

Omicron Persei 8

Berlin: 1x06 Night of the Lemons

Things are starting to drift off to side issue's now.... :see_no_evil: :flushed:

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@davezn tf are you saying

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The Walking Dead

I can't believe I've forced myself to watch all of it. Seasons up to 8 were good, but from 8 onwards it's meh. Season 7 was peak, I fucking love Negan. Season 9 and 10 are so boring. I agree with others, it gets repetitive a lot. At least they wrapped the series up alright. Not very important, but my favourites were everyone from the Grimes' family, Negan, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie and some others.

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@hash up to 8 were good? not even up to 5 was good

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Rick and Morty: Season 7

Season is going very very very good!

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@svetliomitev you, my friend are on copium

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Russian Doll: Season 2

Stalled on Season 2 but am told it will pick up.

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@ravensview it won't.. it's just a disappointing season

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Russian Doll: Season 2

People trying to understand the full meaning of everything are not getting the point of the show.

Season 2 was needed. Everybody somehow loves Marvel's movies and love it when there are sequels just about the same shit all over again, and just eat it up. 10/10. But if a show like this does it, it's basic? Unnecessary? I've seen more commitment and good writing in season 2 then most Marvel movies.

Natasha Lyonne killed it. What an ending.

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Everybody somehow loves Marvel's movies

uuhhh no? you are trying to make a point but failed so hard

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Survivor: 44x13 Absolute Banger Season

Heidi was giving me second-hand embarrassment almost every time she talked at the final tribal! Talking over Yam Yam, trying to pander to the jury instead of speaking on her game (since she didn't have much of one), and talking about how Tika was on a high the whole time while she had to struggle. Meanwhile Tika came to the merge with only 3 members, she was struggling because Tika picked the other 2 tribes apart one by one and they didn't realize until it was already too late. I'm very happy Yam Yam won! It was between him and Caroline but he played the more well-rounded strategic and social game. Fun season!

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@lazyassedninja yam yam had no impact on the game though. he acts like he did everything but couldnt manage to make others vote for survivors he wanted out

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Survivor: 44x13 Absolute Banger Season

Yam Yam’s big personality came across, to me, as “showy” and forced. I was not enamored by it like everyone else. And I don’t believe he was as strategic as everybody perceived him to be. He clearly wanted Carolyn out for a while, but failed at convincing anyone else. So I’m not thrilled with the winner. (Although it beats last season.)

I was really rooting for Carolyn, but happy she reached the end. We, as an audience, were lucky to have watched her play. Such a unique and genuine contestant.

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@tvwatcha3 yeah i wished he didnt win. He was the know it all, saying he knew exactly what everyone was thinking was just too much

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

I think it might be surprisingly difficult to pull of an episode like this. Great chemistry between the two of them. Also a big fan of leaving things, where possible, to the viewers imagination, it's often more powerful than a decent on screen explanation.

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@teunis_ hot garbage episode you meant?

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

“Left Behind”, an episode that is best left behind? Not quite, but it is undoubtedly the most disappointing one so far.

One of the major missteps was telegraphing the fate of one of the main characters, a decision that weakened the story’s impact and disconnected the viewer from the unfolding drama. Even the attempts to build suspense in the lead-up to the characters’ fates proved disappointing. Was the episode mere filler? Not exactly. It did offer a bit of depth to Ellie’s character, but it did so at the expense of the show’s near-flawless track record.

Unfortunately, neither Storm Reid nor Bella Ramsey possesses the necessary screen presence to truly captivate and hold the audience’s attention. The writing and direction both fall short of alleviating this fact, which further detracts from the overall quality of the episode.

The strength of the show has always been its ability to develop complex and engaging characters, and it’s disappointing to see it falter at such a crucial juncture, especially after delivering back-to-back brilliance.

Despite its missteps, “Left Behind” doesn’t necessarily spell doom for the show. With two episodes still left in the season, I remain hopeful that this misstep is just a minor hiccup in an otherwise stellar series.

01x07 - Left Behind: 6.9/10 (It Gets the Job Done, Slightly Flawed)

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@suitability essay andy be like

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

(814-word review) The fourth episode was the weakest one for me up to this point, and this one, more or less, tied it in that department. It felt like an intentional commercial break, just like the third episode, from progressing the story. That also reminds me of the second game, plagued and dominated by flashbacks upon flashbacks, seemingly incapable of writing and structuring a story differently; no surprise that Neil Druckmann wrote this episode.

And before you instinctively react to that, I know that Ellie's backstory with Riley isn't new; I know about the first game's DLC and what happened. So, I'm aware that this was "necessary," not just because it's part of the source material but also for the sake of adding to Ellie's character, especially for those watching this who haven't played or seen the DLC/games.

But there are only two episodes left; those are the ones a critic or two mentioned rushed. I wonder why; nothing to do with this one, no way. I get that this was a DLC and not in the original game; they'd have to find a way to incorporate it into the original game's story. There was more potential here regarding this backstory. That's what I mean.

