

Puebla City, Puebla

Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x06 Part VI

What is the point in these ships even having weapons systems? The star destroyer couldn't even shoot a super basic defenceless ship out of the sky! It has been utterly infuriating watching the action sequences in this show.

"I will do what I must" made me cringe. It was like bad fan fiction. The fight wasn't great, though it was definitely better than the fight back in episode 3 of the show.

Reva might just be the most pathetic force user of all time. How the hell did a couple of random farmers hold their own against her? Again, the action in this show has been consistently dreadful - just straight-up bad decisions by the writing team, and laughably poor choreography. Also, she literally just took a lightsaber to the gut hours ago and was left for dead, yet now she suddenly appears absolutely fine walking around on Tattoine? WHAT IS THIS SHOW?

Glad we got the Qui-Gon cameo at the end though.

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@ragreynolds Hahaha previous episode when they breached the gate at the cave they were fighting almost face to face and they were missing to bad. There was some guys fighting hand to hand and nobody seemed to have shot them. That was hilarious.

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WandaVision: 1x02 Don't Touch That Dial

This NEEDS to get better. Again its non stop cheese and no explanation to why this is set in the 50s and how Vision is alive. There should have been a much better intro episode

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@mavrik316 That's exactly why a TV show needs a beginning and we are actually there, at the beginning. In this case we still need to figure out what's going on, which we slowly will learn.

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Ted Lasso: 2x05 Rainbow

Kudos for Roy, he's clearly the MVP of this season, but I have no idea what are they doing with Nate. First three episodes he's acting like a jerk, now he's bashed for a totally unrelated thing and I'm supposed to empathyze with him. It works only because it's like an arc continuation from the first season, but I have no clue what did they do to him in the first three eps, and just when I think we are past that, moreover, it's like it never even happened, there's a look on his face at the very end, the look of being benched again and his newfound self-confidence disappearing in a second, and God, I just hope he and Roy won't go face to face. Please God, no. It's already a big enough pain that Ted might not go to therapy to the Doctor until the end of the season.

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@edrick Same here. I'm totally lost at what is happening with Nate.

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Ahsoka: 1x01 Part One: Master and Apprentice

Did this show required home work (watching the animated shows) before watching? I found the first episode uninteresting and boring with bland characters.

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@eriohm Yep I had to search for a few names to understand a bit of a few things cause I didn't watch Rebels after the 2nd episode.

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The Good Doctor: 6x12 365 Degrees

I wish Christians would keep what they do or don't do in the bedroom... in the bedroom. I don't need to hear about their life choices. I certainly don't want them influencing and indoctrinating young children with their lifestyles.

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@darksilver I'm watching this episode just now and I'm like wtf is her problem and then it clicked. What you said 100%.

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Ted Lasso: 2x04 Carol of the Bells

That breath scene was something else…

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@rewindit I rewinded it so many times, it was hilarious.

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The Good Doctor: 6x22 Love's Labor

Reply by paco

Yay! A 7th season is coming. The hats are adorable.

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@thenightwolf I don't think I want to continue a 7th season lol

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x09 Jibaro

Reply by paco

NGL so parts of this I thought was filmed with a real camera. There is still some uncanny valley there, but this was very very good.

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@thebreezus Pretty sure it was real time body motion capture.

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The Rookie: 4x01 Life and Death

Reply by paco

Honestly, didn't even remember that West got taken as well in the cliffhanger, just Lopez... but was it said somewhere that his body was found? I mean, we just see them load the body into the trunk of that car, but not that the car was left in the parking lot. I guess the actor wanted to leave the show, so that's why we don't get any teary-eyed scenes where he dies in somebody's arms or so.

The rescue... okay, ordinary police invades Guatemala... let's just be happy that they aren't caught. At least la fiera is dead, but that crazy underling isn't, so at some point that leaves room for some kind of follow-up. Especially since we know that the police in Guatemala is in la fiera's pocket. So who knows who long she's going to stay in prison? And Wesley... I see much corruption etc in the future, dancing with the devil here. But I'd really like some light-hearted episodes. And please spare me Lucy/Tim!!

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@nicky2910 yes, he wanted out.

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Lucifer: 5x10 Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam

Reply by paco

All I'm seeing is hate about this episode and I dont know why it was hilariously Amazing.. plus it's been known for literally months that there is a musical episode so why not skip the episode if you know you wont like it?? it even says in the episode name Karaoke :joy::joy:

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@devilsb4stard So now I have to know for months before watching that there was a musical episode? Pfff...

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Riverdale: 4x01 Chapter Fifty-Eight: In Memoriam

Reply by paco

After how repetitive and nonsense the show became I said I was stopping watching it. I gave this episode a try just to see hot it was going to be after the last season ending.

What a surprise season premiere episode!

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@hildebread I know it's still crap. I only wanted to see how it was the first one. As I said it was a surprise due to what happened to that guy but yeah I think I'm going to watch second to get a proper feel of this season and drop it for good.

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