

Omicron Persei 8

The Shining

Completely enjoyed the acting of Jack

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The Prestige

It's a must watch for its non-linear narrative

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The story is simple and straightforward but the film isn't very much engaging to watch

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Batman Begins

Very much impressed with Nolan's making

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Though the story is complicated, Nolan's making makes it convincing. Th film is completely gripping with intense background musics. Nolan can make anything possible with his writing and directing. In a nutshell, Inception is exceptional

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Memento follows colour and black-white sequences. Colour sequence is a reverse order of things happened and black-white sequence refers to things happened before the colour sequence. It's a mind blowing screenplay. Credits goes not only to director Christopher Nolan but his brother Jonathan Nolan for his short story to inspire "Memento"

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It doesn't very much connect ro me. The characters doesn't even make impacts. It's a complete mess. The only good thing about this film is De Niro and his acting

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The Silence of the Lambs

Anthony Hopkins as Lecter captivated me throughout the film with his mannerism. The film is not as terrifying as i thought. I felt that this film lacked a better music to thrill

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Taxi Driver

It is utterly dramatic film to watch. Due to the evolution of music, i completely hate the background music in this film. I personally felt that this film is much more relatable to the recent Joker movie

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The Departed

It is completely intense and engaging film to watch. Background music elevates the scenes to a higher level. The story is well-written which enables the audience to love "The Departed"

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Gone Girl

Rosamund Pike as Amy holds the viewers with her meticulous acting. It is a disturbing and shocking film to watch. This film will frighten the audience about their future wives

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Fight Club

It puts the audience in a confused state until the twist revelation. A fine psychological thriller with a convincing end but personally, I don't like the voice-over in this film

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The Wolf of Wall Street

Leonardo DiCaprio's enthusiastic acting kept me engaging throughout the movie. Narration makes the story simple and straightforward. This movie doesn't very much connect to me, may be because i am not as luxurious as him

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