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Omicron Persei 8


This show has a a lot of potential but the first season is super episodic. I enjoy the idea of the devil on earth. I don't care about the case of the week and the incredibly formulaic execution of that. Season 2 has a better character arc. it's an okay series but there are much better out there.

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Our Friend

This is a film based on a true story which was published in Esquire magazine. The article is quite powerful and the film unfortunately shies away from some of the indignities of bowel cancer into which the article delves. The friend is also more pathetic in the film than real life and I don't understand that choice. It's a good film if you're in the right mood for it - there's a depressing subdued tone throughout. I might one day watch it again.

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Crazy, Stupid, Love.

A smooth-talking player and a middle-aged man just separated from his wife form an unlikely friendship. Great cast. This one is worth a re-watch.

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Little House on the Prairie

This is a very hit or miss show which increasingly deviates from the books as the series goes on. Some episodes are excellent and some ridiculous or just boring. It's worth checking out of your a fan of the books though

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Mare of Easttown

Winslet is a homicide detective in suburban Philadelphia, obsessed with a case and haunted by her own past. This show is objectively good. The characters are real and well-developed and Winslet is good as always (even if her Philadelphia accent comes and goes).

But it's a hard watch, even harder than you think it's gonna be. One episode depicts full-on sexual abuse. And the whole thing is depressing from start to finish, with not enough comic relief to give the viewer a break. I was invested but also wanted to get out over with. I recommend but with trigger warnings and caution. This is not light viewing.

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Dating Amber

Worth watching once but once was probably enough. I liked Amber's character but found the chap too whiny to get attached. The scene-setting in rural 80s Ireland is the film's most successful element.

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Some fun and funny moments but something about it doesn't work despite the chemistry of the leads. I wouldn't recommend or rewatch.

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Miss You Already

A modern version of Beaches. Formulaic with some forced dialogue. Has some good qualities too though. Fun characters. Will absolutely make you cry and I might rewatch it for that reason alone.

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Sweet Home Alabama

Mediocre. Formulaic. Appalling Lost Cause nods. Would not watch again.

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8/10 Rating for this five part miniseries starring Ewan McGregor as the real life American fashion designer Roy Halston Frowick, who rose to popularity in the 60s as a milliner, moving into couture women's wear in 1968. McGregor is wonderful as the flamboyant and eccentric Halston. His performance is something totally new and fresh for him. He brings grace, tragedy, and comedy to the role.

Halston's journey pulled me in more every episode with some thoughtful character exploration. His story is also the tale of the 70s and 80s. He was besties with Liza Minelli (who is also played perfectly) and part of the VIP crowd that helped make Studio 54 a success.

I highly recommend to anyone who likes character driven work or stories of fashion and high society.

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The Pursuit of Love

A delight. Unlike some period pieces, this one is fast-paced with touches of modern humour, framing, and music. Highly recommend and would watch again.

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Hillbilly Elegy

Well-acted with some strong scenes and dialogue but ultimate I wasn't super invested in the characters due to the lack of a strong plot; this is true to the memoir which O enjoyed but didn't make for the best film. Could have been better. Would not recommend - it's Just okay - and would not watch again.

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Ginny & Georgia

This show could have been great but if key form by bring overly melodramatic with a major plot point being quite far-fetched. The dialogue and characters are well-written but I dislike the casting. The actress playing Georgia has charisma and comic talent but she's just too damn model-like to relate to. Meanwhile, the actress playing Ginny is too dull and unlikeable. Sometimes I got really into scenes or episodes and other times I thought about giving up. I'll probably try a couple episodes of season 2 but with some skepticism.

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Dash & Lily

Charming and very watchable light fare focused on a teenage romance via notes to each other before meeting. The first few episodes are especially good. The end of the season suits. I generally liked the Dash episodes more than the Lily ones as she is a bit too cutesy for my taste. I look forward to season two though unsure it could measure up as origin love stories are always the best.

