Omicron Persei 8

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

This movie will forever be one of my favorites! The acting in this film between all major four actors is exactly what every actor should strive for! The storyline was very planned-out as it was smoothed transition to all scenes. Kept me glued to the film, I was rooting for everyone in their own way. Had a bit of a Twilight Zone feel to it with a very relatable environment of long-term couples arguing.

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Crooked House

I had higher expectations for this film, maybe that was my first mistake. The movie building up to the end was very spotty, not really making me feel any sympathy or connection to any of the characters. I was very "ehh" up until the very end of the film. Glenn Close (Lady Edith) definitely made this movie worthwhile. I feel she was the only actor who actually poured themselves into the role. The others seemed to be lost in La La Land somewhere mentally.

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Annabelle: Creation

Definitely my favorite of the Annabelle films! Only second best to The Conjuring (which connected to the doll, not the whole story). Very suspenseful, would watch it again. The acting was great, I love seeing how films are bringing child stars out more in thriller/horror films.

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Rebel Without a Cause

Despite this movie being the obvious classic as it is, I must admit the beginning of the movie was the high point of this film, as it started to stray away from the plot towards the end. I still love this movie, seeing it as the 50's film which was it's first to bring light on "teenage rebellion" rather than the "Goody-good" films about romance and love that was common in those days. Watching the film in that mindset made me appreciate this movie in a much better way.

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American Made

I was a bit hesitant to watch this film due to the obvious physical distinctions between the real man this movie was based on, and Tom Cruise. The acting in this movie proved that you don't have to look like the person you are representing (although that would have been great). Very entertaining movie, never a boring scene and quite interesting for anyone who loves films about the drug war and the government operations that go alongside with the drug trade.

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The Disaster Artist

I loved this movie! Great tribute to The Room, it brought a lighter theme to a much judged movie. This movie is one where anyone can feel a deep connection to the story; to have a great dream and attempt to pursue it, despite society's opinion. Made me laugh a lot more than I thought it would. My favorite part would have to be the amazing acting between the Franco brother's. I completely forgot that they were brothers, their acting was just that amazing.

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I might be one of the few who never truly felt Spotlight to be more than just a typical movie. Predictable, and no strong character-relationship cast. Very common, something to play in the background when I am doing other things. Don't get me wrong, the message of this movie is very strong but I felt they knew the story was so strong that it didn't need characters who had you truly rooting for them. I felt no connection to the characters, although I could sympathize with them. That's why I feel this movie is alright, noting special.

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The Handmaiden

I'm so glad I came across this movie, it's one of my all time favorites now! I watched it with my roommate, who isn't much of a fan of foreign movies due to the captions she would have to follow. This movie literally converted her to watch more foreign films. It's filled with dark secrets, even darker characters and keep you on the edge of your seat.

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I'm a huge Hitchcock fan and other than Vertigo and Psycho, Rebecca has to be one of my top favorite movies by him. It has everything Alfred Hitchcock's particular style has, the thrills, great casts, mystery that makes the audience keep changing their viewpoint on who is truly the "bad" guy in the movie. If you love classics and especially Hitchcock, this is a film you must see.

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Everybody Wants Some!!

This movie is definitely not for everyone, especially for the people who wanted to compare it to Dazed and Confused. The beginning is a bit slow with some odd (but not bad) acting, but I promise if you push through for the first fifteen minutes, the rest of the movie is awesome! I loved that they didn't have any "A list" actors playing (or not that I could recognize) which made the movie have a more Indie feel for it. I do have to admit, I'm one of my only friends who loved this movie. But then again they wouldn't pass the first ten minutes. So I guess this is just one of those movies, either you love it or you hate it. I definitely loved it!

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The directing of this movie was remarkable. The angles of the scenes, along with the soundtrack played beautifully with the context of the film. It's definitely a movie where you have to be in a certain mood to pay attention to all the small details surrounding the character's but its well played out and has a very rewarding ending. This is a movie about a dysfunctional family who has that one person in their life who has been fighting with mental illness (I assume) therefore it's great to watch if you know anyone or if you yourself have been placed in a awkward family position due to the "odd one out".

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I loved the story line and plot! This movie made me want to read the books as I'm sure the cheesy acting and "Twilight" sense was obvious throughout the whole film. Daniel's weird, long, stalker-like glares were a little weird to say the least I can see this being a favorite for young teens as it meets all the criteria. But as an adult, you should just be prepared for this type of teenage film and you won't be that disappointing. The ending was probably one of the worst I have ever seen, ending very abruptly without much explanation. I had to look up what happened to the character's in the book because the film did a very poor job at explaining.

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I was intrigued by this film with the usage of our natural human fears. The story line was great, good for the typical horror films. The acting was decent, the only thing I can say negatively about this film is the ending. They could have done a better job stretching out the play time during the ending. Pretty decent horror film throughout.

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Batman: The Killing Joke

In the first half of the film I was very surprised to see the bad reviews on this film. But by the end of the film I could see why. I can't say much without spoiling anything, but the unnecessary playtime, highlighting characters that you don't really need to know about or if you did didn't connect with the whole Joker story. Regardless, I rated this film an 8, because of the very talented animation and (with the help of a R rated) helped the "adult" version of a Batman vs. Joker work out. I loved this film in the end, finally seeing the dark history of the Joker and how he became "crazy".

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The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

At first I was a bit skeptic due to some very early, cheesy acting/lines. But I was surprisingly on the edge of my seat the whole time. I felt as a thriller it went above and beyond in the story line to keep audiences constantly guessing what the main characters will do next. I'm very glad I watched this film, I even got my sister who hates movies like this to be glued to the television!

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