


Clannad: Season 2

This season is so beautiful and emotional, sad and happy, dark and bright. A good romance Anime can replicate similar feelings to the first season of Clannad. A boy and a girl meet, they slowly fall in love, and by the last episode, they admit their feelings. The second season of Clannad is what all the fans always ask for: The "after story."

And I can't imagine a better after story than this one. I openly admit I cried in far more episodes than any other Anime. Both out of sadness and happiness. Because that's what makes this Anime so amazing. It is full of ups and downs and has themes of growing up, life, the changing world, and more.

Just beautiful. 10/10

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Fairy Tail: Season 8

A fitting end to the series with every major arc come to a close. Could it have been better? Yes, almost definitely. But it still lived up to the standards that Fairy Tail has always gone with.

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Fairy Tail: Season 7

I actually found this season fairly interesting as an origin story for the fairy tail guild. There was of course the usual fairy tail "friendship always wins" theme, but they were some more interesting themes that fairy tail really hasn't explored before.

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Black Butler: Season 1

The dialogue of this show is absolutely hilarious and the plot really hasn't been all that bad either. The way that things worked out have been pretty amusing. As far as I see it, this has been "merely one hell of a season."

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Clannad: Season 1

Definitely a good series, that much I can tell after the first season. For slice of life fans who also enjoy a little crazy drama, romance, and heartbreaking scenes that will leave you sobbing.

All jokes aside, the start felt kind of strange/slow to me. Granted, that was partially because I have seen "Sixth Sense" and I spent the first episode thinking Nagisa was the ghost of a girl who died that the students were gossiping about. Looks like I jumped the gun on that one, but she was being described as "invisible" and everyone ignored her. I was swearing she was the ghost up until the point Tomoya met her parents.

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