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The Haunting of Hill House

This show is based on Shirley Jackson's gothic novel and in the hands of a creator who knows horror and psychological drama. I don't enjoy most horror content. But this show is focused on how the haunting in of a young family of seven has affected the character's lives and their relationships with each other. The actresses who play the mother and Theo put in particularly strong performances in an excellent ensemble cast. The show is well-shot and scored, meaning I was hypnotized rather than bored when things slowed down. I'd highly recommend and would watch again one day.

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Mystic River

Hard to watch film about the impact of childhood abuse. it's extremy good and with watching again though.

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American Graffiti

Highly stylised look at crusing culture in its centre Modesto, CA in 1961 where director George Lucas grew up. This film is the original Dazed and Confused. We follow a bunch of teenagers on a fairly plotless but fun night out. Some of them are spending their last night in town before going off to university. The music and visuals are great. Some of the dialogue is ace and the odd couple roadster and pre-teen B plot is fun. I'm not sure If watch again due to the lack of a plot but I enjoyed it once around.

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The Kissing Booth

I'm an adult but this is a totally watchable teen movie guilty pleasure. The lead actress in engaging and the piece is fast enough to keep me entertained despite the formulaic plot. I would recommend to teens or as a guilty pleasure to certain adults. In don't know if it's watch again but wouldn't mind if it was on either.

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I Care a Lot

I'd give 7.5 out of 10. Captivating main character well-portrayed and a good premise. it's nothing spectacular a solids watch. I wouldn't mind rewatching again one day but also feel no drive to rewatch.

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The Trial of the Chicago 7

An important film for Americans to watch, revealing much about the police and justice system. The dialogue is at times excellent. The film didn't blow me away but the truth behind the story makes it all fascinating. I would rewatch one day down the line.

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Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Sad, off-beat coming-of-age story about an awkward senior's friendship with a girl diagnosed with leukemia. It's heartfelt but not saccharin; more is left of basis than said in each scene. Good screenplay. The lead actor gets it just right too - immensely believable. The Earl character could be more developed though. I would definitely recommend and watch again one day.

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The Edge of Seventeen

This coming-of-age film could have been great - it's 80% of the way there and lands at just good, relying on some cliche moments and without enough time spent exploring relationships between characters. The middle lags and the end is too fast, but the acting and some of the dialogue is excellent. I enjoyed it once but wouldn't watch it again.

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Three Identical Strangers

Shout by nftygirl

This doc tells the story of three triplets separated at birth who accidentally find each other in their late teens. They do a whirlwind media tour showing off how much they have in common and eventually open a restaurant in NYC. Later, they discover that their separation was one of many. The adoption agency was a front for an experiment studying nature vs nuture. It is no coincidence that they each had an adopted sister of the same age and that the three families were each in a different tax band. The families recall visits and tests by psychiatrics throughout their early childhood. To this day, the records have not been released. The film also explorers mental health and the the separation anxiety twins and triplets may feel when separated in infancy.

Solid and emotional documentary that would be worth a rewatch in a few years.

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The Paperboy

This film had the potential to be great but the director's stylistic choices are a let down. There's a disjointed feel to the work which while evocative of the protagonist's experience, is also just jarring for the viewer. Long stretches are slow-paced and languishing but then interrupted by scenes in which too many things are happening at once and it feels overstimulating. I would not recommend or watch again but I'd be curious to read the book.

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The Spanish Princess

Rich visuals and a compelling take on history in Season 1. The pacing drags at times but altogether great for history afficionados.

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The Proposal

Okay for one viewing but would never watch again

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News of the World

I enjoyed watching and visiting life on the road in 1870 Texas. I wouldn't watch again though as the performance from the young female lead was flat and the relationship between the two characters was not explored as deeply as it could have been.

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Beautifully shot but for long stretches and even entire episodes, I was bored and took months to finish it. Ratched is TOO mysterious - we don't know her heart so we don't empathize and don't feel invested in her or other characters' goals. The last 2 episodes are pretty good but I wouldn't watch again.

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Mrs. America

Educational and has some really good moments. The episodic nature of the programme meant I never got really hooked. I don't think I'd watch again unless it was to brush in on my feminist history.

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A Time to Kill

Good for a watch, but wouldn't watch again. Highly predictable plot and over-simplification of race relations (with a dash of White Saviour complex).

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