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Starship Troopers

It was "meh" when I saw it in the theaters in 1997, and it's "meh-meme" now. That's all this movie is good for. Memes. "I'm doing my part!"

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Hulu, you had me at "Megan Fox plays a battle-hardened mercenary".
Not since Tara Reid was cast as a nuclear physicist in "Alone In the Dark" was such a paradoxical role been given to an attractive, petite woman.

This movie is CONFUSED.

So what is this movie's point? Bringing light to the problems of: Sex trafficking? Lion farming? Children soldiers? Islamic extremism? Undermining women in combat? Questioning women in command? Backstreet Boys' biggest hit?
This film gets preachy about all of these things. In the middle of a firefight, with civilians hiding in sheds, a murderess lioness prowling around, surrounded by radicals, without any ammunition, Fox's character gives a former child soldier the time to take revenge on the man who killed his family -- slowly, graphically, and with lots of time for exposition.

Is the movie Anaconda? Predator? Lake Placid? Deep Blue Sea?

Who cares. Megan Fox needs to find a movie like Basic Instinct to resurrect her career. A femme fatale using sex as a weapon? I buy her doing that hands down. Battle-hardened mercenary? Not so much. She doesn't pull it off, but luckily she doesn't drag it down either.

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Bob Roberts

"Bob Roberts is yet another of that faction that lives to destroy whatever good came out of the 60s, to rewrite the history of that important period. A period where the American people actually were informed and aware, and realized that they had a voice. They demanded that a war end. Bob Roberts is Nixon, only he's shrewder, more complicated, this Bob Roberts. Now here is a man who has adopted the persona and mindset of a free-thinking rebel and turned it on itself. The Rebel Conservative! That is deviant brilliance. What a Machiavellian poser." - The interviewer of Bob Roberts in an early scene... VERY TIMELY.

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