

Nuremberg, Bavaria

The Walking Dead: 8x05 The Big Scary U

it was such a filler

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Rick seeing that Helicopter.
Eugene finding out about Dwight.
Understanding Negans way of thinking.

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The X-Files: 11x04 The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat

Shout by Deleted

I don't understand why they are making a mockery of the show. So disappointed

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Because they do such episodes one per Season since the second season...

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The Walking Dead: 7x07 Sing Me a Song

I don't like Spencer, he doesn't have any guts.

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@mattjackson Boy... you have no idea how much guts he has! XD

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Outlander: 3x12 The Bakra

I'm really loving this TV, Adventure Drama, not to sure how many seasons are left, though I'm totally enjoying it,... Thank you

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No problem. :)
There are currently 8 books released and two more planned, so 10 books.

As for the Series I think the plan is to adapt one book per Season... so 10.^^

I don't know if maybe one of the books is too big so they splitt it up into 2 Seasons (Like Game of Thrones), because I read only the first 4 so far.
You can easily shorten them so far to make them fit into one Season. ;)

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Dark: 1x07 Crossroads

Shout by Deleted

This is too complicated, Germans!!!

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I think once it is solved it is kinda simple.
I love the complexity.

What's too compicated?

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The Walking Dead: 8x02 The Damned

Shout by MrBlonde
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-10-30T08:25:36Z— updated 2017-11-01T09:49:24Z


Just fucking Awesome!
The Walking Dead is back on track!

So much action in this one...
Oh my. Love it. Can't belive the action goes on.
Morgan going full badass after getting shot. O.o
Savage as fuck!

Ezekiel is just... you can't describe it^^

Shiva kills another guy. What's not to like.

Wonder how that hostage situation for Jesus and Tara turns out...

Rick and Daryl at that Outpost. Intense. And as he saw that little baby.
Not all of them are bad. Or are they? Which brings me to the next thing:

Morales is back!
Yesss! After all this years!
Creepy to think that if they would have come with him, they could have become Saviors....

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I just did remember there was a guy in Season 1 called Morales who left in the other direction as Rick and the group.
(Also I can remember faces pretty good)
And so he was one of the first people who where gone missing. After all the shit Rick went you start to wonder, what if they went with Morales?
Also there where so many Memes all over the Internet with "Where is Morales?", "Morales lives!", "Is this hidden character Morales?" especially after Episode 8 of Season 7...

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I did not realize going in that this was only going to be ½ the story. Did WB state that beforehand?

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They said IT will Focus on the children and the second one (if the first is successfull) is going to be about the adults.

Smart move, cause the Story would have been too huge for one movie!

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The Walking Dead: 7x07 Sing Me a Song

I don't like Spencer, he doesn't have any guts.

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@mattjackson I just couldn't resist! XD

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His series is not from 2011 it is from 2014 and was a Netflix Original Series

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Sorry, it wasn't a Netflix Series!

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Game of Thrones: 6x05 The Door

Am I only the only one who thought the whole "hold the door" thing was a bit cheap and contrived!?

I mean Jesus... Hold the door!?!?

Maybe another character will surface called "notalotactuallyhappensingameofthronesbutitsalldoneinsuchawaythatmakesyouthinkitis"

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Are you the only one?
Yes! XD

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The Walking Dead: 6x16 Last Day on Earth

Negannnnnn...! Yeah, I'm not that excited. I have no idea who the fuck he is and why everyone is crying to see him.

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Because it's F****ing Negan! ;)
You know why, when you see him and what's he capable of! :D

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The Haunting of Hill House

Why is this constantly changing from ending to returning series and vice-versa? Season 2 is not even out yet

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@panos-kousidis Because this series is original a miniseries.
"Bly Manor" is a follow Up Miniseries, but here it is a Anthology Series with the Title "The Haunting" and "Bly Manor" is a Second Season...
I hope the change it to Two seperate Series as they original are.

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Vikings: 5x13 A New God

Shout by MrBlonde


"Bring out the Sacrifice!"
Ivar is now officially insane.
A God? WTF. Are you crazy?
And he is an idiot for trusting that bitch, that she gives birth to his son…
I don't think he's going to kill his brother!
Why? The Seer is back!
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
He is going to do something agains that!
...or is he the Sacrifice in the end? O.o

"I renounce my believe!"
Ubbe gets more and more like Ragnar.
I like it. Even the manerisms are familiar^^

"We share the same Father."
Magnus I guess is going to be a victim of his own believes.
He truly believes it, but that is going to kill I think.
Or lets just say Bjorn does it XD

Bishop Heahmund kills a guy and gets reinstated...
Sure -.-

"We have suffered the loss of two of our Children."
Floki and Iceland.
Was he just calm and rational? O.o
I never seen Floki so quiet before…
I am scared.
Getting good again. :D

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@wholman200 I agree 100 percent!

