


ERASED: 1x12 Treasure

While ERASED finished on a positive note (especially with dat Airi ending!!), I can't help but feel that things were just a bit too predictable and cookie-cutter during the second half of the show. The first half of it was riveting and amazing, but the show really started to lose itself once Kayo's problem got resolved. Overall, it's a solid show and thriller, but it didn't really break any new ground especially with how everything progressed towards Yashiro being the way too obvious "ultimate villain". Also, it might have been a little rushed in the last few episodes and could have probably benefited from a 13th episode to add a little more filler and depth to the final sequences, Yashiro's motives/intentions, and the events post-time-skip.

I'll give the show a solid 7.5/10 or so. Not the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I was entertained. Plus, you can never go wrong with having too many loli characters ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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@deanzel I think the real power of the parts of the show where they were trying to save Kayo is the fact that she was facing death from both her own horrible circumstances (an abusive mother, no friends at school, no money, etc.) and the race against a serial killer. To increase the power and tension, there was the fact that he failed to save her the first time around.

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ERASED: 1x10 Joy

Shout by deanzel

Damn. While the teacher was super obvious as the killer, I was hoping that the creators were throwing us off on purpose with a blatant red herring. Other than that flaw, this was a fantastic episode with a "mini-showdown" between Satoru and sensei. With only two more episodes to go, it's f'n game time.

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@deanzel I see what you mean. They could've at least thrown in a few more adult male characters with somewhat more visible roles but that probably would have disturbed the flow of the story. Besides, the slow revealing of obvious clues helps build suspense and allows even the least perceptive viewers to feel a part of the story. I also wanted to know what drove him to murder these children. Pedophilia is an obvious motive (he's a teacher, the dream job of a pedo), but the show also seems to point to a potentially more complex motive. And that's what really draws me in -- to understand how and why.

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ERASED: 1x09 Closure

Shout by Jimmy

The teacher really creeps me out coz I’m like 70% sure he’s the murder, he’s the only adult male that’s important to the story, also he’s creepy, he’s really gotta stop telling him stuff when he shouldn’t be trusting anyone.

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@kieranlittleuk I pretty much suspected him from the beginning. But the candy stash in the car sealed the deal.

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Kaguya-sama: Love is War: 2x09 Yu Ishigami Closes His Eyes, Part 2 / Kaguya Wants to Touch / Kaguya Doesn't Say No

Reply by Noah

Great episode. I really needed that :grin:
A-1 Pictures is doing a very good job enhancing the original manga with their ideas, the soundtrack and overall production quality. From small things like sound effects to the more prominent touch-ups like the Peanuts-reference :wink::thumbsup:

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@slyazx That Peanuts reference was phenomenally well done

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Steins;Gate: 1x10 Chaos Theory Homeostasis III

Reply by Noah

90% of jokes and stupid tricks, 10℅ of the episode about story. I don't understand why, after ten episodes, this series has such high marks.

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@ezrapace I'd guess it's because people like jokes ;)

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Attack on Titan: 1x11 Idol: The Struggle for Trost (7)

Reply by Noah

Some monologues and dialogues are so frustrating in this show. I often wish that I could strangle the character (or the writer) and make them shut up. Example in this episode: The "motivational" speech Eren receives at the end.

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@silrog And don't forget Eren's response to the speech: "Right!"

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