your legal possesion."
After all those years, they finally made it and made Ragnars wish come true.
That's how you leave a legacy. He still looms over all.^^

"Bjorn Ironside, how happy I am to see you."
We are too. Bjorn against Ivar 2.0?
Who would say no? Gonna be great. :D

"What Kind of mother are you?"
The worst one in the world I guess.
This bitch is so fucked up. They're not good christians?
You killed your own fucking son!?
She has to pay for her sins.

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The Terror: 1x10 We Are Gone


Just went fucking crazy! So fucking crazy!
Everything what made the Series so good so far, was in this one.

Poor Goodsir. RIP
To see him on the table like this was pure horror for me.
What men are able to do... crazy.

The haluzinations were so well placed. And again: crazy.

How they tried to catch the Tuunbaq was crazy.
Just went nuts.

The ending...
To see the aftermath was great and haunting.

For the other part (which was the same in the book). It undermines a bit what really happend...
Everyone died or one survived are two complete different stories, at least for me.
The fact that Lady Silence survived was great. The fact that Crozier survived, I don't know...
I liked it and I also didn't. It's plausible though, so there's that^^

Overall this episode was one of the best of "The Terror"!
The series as a hole was so haunting and pure Terror.
Awesome series.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x04 Resupply


The PTSD Storyline with those Soldiers...
Not so interesting...
But wonder where Ruso's Storyline is heading.

Taking his time with Davids family was a nice move.
Even if it wasn't appreciated.

There was much more Action this time around!

As they stole the car.
Bam, Bam, Bam... Like it!
The Granate O.o
I have to admit:
I think I would have peed myself as well.
Only seeing a glimpse of what's going on must be horrible.

Car chase... cool! :D
Getting his hands dirty.
Bad for him, that it was on the wrong person.
And Frank cares about people. For now.
I think we saw a little bit of his ruttlesness as he stole the car.
"Not our problem!"

The Punisher has Guns!
A fucking lot of them!
Can't wait to see how he uses them!^^

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The Walking Dead: 9x09 Adaptation


"Home sweet home."
I am a little sad he went out and didn't stay in the cell, but on the other hand he was over six years in there.
In the comics it was never that long, so it's harder to stay.
Nethertheless I enjoyed his short journey.
His Little walk through Alexandria was well shot.
The Trip outside was also pretty cool.
Western-Vibe Incoming.
Was that the wood glade from his first encounter?
If it was: Nice touch.
And the cool looking Walkers are back.
I just hope he gets his Leather Jacket back.

"I said I would shoot you."
Him and Judith are getting along.
(Rick would turn over in his…
Oh wait. There was something.)

"I'm Lydia."
Daryl is a clever guy.
Just let the younglings talk.
And Micchone is right.
He has a feeling for who to trust and who don't.

"Trail ends here."
It's just getting started :D

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Mad Men: 5x11 The Other Woman


Just Wow! O.o

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Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad and The Wire!
Best Series ever!

After you finished it, I give you a few months! ...
You want to watch it again! :D

and maybe Firefly... ;)

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Grey's Anatomy: 8x24 Flight

Shout by MrBlonde
BlockedParentSpoilers2015-12-16T06:57:38Z— updated 2016-10-03T10:48:58Z


And another one is dead...
RIP Lexi :(

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Ash vs Evil Dead: 3x09 Judgement Day


This shapes up to be a pretty epic (sadly) Series Finale!
Those past episode went to eleven Rating-wise, wich makes it even harder it got canceled. :(
On the over hand everything kinda let to this point, so...

Skinning people alive?!
That one hurts only watching it...
Ruby is dead?!
About time! And it was fucking awesome! I'm so mad at her for destroying Ashy Slashy's chainsaw!
The Dark Ones are Here?!
A Cellphone-demon?!
Do they never run out of ideas? And I guess: Like father, like daghter!^^

And for the Finale:
Ash always finds the right words! XD

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x05 Take Shelter


"We work together, we're gonna get here out alive"
Daredevil: Fuck that XD

Those One-Liners...

Expected it to be more action packed...
Still good.

Get all the side character out of the way and let them fight.
That's kinda the job of this Episode :D

Just killing the hostage...
Something the Avengers couldn't do!
I like them :D

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Ash vs Evil Dead: 3x01 Family


Fuuuucking Awesome!

"Now, I slash prices!"
Best start to a Season yet!
Fucking hillarious! XD

Evil Dead in a school... I dig it 100 percent!
The fight with all2 the instruments, loved it!
Felt like good ol' "Evil Dead II".
The Drumsticks^^
But the way they killed off her friend...
That's some big fucking gore!
And her mum just getting beheaded like this...

Ash's one liner are just the best by the way :D

Seriously, what can you not love about this episode?
I'm in for the ride!

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Fear the Walking Dead: 2x11 Pablo & Jessica


Covered in blood, covered in blood...
For my taste they do this a little bit too much!
And it's too easy!
The Walking Dead did this like 2 or 3 times in 6 Seasons (for now) and they?
Now in nearly every Episode!

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Twin Peaks: 3x16 Part 16


Cooper is back! :D
And awesome as ever!

And just as you think it's getting to a close, they hit you with another curveball! O.o

The Audrey Storyline was one of the lame ones, but now...
What a Cliffhanger.

Oh my!
I want to see the End now!

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Ash vs Evil Dead: 2x10 Second Coming


Didn't ended like I expected!
Aaand it wasn't as good as the First Season Final was!

I didn't liked it, that they changed the future!
I thought it would end like he "put everything in place" and then "The Evil Dead" starts!
End of Season 2.

Sadly it didn't.
It was a little bit too much of a happy ending...

Henrietta fight was still awesome! :D

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Dark: 1x05 Truths

Shout by MrBlonde


How did I not see that? O.o
As soon as Mikkel open up that present and it was the book, I knew.
What the fuck.
What an awesome Twist!
Did not see that one coming...
And he killed himself, because otherwise he wouldn't have traveled back through time in the first place.
So he forced himself literally into Suicide... O.o
Poor boy.

At first I felt kinda sorry for Hannah...
At first. If I would have known that she was a bitch since, I don't know... always!
Horrible person.

I saw that Preacher and i knew something isn't right with him.
And then he told Mikkel he was Noah. It shocked me.
And then he was in the car. Same fucking age! O.o

"Ich möchte mich mit Ihnen über Zeit unterhalten."
I think we all whant to talk about time right now! XD

Brilliant Episode! Didn't expected this kind of complexity.
Love it.

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Black Mirror: 5x02 Smithereens

Shout by MrBlonde
BlockedParent2019-06-12T15:25:51Z— updated 2020-12-21T14:38:00Z

SMITHEREENS please delete this comment

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Preacher: 3x07 Hilter
The Walking Dead: 8x14 Still Gotta Mean Something
Dark: 1x06 Sic Mundus Creatus Est

Shout by MrBlonde


The Fronts are clear.
Finding out about Hannah, etc.
Nicely done.

Awesome follow up to the Brainfucking Episode of last time...
Didn't thought they could accomplish that.
Well done.

So now we know what the Time Portal is.
Love it. Simple. Right for past and left for future?

I knew it was Mads the minute he appeared on Screen.
What does he do with that information?
Can't whait to find out. :D

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Hell on Wheels: 5x08 Two Soldiers

Shout by MrBlonde

Very good Start for the final Episodes!
After all these years...
The Swede is gone!

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