

Omicron Persei 8

The Fall of the House of Usher

This is the show that made me go back and try Mike's shows again. I wasn't really into it for the first episode, but from the second episode on I was definitely in. The second episode has one of the most messed up scenes I have ever seen in a show (in a good way). Gugino is fantastic in this. I also quite enjoyed Kohli's character as well.

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x10 Silence Lay Steadily

So when everyone was going on and on about this show I watched the first 3 episodes and was massively bored. I dropped it. That is just how I do it now. If a thing is not entertaining me, I move on. However, after a long time of probably a couple years, I watched it from where I left off (and just figured out what was happening as I went along) and the rest of it was great. I definitely recommend this show, but you have to force yourself to spend nearly 3 hours bored to tears. Enjoy lol.

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All the Light We Cannot See

This is a really well done show. The acting is excellent and what action it has is quite impactful. Definitely worth a watch.

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage

I don't watch a lot of movies anymore. I find they tend to be pretty much pure trash. Every once in a while I want something silly and lacking any real depth. This fit that need pretty well. It is entertaining and quite funny.

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Sweet Home: 2x04 Episode 4

It is at this episode that the show makes a weird left turn. All of the characters that matter are killed off or otherwise shunted aside and you are learning all new characters that are largely indistinguishable. I'm still watching the rest of the second season from this point on, but it is like watching a different show set in the same universe. If you watch it as though it were a different show in the same universe it is still quite good, if not still pretty hard to follow. I spend most of the show with my "WTF face" on. At this point I feel there is a pretty low chance I will actually bother to watch season 3.

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It was interesting to think about people aging like that. It was somewhat entertaining if not really stupid. Overall I thought it was pretty funny so not a loss. It did end in a somewhat unconventional way which I appreciated.

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The Haunting of Bly Manor

It's passable. Mostly just a tedious story of an abusive relationship. It's not terrible it's just not that interesting. Ghosts and silly people.

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The Matrix Resurrections

Wow. I wasn't expecting much to be honest but...this was bad. Really genuinely bad. The whole thing feels like it is fan fiction written by someone who was mad about how things went in the first movie and really loved the sequels. It's not even so bad it's good. It is just bad. Skip it.

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