

The City


Bumblebee was better than I expected. It has good moments, specially when they explore Bumblebee's naiveness towards the world (silly robot!). I also love when a movie is able to work well with its soundtrack, and they used the 80's setup to feature a some good music moments. It may feature some cliches throughout the story but it was enjoyable overall.

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It was better than I thought it would be. it begins slowly but still somehow introduces some important concepts too fast. Action sequences are not bad and there are a lot of fun moments. Tom Hardy is really great and the interaction with Venom is nice. Overall, it was entertaining but didn't get me as invested in the story as it could have.

And about the post-credits scene: Woody Harrelson is looking too much like Sideshow Bob. Best carnage ever!

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I didn't even know about this movie until 2 hours before the session. I saw it was showing on my local movie theather and went for it. Boy, am I happy with my decision! I really, really liked the route they took with this one, they not only managed to make the whole concept work but they sneaked a lot of satisfying "easter eggs". It is a serious movie with very serious message and a lot of connection with reality, but the way life with technology and internet is portrayed sometimes get you so off guard that you can't help but laugh. And, of course, the story is great with and a amazing third act.

Also, props to whoever translated that to portuguese. I was nervous it would ruin the movie when I saw that everything on the computer was translated, but it turns out they did an amazing job capturing the essence of the information and putting it in a way that would feel natural.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x12 The Real Deal

Aw, man, I'm so happy. 5 seasons, 100 episodes, and what a great journey took us here. It's great to see how much every character has grown, specially FitzSimmons who are finally married! It was just an all-around great way to celebrate all that shows represents for me and for all the fans, with throwbacks to all the seasons. Every season it looks harder and harder to get a renewal, but right now I can say that if the show doesn't get renewed, I'll be happy to just enjoy those 11 episodes we have ahead of us and then keep rewatching all the great stories we had so far. Long live SHIELD and the small but active fanbase!

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Black Panther

One of the greatest movies of this 10 years of Marvel Studios. It just feels so mature, it's a superhero movie with a problem we all can relate and a badass villain we actually can understand. The cast was brilliant, and I love the way they portrayed wakanda. It's beautiful, it's vibrant, it shows culture and tradition in a way I never saw marvel doing. And they nailed the soundtrack! I mean, Kendrick Lamar and all the artists did an amazing job and I was very pleased to see the music from the album being played throughout the movie (specially "Opps". What a track, what a scene!)

Also, Black Panther is a better Civil War movie than "Civil War". And the scene with the fight for the throne was SO TENSE. I was actually worried about T'Challa losing and Killmonger taking the throne. The plot was great and it got me more involved than any other marvel movie except, perhaps, for Winter Soldier.

Overall, I can't wait to see more from Wakanda and its characters.

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Thor: Ragnarok
Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Entertaining, great action scenes and on-point humor. Not as good as the first of course, mainly because Samuel L. Jackson did such a great job as villain and I didn`t commit as much to Poppy, and some scenes were so aburd even for a kingsman movie. All for all, it was worth the watch.

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Baby Driver
The Circle
Spider-Man: Homecoming

Amazing homecoming for spiderman!! There were many wins with this movie. Tom Holland plays a normal teenager, with normal problems and friends, and he is very good doing so. The support cast is amazing, with the vulture being, as said by other people, one of the best villains vulture has put out. The movie is vibrant, exciting and funny, and in many ways sets up a lot of exciting stuff for MCU, like pepper finally being back and the new avengers HQ.

Marvel keeps the streak of light-hearted movies, with tons of fun. Ned serves as a Luis in this movie, being the powerless sidekick and the comic relief. Robert Downey Jr. keeps it classy and Marisa Tomei does a pretty good job being the "cool-not-so-cool" aunt. I can't wait to see these guys back on the big screen.

Also, the second post-credits scene was fantastic!

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The Boss Baby

Shout by Nathann

I went to watch this with my younger brother, and I was expecting something totally trash. But it was very less cringeworthy then I expected. There was some cool references clearly meant for adults that I enjoyed and even though I never really felt weird when my brother was born, the message from the end made my eyes sweat a little bit. Hurray for younger brothers!

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It's an OK movie... For starters, the soundtrack is great and the storyline is interesting, with all its black-mirrorness. But I found it poorly executed in so many ways... The way they interact with the macbook, sometimes touching the screen, sometimes using the trackpad, it's just one of many weird interactions from the characters with technology. Also, I was watching on "Brazilian Netflix" and apparently they translated only half of the messages on-screen, in a way that sometimes we saw "watcher" and "player" both translated and original on the same scene.

TL;DR: Interesting concept, cool music, poor execution

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

It's AMAZING!! Totally worth the wait and the hype. The most important thing is that the movie is so much fun!! Feels like an adventure, has its deep moments and also some hilarious ones. The visuals are breathtaking, and they nailed once again on the soundtrack. The only thing I didn't quite like was the final showdown, but it doesn't ruin the experience.

I found the final battle between Starlord and Ego too cheesy. I loved that Ego ended up being the villain(even more because it wasn't spoiled to me), and that we finally understood Peter's lineage, but I'm glad Ego is gone and we won't see peter create rocks out of his "heart" again.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x18 No Regrets

Shout by Nathann

Great episode as always, we see the team slowly gathering once again for the final showdown against Evil Fitz. But I can't help but feel underwhelmed about the demise of Mace. He was such a great addition to the team, even though sometimes he sounded almost silly and naive. He died protecting a kid, sure, but it was a framework kid! He said earlier on the episode that what they did in there mattered, despite Jemma's claims that it was all fake. But, it feels like he died saving "a bunch of ones and zeroes".

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Could not have asked for more. It's the perfect Logan movie, it has closure for all the pain he've been through across all those years since X-Men 1. We see a sick, shaky Logan, still a fighter, still a loner, still caring for everyone even thought he does not let it out very often. Also great that we don't see nothing of Jean. I loved every scene of it, the brutality, the violence that always come with wolverine stories now in its full glory(or not). The fights between him and his "young self" were awesome and so simbolic. Patrick Stewart was also brilliant, and I totally agree with him now. It's over for both of them, this just ties it nicely. Felt so bad that Xavier ended up being the doom of all X-Men, I was hoping something more heroic, not a tragedy to explain why everybody was gone. And excited to see a "X-23" movie. Overall, amazing movie, couldn't have asked for more!

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3%: 1x01 Chapter 01: Cubes

I enjoyed this first episode. Feels good to see that the series finally got a proper home, and it's even great to see that Netflix kept some key moments from the pilot that was uploaded to youtube many years ago, like the Cube steal, the interviews and a lot of other little dialogues that were left intact, but on a bigger budget. The addition of a movement trying to take down the process gave a sense of "bigger plot" to the show, what was lacking on the original version, even though it sounded too cliché for a dystopia. Also, the acting is very hit or miss, but it's very promisingoverall

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Black Mirror: 3x02 Playtest
Black Mirror: 3x01 Nosedive

Amazing episode. It's totally something else in terms of a Black Mirror episode, the vibe is very different. But the soul of the show is there. You feel uncomfortable because everything is so forced, staged and, worse of all, so close to reality it hurts. Also, the ending was happy, or at least hopeful. ... You end with a feel of "good for her" despite the fact that she's now locked up, which is a feeling I hadn't experienced before in Black Mirror. Great poke on social media and all the fake lives we live to be accepted and rewarded with a "like". Great to see that this show is still genius. Playtest time!

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x15 Spacetime

That was an wonderful episode. Perfect shield. So loaded with tension and high stakes on their fight to save a man. But they still make room for little references and scenes that makes you want to laugh in the middle of all the tension. So so good!

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