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Better Call Saul: 4x03 Something Beautiful


"Can I make the call now?"
Holy shit! This show went dark.
What a way to start this episode.
Always appreaciate those Scenes in which we actall see how they do their stuff, in this case forge a gunfight.
So beatifull made…
Nacho is in a lot of Trouble and who is the source of it?

"No more than a week."
Gustavo Fring, again. He creates chaos so he can climb the ladder to the top.
Genius. Who is his tool? The Cousins. Again.
Or should I say for the first time?
His talk with Juan Bolsa is another example how good Gus is.
Always just a little push in the right direction.
He can built an empire. He is made for that.
The Little smile of Gus...
Again: He is not the Gus we know from "Breaking Bad" yet.
He wouldn't have smiled there, not one bit.

As he walked into the School, I got goosebumps, then I saw "Chemistry" and I thought:
Is he in Walts School? But it was even better!
As soon as I heard someone sing...
Gale is back! (Run Gale! Run!)
His love to chemistry is one of a kind.
I have to say, I believe him when he says he can make better than 67%!

And now to Jimmy.
Eight minutes? More like Eighty minutes^^
Clever way to get this guy out of his office.
But who did he got for the Job?
Ira from Vamonos Pest! Nice cameo.

For the letter from Chuck I only have one Thing to say:
The fact that Kim has Tears in her eyes and is so moved by his words and Jimmy had no emotions whatsoever, says it all.
Or does it?
The last conversation with Chuck was so cruel and These words sound off.
Did Chuck wrote the letter only to relieve his soul?
Guess Jimmy made up his mind. The rest is open to Interpretation.

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Thank you very much! :D
I appreciate it!

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The Walking Dead: 8x14 Still Gotta Mean Something

“Can I ask you a favour?” No. No you can’t. This scene was ridiculous. Yet another push from the show trying to sway viewers...obviously the show doesn’t want to kill all the saviours because they keep saying it. Enough already.

Not much I liked about this episode. Tara all of a sudden wants to spare Dwight. He’s still a murderer... I’m glad at least Daryl sees that. However I’m pretty sure the show is trying to redeem him and it too is getting tiring.

I liked Morgan’s scenes the best and that Rick did what he needed to despite how sketchy it was. The saviours need to die.

And Jadis...seriously?
Come on why is everyone letting him go? And he keeps surviving despite his cartoony scene at the heap. A gun and a flare with a walker on the cart...definitely felt like a cartoon.

This was one of my least favourite episodes of to 7x01 of course.
Very disappointed. I keep going back and forth whether or not I’ll keep watching this show.

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What didn't you like about 7x01?
For me it is one of the best (if not the best) episode of TWD...
So much tension!

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Outlander: 3x12 The Bakra

I'm really loving this TV, Adventure Drama, not to sure how many seasons are left, though I'm totally enjoying it,... Thank you

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Wanna know how many Season/Books are planned?

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Dark: 1x05 Truths

Shout by MrBlonde


How did I not see that? O.o
As soon as Mikkel open up that present and it was the book, I knew.
What the fuck.
What an awesome Twist!
Did not see that one coming...
And he killed himself, because otherwise he wouldn't have traveled back through time in the first place.
So he forced himself literally into Suicide... O.o
Poor boy.

At first I felt kinda sorry for Hannah...
At first. If I would have known that she was a bitch since, I don't know... always!
Horrible person.

I saw that Preacher and i knew something isn't right with him.
And then he told Mikkel he was Noah. It shocked me.
And then he was in the car. Same fucking age! O.o

"Ich möchte mich mit Ihnen über Zeit unterhalten."
I think we all whant to talk about time right now! XD

Brilliant Episode! Didn't expected this kind of complexity.
Love it.

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I think it gets explained later on in the Season.
So I don't want to spoil it here. ;)

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x04 Resupply


The PTSD Storyline with those Soldiers...
Not so interesting...
But wonder where Ruso's Storyline is heading.

Taking his time with Davids family was a nice move.
Even if it wasn't appreciated.

There was much more Action this time around!