For one, its unveiling could've been sooner, except apparently, professional writers with experience thought the seventh of nine episodes was the best choice. That was all for parallel's sake, presumably: losing someone in the past and now trying to save someone in the present. As if we don't know Ellie cares about Joel, in particular, because of the previous episode's ending. And another problem relating to already knowing that is the rushed progression and development to that place, making that "reality" we have no choice but to go along with seem fake/insincere.

But the third episode (decent, didn't need an entire episode) took priority, right behind the creation/establishment of Kathleen and her group: a waste of time. These decisions are odd. They're affecting the future, and not in a good way. You start to see it with each episode, the overall season, from the perspective of the complete picture.

Secondly, Storm Reid was miscast. I didn't buy her performance, much less her performance as Riley. It was not convincing whatsoever. Her acting was decent at times, at the very least. Beyond that, however, I wasn't feeling much chemistry between her and Bella Ramsey. It seemed like Ellie's all for that/swings that way, beyond a shadow of a doubt, which is a no-brainer; on the flip side, it seemed like Riley went along with it out of affection and care, not to the extent of Ellie. I doubt that was intentional, given the romantic correlation.

It would've been a nice change of direction if Ellie's gay but not Riley. The writing didn't seem to indicate that: the lack of chemistry between Storm and Bella did, and I doubt good ol' Neil would do something so controversial; in THAT direction, I mean, since, ironically, I bet most people wouldn't like that particular change: "No nuance allowed when it concerns something with which I don't agree, but everything else is fine."

At the same time, despite my view that their chemistry was lacking and that Storm was miscast, Ellie and Riley's story had some effect towards the end, which is appreciated, although, for the most part, everything leading up to it was so-so. Some of the dialogue was also so-so, maybe worse.

Also, the fight sequence had a questionable moment or two. Ellie jumps off the countertop and falls over, which most people will attribute to the nature of the situation. I attribute it to a cop-out; that was an addition for buying time, aka plot convenience. Then Riley gets barely tackled/knocked (out, apparently) down and is out cold: another instance of buying time, aka plot convenience. And lastly, Ellie laughs after the situation's over instead of immediately checking on Riley to see if she's okay.

On the plus side, some of the cinematography by Ksenia Sereda looked good, and some of Bella's acting was good; however, there's still more to be desired, especially concerning her overall performance as Ellie. And the music during the final scene and into the credits was Metal Gear Solid-esque, which was a pleasant surprise. Neil must be trying to channel his supposed inner Hideo Kojima. And in case you're, that doesn't balance things out.

So, I grant this episode my lowest rating for any episode: 6/10; even the fourth one, which I said this one's tied with, more or less, and the weakest one up to this point, I gave a 7/10. We got the Left Behind DLC and the origin of Ellie's bite, so people unfamiliar with the source material will likely like this episode; it may even be in the Top 3 for some people. Good for them.

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@legendaryfang56 essay andy be like

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

I've lost count of how many times i yelled for them to stop being so damn LOUD

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@tinnaribeiro u a trans dude?

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

The acting, directing, and production design of this show continue to be amazing. Unfortunately, at times, including for this entire episode, the writing falls back on tired zombie apocalypse tropes to drive its story forward. Flashbacks are all well and good; they help flesh out characters and can provide nice diversions from the main storyline. But Joel's predicament in Episode 6's cliffhanger needs no diversions, and there are no surprises offered in Episode 7. (Well, maybe except for Ellie's apparent queerness, which is a definite plus, though it doesn't do much to inform, flesh out, or provide insight into anything else that we've seen so far.) From the time that the show's trailer premiered we knew that the scenes in The Mall would be coming. And anyone who has ever watched more than one episode of The Walking Dead fully expected that the person Ellie shared those happy scenes with would be a close friend, and that they would die in a heartbreaking manner. What I didn't expect - especially after the triumph of storytelling that was Episode 3 - was that the writers would spend 50+ minutes telling this tale, and/or that there would be no surprise twist. It could have been done in 10. Fleshing out Ellie's pre-Joel story could have been spread out across multiple episodes. Instead, this week's installment felt like wasted time. Even worse than time, it wasted magnificent performances from Bella Ramsey and Storm Reid on an hour of TV that I kept wanting to fast forward through.

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@zax2000 > which is a definite plus
how so?

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

If they tell me it's an episode of TWD I believe it... Episode to spare

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@pato51 yeah was boring as fuck

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

Jeez, the snowflaky reactions of straight white men because not every single episode and narrative centres them - anything deviating from that priority is apparently "woke". Get over yourselves, you egomaniacal bigots.

Anyway, another great episode that nicely expanded Ellie's backstory - bonus points for the Mortal Kombat II appreciation, too :nerd:

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@2ls1t no need to project dude

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The Office: 9x23 Finale

This show in general was an 8 for me. but damn the finale was really good. I honestly didn't feel like I was extremely attached to these characters but I was wrong. this finale made me cry and laugh and I'm not even an emotional person. This was a GREAT finale for such a good show, and I'm glad they ended the show this way. I'm really happy about the ending, and thus show was really fun and funny to watch. Finished the finale and the show at 11:40PM.

