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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

Reply by no:RE

It's more than just a Slice of Life anime. It's perfection.

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do you just like it cause it has cute looking anime girls? be honest

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Shōgun: 1x01 Anjin

The moment Anna Sawai came on screen...I did too

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oh goodness save us dear lord…

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Reply by no:RE

Reply by B2EMO

This looks like something how all historical stories should be told. The new documentary style. It's difficult to say if it will really be good, but the trailer is magnificently done!

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Agreed! I hope they keep it clean and in true historical context.

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it wont be historically accurate, please do not set that standard for movies, there are plenty of documentaries on historical events

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Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix

sad ripoff of suicide squad by ubisoft.

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it clearly took inspiration from a lot of ideas, not just suicide squad, why must you call it a ripoff?

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Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix: 1x01 Episode 1

Pass! Too much :rainbow: crap

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okay, im only writing this much for the comment pass approval, snowflake :snowflake:

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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: 1x05 Deux Amours

Thank you for having A Muslim in this episode. Alhamdulillah :palms_up_together_tone4:

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i like how he insta died xD

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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: 1x02 Alouette

Maybe it was my expectations, but this show is the opposite of everything I expected from this. Slow, not much action, not much dialogue and what there is I find boring and predictable.

I see from the comments it's liked, I must be in the minority. I will give it a shot though and hopefully I'm wrong by the end.

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wrong about what? just watch fast and furious or smth like that instead of TWD which focuses on the storyline more often than the horror/action aspect.

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Solar Opposites: 4x11 The Unwanted Personification of Terry

Reply by no:RE

I kind of got the vibe that this is the last season of the show.

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i hope it’s the last of it sadly…

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Solar Opposites: Season 4

Reply by no:RE

Fired the main voice actor and tries to go on,... Big fail.

Hire back the original voice actor or end this bullshit.

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@nephatiu the guy sexted a teenager, dude.

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then they should just end the show, its over

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The Walking Dead: 7x06 Swear

Reply by no:RE

Probably the worst or at least one of the worst episodes in the history of the show. I don't understand what the hell is happening.

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Your brain is 2 small

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The Walking Dead: 5x15 Try

Reply by no:RE

so rick's becoming Shane now

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Rick is nothing like Shane, Pete is an abusive POS, he deserves to die, im starting to believe Rick is a godly saint, he’s always been right in his decisions and actions, and the others keep doubting him.

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The Walking Dead: 4x14 The Grove

Reply by no:RE

this is a wonderfully depressing and dark episode

I really like how it approaches the idea of how kids would develop in a world like this

how some might be desensitized to the whole idea of zombies

it's also one of the defining Carol moments of the show

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Lizzie wasn’t simply desensitized to the walkers, she had some sort of mental disorder, as well as little to no emotions towards other human beings, she said she could hear the walkers speaking to her.

It’s very well within her own mind she didn’t see most humans as people, and she saw walkers as beautiful beings, speaking to her, wanting to play with her.

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