

Secaucus, New Jersey


Want a good review? Nope.

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A complete snorefest and a disgrace to the V/H/S series. I only gave it one extra point for the coffin story, but even then, it's only for the first half. Otherwise, it's a disappointment through and through.

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The Institute

Story was average to a point and the CGI is straight from the 90s. Felt like they had a good idea, but it falls apart as it goes on. (Especially near the end with the mutated thing and the 7 foot tall guy.) I can't recommend this.

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While I like time travel movies as the next person, this is just average and it can get repetitive after a while.

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The Rental

Very unlikable characters that really make this mediocre thriller into a below average one. Not recommended.

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The Bye Bye Man

I had to watch it twice to see if I missed any redeeming qualities it had. In actuality, it made the entire movie worse. Do yourself a favor and don't see it, don't watch it, and don't acknowledge it exists.

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Donnie Darko

Not many movies could engage me as much as Donnie Darko did, but it has. I've watched this movie many times and I love watching it every time. It's definitely an experience I'll remember for the rest of my life, as it helped me open my eyes to a lot of things. Definitely recommended. Finally, don't watch the sequel, it's bloody awful.

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The amount of camera shaking and switching POVs in this should be criminal. A lot of the plot is just dumb as well. I felt absolutely nauseated watching it and I really don't recommend this to anyone, even if you do enjoy action/heist movies.

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Great comedy movie. Sony knocked it out of the park with this.

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Ridiculous overacting, unlikable characters, and a story that has no idea what it wants to do with itself. I can't recommend this, unless you watch it as some kind of comedy for its complete outlandishness.

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Extremely predictable movie with unlikable characters.

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The I Inside

Very confusing with many moments of overacting. The twists are interesting, but can become very predictive to those with an open mind. Generally average movie that's just silly and unbelievable.

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Overcomplicated story and all the characters are really unlikable. Not only that, the entire movie has some heavy (unnecessary) political undertones. Gutter trash.

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So much wasted potential with an absolutely stupid twist.

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Motion Detected

Bad movie detected. Television screen.

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One of the most mean-spirited movies I've ever seen. Horrible.

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Lady in the Water

Pretentious dumb trash of a "movie."

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Catfish Killer

Your standard boring Lifetime movie. Don't get catfished by this one.

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Sinister Switch

The actor list spoils the entire movie.

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Next Exit

Waste of time. A good movie for ruining any mood.

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Surprisingly funny. Would watch again.

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Everything wrong with current day cinema in one pathetic movie.

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What an absolute mess. To say Off Season has any semblance of writing is completely false. It makes absolutely no sense at all, even if you try to pay attention. It's just nonsensical from beginning to end. I would've gave this a 1, but it does have decent cinematography at points... Don't get me wrong, this movie is still a steaming pile of crap. Finding any positives for this is like finding a needle in a football field-sized haystack. Avoid, unless you enjoy awful "horror" movies.

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The Maid

Very, very obnoxious movie full of screaming, "jumpscares", and chaos. It was more funny than scary.

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Interesting premise ruined by lackluster performances. (Especially the villain) I can't really recommend this one.

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The Room

Highly recommended to watch with a group of friends. It's a complete riot to watch and it never gets old. The perfect "so bad it's good" film.

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Basket Case

A near-perfect example of cheesy horror done right. This is a gem.

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Cyber Bride

If you enjoy cheesy movies, this is one with lots of mold on top of it. It's downright awful with a vision that it just couldn't achieve at all. They also ran out of budget near the end and it really shows.

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A semi-interesting movie that turns into a generic jumpscare-fest afterwards.

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Hostage Radio

Shout by Zeru
BlockedParent2019-12-05T22:29:33Z— updated 2019-12-08T14:05:19Z

I don't like to say "I hate this movie" often, but Feedback somehow reaches that personal threshold of being a predictable and unlikable mess. The "villains" are extremely poorly written, while the plot boils down who can swear the most at the loudest tone along with ridiculous accusations that wouldn't sway a normal person. You're telling me these randoms from the outside, who have no proof of the main character "raping" some girl away, are able to force the main character to respond by what they really want him to say, but then proceed to be in disbelief when he actually says it? I'm sorry, but this is an example of poor writing.

Calling this movie a "horror" or "thriller" movie is wrong. You could probably confuse this with a snuff film and it would have the same impact. This is nothing but a pointless shock movie. I do not recommend this to anyone. Watch anything else.

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