
That was pretty bad.

From the scenario that probably took two minutes to write, to the shitty blurry fx, and the constant inconsistencies.

The story is so basic and predictable it hurts, and basically nothing happens.
1) He finds a cure
2) It turns him into a superhuman monster
3) His friend take the cure anyway and becomes a killer
4) He chases him
There's basically no side plot or anything else happening. The cops part are 100% useless. The romance is almost inexistent, but still turned into an important plot point.

Most of the action is just blurs. Blurs because they're moving fast (with shitty effects, see below), and falling a lot, and if it wasn't enough let's add a batnado so that it's really really unwatchable.
The echolocation effects are just as bad and useless.

The other bullshit:
:arrow_forward: Of course the science part, but that is expected
:arrow_forward: When he measures his need for blood, it's 6h and he basically reverts and suffers almost immediately, and duration is going down. However later in the hospital, it's 6h and nothing happens. Later in prison it's very probably a lot more than that. Honestly we don't care, but then why the constant repeated shots of his watch ringing 6h ?
:arrow_forward: Nicholas has time and ability to call him but let himself die without calling an ambulance
:arrow_forward: It's all about "they will die young", since they are children. But then we're 25 years later and it's the same.
:arrow_forward: The bats are supposed to be secret, but as soon as she finds them, they are always exposed
:arrow_forward: The bats "would kill anyone but accept him" because he's like them, well they didn't kill him the first time, when he was still human
:arrow_forward: We never hear again of the little girl, what was the point ?
:arrow_forward: Why are they smoky when they move ? They just move fast because they're strong, they're not magically changing themselves into smoke. This is stupid, very annoying and unwatchable.
:arrow_forward: Why can't Milo do the same thing he does ?

Ending is very anticlimatic, with no post resolution, it just ends.

Then come the post credits. And I was like "wtf, this looks like DC". In the sense that it was trying to very hastily trying link / create a hype / build a universe believing that hastily adding a glimpse of information or characters plus a post credit scene would be enough to build the MCU. The I realized this is not Marvel, this is Sony trying to build a Spiderverse, and boy are they as shitty as DC to do that.

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@fly_ Yeah you pretty much nailed all the weak points of the film on the head. I was thinking it might be defensible as an action flick that allows more subpar plotlines, but then I realized all the action was just blurred out anyways

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Princess Mononoke

Reply by Noah

Like an acquaintance's b-day party, I enjoyed this one without feeling overly passionate about it.

In fact, I really wish this movie had been 'Princess Mononoke' and not what it was, because it would've been fascinating to watch a movie based on an enigmatic young woman who leaves her people to live with Gods and spirits in nature.

The film should have instead been called "Prince Ashitaka", because he's the true focus of this fantasy anime. The well-written story follows his hero's journey from his lost natal village to the magical forest where he fights both natural and supernatural monsters.

The animation is fantastic, the editing is on point and the arc of the film is satisfying, I just didn't find myself mentally cheering for the good guys to win and praying for the bad guys to lose.

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@saint-pauly I'd go as far to argue that part of the point in the movie is that you cannot cheer for the good guys to win and the bad guys to lose. No one was truly evil but the conflict and hatred was inevitable anyways.

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Oliver & Company

Reply by Noah

Tito is the best. Why should I worry is a pretty good song. The story is fine and it has a short run time so that is nice. I had a good time.

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@nmahoney416 Why Should I Worry? is a great Billy Joel song that so few people know about.

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