Yellowstone: 4x05 Under a Blanket of Red

What a dumb episode. First if you are going to bring in animal activists into a show about animal exploitation and murder at least be honest and don't misrepresent them by showing them doing things they don't do in real life like throwing rocks (being violent) and then either flat out lie about crop deaths or Google "Dumbest things to say to animal activist" and think "Oh, that looks like a good one!" and have John Dutton say it as though he knows what he is talking about LOL Bringing in animal activists, who would win any debate with Mr Dutton, whether it was about ethics, their crop deaths tho' bs speech, health, environment or climate change was dumb enough and only asking for trouble with a show like this unless they simply planned on lying from the get go.
And then to top it off the mixed messages moving forward.... Mr Dutton bails out Summer and tells her how he respects what she is doing. Invites her to his ranch (without a camera or other activists to record it??), Admits that the world is going to shit and it's because of humans (like him). I can't wait to see where they go with this, let me guess.... John shows Summer how spectacular they treat the cows because they are free range (leaves out how they impregnate the cows, where all the calves are, where the males are and what happens to them when they get shipped off to the slaughter house at 18-24 months old) and she immediately says how wrong she was and falls in love with him??.... uh right. LOL Please tell me this is not where this is going! :D

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@VeganAF Go back to twitter, please.

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