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@awkashmi why would we need to know when you finished it ?

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The Office: 9x23 Finale

Thank God there was no Jan, but why no Holly either? Michael without Holly felt incomplete.

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Poker Face

Knowing that Rian Johnson - the man behind Knives Out and Glass Onion - is involved in this and looking at the cast makes me anticipate this sooo much

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@katrin-kaspersson too bad the show blows ass

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Poker Face: 1x07 The Future of the Sport

What is not to love?! This is an amazing show with so much going on under most people's noses, it would make that idiot ‘Q’ blush…or just embarrass her to death…

You must check it out! It gets better & better & so do the celebrity lineups

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@stu623 you my friend are high on copium

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Outer Banks

J’adore outerbanks, I based my life and ‘aesthetic’ around it for a good 2 summers and I look forward to doing the same again when the 3rd season is released :)

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@dogsarecool you based your life on this?????

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Shout by Alma Karlin
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-03-19T18:15:07Z— updated 2022-06-14T14:38:48Z

I love that this movie exist. It's very well done, and it's one of the few movies that doesn't curse the person getting the abortion.

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@AlmaKarlin which movie does that ?

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The Menu

It kept me glued to the screen, but with absolute disgust. I wanted to stop this restaurant-version of Alice in Borderlands. Seriously what a f'ed up story. Maybe I should rate this nightmare of a burger joint higher for the amazing acting performances, but... ugh. No. Just dont waste your time on this movie and just order a cheeseburger with fries.

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@RiGHT nice spoiler, too bad you are very easily disgusted

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Broad City: 1x01 What a Wonderful World

Does this show get better in later episodes/seasons?

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@patoo no it did not

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Poker Face: 1x03 The Stall

Shout by niquezvosu
BlockedParent2023-02-03T13:01:33Z— updated 2023-02-14T20:35:19Z

the same plot as the previous episode all over again, someone died and she was fortunately in the crime scene at the right moment, how convenient. seems like the series is headed in that repetitive unoriginal direction.

that’s too bad because the firsts part of the episodes aren’t that bad if you forget the terrible dog-bark.mp3 being spammed and the terrible after effects

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@New phone who dis yeah please don’t

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Wild Wild Country

The false equivalency this show attempts to establish is just staggering. "Sure, they murdered and poisoned some people, but look at these xenophobic people over here!"

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@passy tell me why did it start ?

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The Walking Dead

This is bad. A bad, slow, poor adaptation from the comics. And, hell, I watched it through 4 1/2 seasons... I mean, c'mon, 1st season is great! 2nd is ok. 3rd is meh. But 4th? 4th is "what the hell are the producers doing to this show?" horrible. And now they announce that the 6th (FU*&%ING 6TH!!!) season will have... ZOMBIES?? Isn't this SUPPOSED to be a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE SHOW? And they announce zombies as if it was a great turn of events in the show... Really? o.O

No, don't bother telling me what happened to the show after the first half of 4th season. I'm pretty sure I can sum that up in only three syllables: "bla bla bla"...

I give it 2 hearts. And that is because 1st and 2nd seasons really entertained me, despite what they did to some characters (like... what? 19 episodes to kill Shane? Seriously? Why? And why is Lori so annoying? Someone please kill her!! \o/ YESSS! Thank you Carl! That's my boy!! Now I can stop watching this crap! Oh no, wait! The Governor appears! YESS!! ............. Aaaaand, he's boring. -_-' ).

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@JoJo8911 no you are just on copium

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Wild Wild Country

Really interesting documentary.
Both sides of the conflict are well highlighted and the escalating problems and the size of the cult are almost unbelievable.
I kinda got the feeling if both sides were just better neighbors to each other this whole thing wouldn't have happened though.

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@roflmonkey if both sides the americans were just better neighbors to each other this whole thing wouldn't have happened though.

there, fixed your sentence for you

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Wild Wild Country: 1x03 Part 3

Not much sympathy for the town of Antelope

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@m00ps yeah i keep thinking the same thing, fuck em

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I really liked the first season but then it got too repetitive for me so i got lazy to go on, first season is like a 9/10 though

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@yumslwo yeah, netflix original, one season did good so lets milk it

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Poker Face: 1x04 Rest in Metal

Well this is where I am tapping out of this show. This episode was so bad I couldn't even finish it. I mean seems like in every episode Charlie ends up knowing someone who of course gets murdered and then Charlie, as any great detective would, solves the crime. Here's the catch, Charlie is not a detective. But she ends up solving every murder without any issues which wouldn't be a bad thing I guess, but the execution is so poor. This will be the last episode for me. Time to try and find another show to watch.

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@totimoshi same here, so bored of every episode where she's mysteriously on right place and at the right time of a murder. so unoriginal

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Poker Face: 1x01 Dead Man's Hand

Natasha Lyonne is fun but the premise is weak and the writing is lazy and derivative.

It was quite predictable throughout.

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@slimyboi yeah totally, you can guess where it's going pretty easily

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