Victoria BC

The Usual Suspects

As brilliant as the acting was, the ending is hardly convincing.

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The dumbest dumb movie ever made and you are gonna feel pretty bad you actually quite enjoined it.

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The Nice Guys

The movie, well, was pretty old school and cheesy at certain points (especially those with the girl), but I found that those are actually stuff that i missed from Black Comedies of the used to be, 10,20 years back. The Nice Guys reminded me a lot of The Big Lebowski. If you liked that one you are for sure gonna love this one too. Seeing Kim Basinger and Russell Crowe reminds me of the twist and turns in L.A confidential too, That was Russell Crowe back in his not-so-pregnant body.

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The Big Lebowski

The story unfolded with minimal level of the incredible wit in coen brother's works. Not saying it's a bad movie, it's just not as great as people have talked about it. Oh, But that Trippin' sequence? best of it's time absolutely.

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There were so many little ingenious things in this movie that you were supposed to be yelling touché, But you found that even you try so hard to love them, say the Vietnamese Female main, you just don't have that kind of heart.

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In one word : Gem-like.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

No one would say it's not fun (double negative as intended), cause hell yea it was a freakin good time! Great editing with CGI perfection to say the least, some of the jokes were kinda awkward but most of them were mighty good laughs. Now the unfortunate thing is this: it's still just a teeny movie. this movie sure as hell have the potential to bring so much depth and so much more, and also promote this culture to different generations of people as well. As a gamer / geeky person, and not a very long time ago a gamer / geeky teen, it's just sad to say I'm pretty sure WE are the only people to be able to get hype with this movie.

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The Thirteenth Floor

The ending is pretty unethical if you think about it, it's all part of the girls crazy cheating plan! the mechanism of uploading to upper world is quite unclear too. Although the plot do get ready thin at some point, the beginning of the movie was so good, i was very doubtful about it's rotten tomato score. Now i know why.

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Patriot Games

Harrison Ford helped set different tone on his version of Jack Ryan, by drawing focus to his regards and consequences his own actions brought in this movie. It's still pretty textboook, but a Tom Clancy written textbook is the kind that most will find themselves satisfied with.

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The Number 23

It's better you don't think about it after watching it, then it's ok. If you just can't stop yourself from doing that, well you will find the whole plot really silly. Jim Carrey silly.

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BlockedParent2020-01-26T11:25:37Z— updated 2020-02-10T06:23:41Z

It's a kid movie, that even your kids will find a waste of their time. For adults like me, I found it to be unexpectedly terrible, even when I hardly expect anything but a little joy ride after dinner.
Despite all the headaches the animal gibberish gave me, What I absolutely cannot stand, is the poor and poor editing, and Robert Downey Jr's Ridiculous accent. I recommend Golden Compass back from 2008 if you think your kids likes this kind of movies. They also have talking polar bears. Better ones.

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Ford v Ferrari

They should have named it Ford Racers v Ford Executives.
Expected performance in an expectedly okay biopic, nothing too surprising, but that's something we need at times. Times like these when everyone else seems to make biopic way too fancy and jumped over the moon.

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What an adventure. If typical movies are buses, and scenes within are different bus stops, 1917 is a supersonic fighter jet taking you around the world, all in (seemingly) one tank of fuel. The movie can be a bit too slow at first, but as the final act draws near it will start to pickup pace. once you get to the scene in the ruins you will know that its the right call to go Imax.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

First half of the movie was pretty forgettable, as you can see J.J. Abrams pulling his hair out trying to fix all the fk ups in episode 8. Sometimes he succeed sometimes he didn't, but what's good about this effort is that it managed to set the table for the later half, where the main course is finally served. Fans be prepared for some nostalgic moments and some boxes left looong unchecked finally getting their ticks. I can't really tell you how satisfying it was for fans like me to see those nerdy stuff, but boy for me it definitely evened out some shortcomings of this movie. wouldn't say Rise of the Skywalker was a great movie, even less a starwars movie, but putting it down in the saga right next to it the catastrophic episode 8, it's a reliever the starwars I love didn't end up in flames.

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The Aeronauts

The movie is short, but well constructed with just enough rush to keep your blood pumped and just enough flashbacks to get you involved. some of the camera choices drew inspiration from similar adventure movies (most notably, and obviously, Gravity), but that choice rightly made this movie a visual spectacular equivalent to any others. I was slightly disappointed, tho, by the over dramatized relationship of the 2 main characters. Well what do i mean by that? So, 1. they were clearly going for the "bad company turned lovers" kind of plot, and the viewers probably expected this, but that didn't deliver too well, since thats just not how it happened in the actual event; and 2. The chemistry that worked so well back in "Theory of Everything" is just barely seen working in Aeronauts : they were both on the balloon, but they were not really cooperating and were solving their own problems most of the time. So to sum it up, the movie is great in a couple of ways, but the acting from the leads? I'm sure it could have been better.

