

Omicron Persei 8

Queer Eye: 6x01 Showdown at The Broken Spoke

I actually really dislike this girl. I think she’s the least sympathetic of the people they’ve helped. Her absolute disinterest in being helped in any way annoyed me that she was chosen over all the people who applied to be helped by the Fab 5. I don’t have any confidence that she’s going to stay like this, she will likely be clack in her old clothes in no time.

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@mellon11 we got a follow-up with her a year after she initially received help and she had continued improving different areas of her life, idk what more you can expect. and besides reluctance to reveal her real hair, she was enthusiastic about all the help they provided

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x06 Udûn

The first 3/4s of this episode are so generic and full of plot holes that I felt compelled to write a review. Every time Galadriel appears I feel I'm watching Mulan... The music can be so generic and underwhelming sometimes... Random 12-hour charge from the ships to save a village they had no idea it existed and was attacked in the first place. Randomly the queen knows Isildur very well and somehow, she decides: "oh yeah kid, go and fight because you're itching for battle with 0 experience", and oooh so it happens he rushes and his dad is in peril!... wtf???!!! are you for real? Same bullshit fight with the elf and the huge orc while Bronwyn coming to save him was so predictable... This is the worst episode of all so far. I'm sure Disney would've done a better job. The good like always are the costumes and the makeup, great looking orcs. last part of the episode is good, and leaves us with a cliffhanger. I wonder if they'll finally deliver next week

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@avg14 I can't think of anything Galadriel shares in common with Mulan besides being women

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