As they stole the car.
Bam, Bam, Bam... Like it!
The Granate O.o
I have to admit:
I think I would have peed myself as well.
Only seeing a glimpse of what's going on must be horrible.

Car chase... cool! :D
Getting his hands dirty.
Bad for him, that it was on the wrong person.
And Frank cares about people. For now.
I think we saw a little bit of his ruttlesness as he stole the car.
"Not our problem!"

The Punisher has Guns!
A fucking lot of them!
Can't wait to see how he uses them!^^

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And I thought a comment section is for comments...
Sorry... my fault.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x04 Resupply


The PTSD Storyline with those Soldiers...
Not so interesting...
But wonder where Ruso's Storyline is heading.

Taking his time with Davids family was a nice move.
Even if it wasn't appreciated.

There was much more Action this time around!

As they stole the car.
Bam, Bam, Bam... Like it!
The Granate O.o
I have to admit:
I think I would have peed myself as well.
Only seeing a glimpse of what's going on must be horrible.

Car chase... cool! :D
Getting his hands dirty.
Bad for him, that it was on the wrong person.
And Frank cares about people. For now.
I think we saw a little bit of his ruttlesness as he stole the car.
"Not our problem!"

The Punisher has Guns!
A fucking lot of them!
Can't wait to see how he uses them!^^

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@ginko Me? What did I write that's so wrong?

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Lost: 6x09 Ab Aeterno

The Black Rock destroyed the Statue...
Whait what?!?
Well for me it was the Storm and the Black Rock "flew" over the Statue...
Ridiculous but more plausable than wood destroys stone and besides that the Black Rock would have been a total mess when it hit the ground and... aaah forget it! :D

But what I love is, that Arzt was right in the first place and we got the Answer right in the beginning^^

Besides that it was an awesome Episode

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Arzt said it could have been a tsunami ;)
It kinda was...^^

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Room 104: 1x01 Ralphie

Shout by Jan

Genre Comedy? Yeah, I don't think so...

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@j279r Well, it depends on the Episode!

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First season is fantastic, but the whole "These events took place in Minnesota in 2006, names have been changed out of respect for the survivors, the rest is exactly as it happened out of respect for the dead" is just a cheap shot when it's a blatant lie.

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Well, that's the way the movie is told and that's made up...
It's done so, to let you (more) think about such happenings and say "Wow! Something like that actually could happen!"

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Better Call Saul: 3x05 Chicanery

Shout by MrBlonde


I guess we just witnessed Saul Goodmans first day in Court!
If that's not enough to convince you, that this is going to be an Awesome Episode, I don't know...

Oh maybe that Huell is in it.
Made not just Huell happy!
Me too. :D

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@bert08 That's why he is happy^^

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The Walking Dead: 7x13 Bury Me Here

Come on! It's a really bad episode. Two people died because of a watermelon and nothing else happened.
Also I can't understand how nobody from the Kingdom helped Richard...

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@wawowiwa Nobody helped 'cause the Saviors said: "Don't move!" ;)

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The Walking Dead: 7x13 Bury Me Here

Shout by Miradwyn

Seriously, everyone​ from the Kingdom just stood there and watched Morgan murder Richard?

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@miradwyn Yes! 'Cause the Saviors Said: "Don't move!" ;)

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

This episode was pure garbage. Lost me as viewer. I don't care about ppl dying, but to draw everything out, the bad acting from JD Morgan, the bad cutting, the excessive violence. No thanks.
Not gonna watch this shit anymore.

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Bad acting? XD
You made my day!^^
So funny!

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Outlander: 1x11 The Devil's Mark

Shout by Deleted

disgusting. Claire is totally selfish!

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Why? Because she choose Jamie? I don't want to make such a decision!

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The X-Files: 10x02 Founder's Mutation

Written and Directed by Glen Morgan

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Well, yes!
I wrote that as the episodes where in a different order...
They tossed around with them just a few weeks or days before the airing... -.-

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Stana Katic leaving, I don't even know if it will truly be Castle anymore without the love interest and chemistry between them. Tamala Jones is going away after season 9 as well.

On another note, it's a fun series that doesn't take its self too seriously in the Crime solving department. Who can't love Nathan Fillion?

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There is no Season 9!

Luckily it ends after Season 8!

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Game of Thrones: 6x02 Home

Jesus. Mother. F**k'n. Christ.

That's what I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!! F**k the books. Keep on rolling past that shit and finish this off with a bang. I'm so jacked up on all this "PLOT" right now...

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And what's your problem with the books?

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