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Knives Out

Witty fun! Nothing to add!

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How satisfying is it, to see the good guy getting bettered in every way by the mastermind, just to have the table turned around in the last 3 minute?

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Sucker Punch

I dont care what you call me, a sadist or fetish whatever, but i actually really liked it. it is a movie with the concept of a music video, and it's exceptional in many ways, other than just it's dazzling visuals, but it's not easy to see through the deceiving fancy pulp wrappings, and the director did so on purpose no doubt.

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I can quite easily see where this movie is going, and i could have just imagined the whole second half of the movie like Ray did, and still get it 90% right. The suspense was pretty good actually, intense at times too, but the movie suffers from a very linear story telling, and we have been reminded too many times in the movie, that the narrative maybe false. As a viewer in for suspense i found them ruining the suspicious setting and the mood.

Actually the movie was pretty enjoyable, but with this script it could have been 10 times more enjoyable if they had some of the scenes rearranged (say, put the waiting room scene at the start), and keep the ending "Less explicit" for the hungry guessers (me included! i felt betrayed when they have the truth revealed in that fashion). Yes, i know that it might become entirely like Shutter Island and the director maybe avoiding it intensionally, but there's a certain recipes for this kind of twists and the movie is not fresh enough to do things completely different.

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Patema Inverted

The movie is like a bold attempt on the inverted gravity concept, and to be honest, it wasn't half as epic as i have imagined it to be but thanks to the smaller scale of the world Patema inverted took place, in terms of execution it's a more sense making and relatable story. The movie ends with some of the questions and logics unanswered, but the emotional aspects and stunning sceneries are enough to take viewers' focus off the rougher parts of the film.
I would recommend the film, but it's not a must see. if you want a more satisfying experience with the concept you saw in Upside Down, or if you have watched a lot of anime love story and still wants more, I'm sure it will be right for you.

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Watched it again after 10 years so i can catch part two later this month. Still the same movie i remember - that cheesy Robin Williams kinda family movie with the zombie spin, tho this time around I've seen a whole lot more movies to realize how weakly the characters are bonded together. and with all the rumbo jumbo big zombie moments packed in the last act, 86mins wasn't that hard to pass.
And MY GOD was Bill Murray a marvel! From a gesture to a smile he's just irresistibly funny from head to toe and backwards. 5 minutes in a movie and he had the whole show completely stolen.

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Gemini Man


Problem with Chinese funded movies:
Everyone knows Ang Lee can't do action movies. His wonders just doesn't work on these materials, it's like asking Clint Eastwood to do a musical. It's just not working.

But the Chinese don't give a damn. They just want someone Chinese to take the helm, even if it means to crash the whole thing into a fat wall.

The plot itself felt quite fresh actually, given it was written 20 years ago it's hard to say who's ripping who off. But I was expecting them to give me an acceptable solution to the dilemma of whether Junior should execute his ill-visioned adopted father, but the final result had me cringing, and as i walked out the theatre I saw a father trying to explain the last act to his son. I pray the kid got it right.

And one thing worth noting though, is the action choreography by martial artist Jeremy Marinas and some other guys. the team surely got a style and i absolutely love it.

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The Curse of the Jade Scorpion

Some old fashioned comedy always cheers me up.

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BlockedParent2019-10-03T14:10:39Z— updated 2019-10-11T14:42:26Z

For DC fans, it's a new movie featuring the 5th Joker on silver screen, for cinephiles it's 《Taxi Driver 2019》. They even have Robert deNiro to make it obvious for those who don't know for sure. Either way it's a way better Joker experience than Suicide Squad, a more creative, more lunny Joker back story that goes along with the now-standard, masterful Dark Knight trilogy. Who would have guessed an in-depth exploring to our favorite DC villain would be so rewarding? Oh wait, we all did. And we left the house with exactly what we hoped for, un-disappointed. I want to see this again and write a proper review, so much it makes me antsy.

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The Last Castle

I'm sure the plot was fine. At points clever, And it was fun.....ny. Whenever movies are involved with hardcore patriotism it gets kinda hilarious. no offense, it's just how it is.

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The Mule

"It's really flat", thats what i thought when the credits started rolling. but then i thought, "hey you just watched a 90 year old cowboy, singing folks songs and driving cross states for 2 hours, didn't even yawn." Fair point inner voice!
Fun fact: for a 2018 crime movie, only one ACTUAL gun shot was fired, and only 2 gangsters was seen killed on screen the whole damn movie. Thats some achievement too. good job Tata.

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This time around I pretty much scanned the movie. Found a handful of plot holes, mostly related to how subconsciousness works (i try not to watch those "Inception Explained" youtube vids). BUT, that being said, they are super well concealed within the plot, it gives you the feeling that "hey i will believe just that to let this amazing story flow".
look for me if you need someone to debate with about this movie. always welcome.

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Sky High

whats more guilty pleasure than cliché underdog turn into super hero?

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