vishal ananda ingle

1 follower


Maestra: Strings of Truth: Season 1

waste of all the talent and money. could've been over in 4 episodes comfortably. soap operas are better than this.

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Jack Irish: Season 3

disappointment to this whole series as season 3 runs only on one sentence uttered by a cop on morphine. other seasons/movies never ran with conspiracies. that's why Jack would sometimes believe the villains that they didn't have anything to do with the crimes.
& then there's that same old Jack and Linda thing, again. I wouldn't trust them to be faithful to anyone.
& then Jack has a kid, idk why.
only the regulars cam, harry, wilbur & gang are the saving grace

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DI Ray: Season 1

everyone accusing of racism looks unnatural in this, maybe they are bad actors or maybe the script was lacking. characters, except ps khatri are unlikable or have no depth at all. I've seen shorter dramas with more depth than this, for example The Tower S01 is just 3 episodes which also has Gemma Whelan in similar role to Rachita Ray.

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True Detective: Season 2

not a great show but good enough if you're into some gangster stories. this definitely is way way different than season 1, where we see a detective obsessed over the psychology of the criminal & so continuously doing his job. season 2,has a different way of bringing the detectives to do the detecting but they do get there eventually, but then it ends up an action movie with very unbalanced power structure & therefore an unsatisfying ending, kinda rushed into it.
a little lacking script but the actors give it all, so that's something.

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The Bay: Season 4

a completely likable cast this season, can you believe that!?
& not a bad husband in this, can you believe that!!

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The Bay: Season 3

they found a more toxic DS than the previous FLO. & her son, by God, he's same as her. WHERE HAVE THE DECENT LEADS GONE?
I was suspicious of the mum's bf/non-bf guy for some reason but he was never in the ambit of the investigation.

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The Bay: Season 2

I don't seem to like her, DC Armstrong, in this season too. kinda kept feeling that she stole the case from Med. also, at the time, they conveniently sideline him, like he's not on the screen for a long period, also only she spots clues from cctv & whatnot. it all made me not to like her, also she taking back her ex, added to it.
on the other hand, the daughter seemed like she grew up from last season. also we got a little look at DI Manning, so that was good.
bad husbands getting respite from families, seems like the theme of the show. last season it was Sean, this season the dead guy & Andy
still, l liked how it all unfolded.

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The Bay: Season 1

why did Sean keep getting respite every single time, I just couldn't understand it. also, I didn't understand the mistake the DS makes at the start of the season, that was so very un-responsible-like. I do get why she'd have wanted to but still kinda felt a bad move.
all in all, 'twas a good season.

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Rake: Season 5

Don't think much thought or preparation went into making season 5. They probably thought Cleaver is all the plot we need & just threw him into the political arena. Now, I can't even recognise the old Cleaver.

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Top of the Lake: Season 2

I liked season 1 better than season 2 as we got to see her do some investigating and be in the centre of action most of the time. But this time around we see her off balance most of the time(yes I know she is struggling with some issues but she still doesn't stop shaking even in the last episode.). And she is always one step too late for the investigation. Always chasing him even after knowing who the real criminal is. So I'm a little frustrated with her but still a good season. Worth a watch!!

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