

Strickland Propane

Bad Sisters: Season 1

I absolutely love Irish actors getting featured on bigger platforms, so I was in on this before I knew it was a dark as hell comedy. I enjoyed it, but felt frequently let down at key points. it's a satisfying whodunnit from the start, but peters out after 3/4 episodes. the episode structure focuses on if the sisters have killed him (yet), and about halfway through you begin to realise each murder plot is bound to fail, with minimal consequences. It finds its feet again towards the finale, as it begins to allow twist, turns, and real emotional weight in as we begin to learn exactly how "The Prick" died

there's also a reasonably large number of potholes that jumped immediately to my attention, the most egregious of which has to be a character threatening to murder someone, but is utterly repulsed by the very notion maybe 1 and a bit episodes later.

still, it's a satisfying murder mystery. if you're Irish, it will tickle that little spot you have, and if you're not, enjoy gallows humour about women navigating modern Ireland (just don't think all our houses are that nice)

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