



This is a masterclass in how to portray subjectivity. I was absolutely immersed in this character and could feel the amazement, horror, and divided feelings that he was going through. The directing was phenomenal and deserves much praise.

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Succession: 4x07 Tailgate Party

This whole episode and particularly the balcony scene were a masterclass in directing, acting, writing and editing. Every action and every word spoken convey so much meaning, and yet they feel so organic. I feel thankful to be able to witness such brilliance.

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Hacks: 3x09 Bulletproof

This was riveting to watch, the same way Mad Men is. I felt like laughing hysterically at how wonderful this show is.

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Better Call Saul: 2x09 Nailed

It's totally amazing how they manage to use something so small, think about the tiny details, and make you feel so intensely worried about the characters. What we've got here is top-notch writing, editing, casting choices... Everything is perfect. They dot all the i's and cross all the t's.

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All About Eve

I don't know why I avoided this film for so long, it's charming, smart, the chemistry between the actors -mostly between women- is amazing, and when you think it can't get any better, it does!

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The Devil's Bath

Never had I seen such a raw and disturbing portrayal of how deeply poisoning religion has always been. Of course, such times were hard enough to live in because of environmental reasons, but the way these superstitions and many more are rooted is saddening and enraging because they create unnecessary, absurd and deep malaise in people’s lives, especially women. What is even more saddening is that this dogma is not behind us, but it has only mutated into other forms of the bleak world view that Christianity represents.

I had never felt so sickened by a depiction of a fest.

Also, Anja Plaschg gave a tour-de-force performance, the kind of raw and committed acting that seldom receives the praise and attention that it merits, similarly to Aisling Franciosi in The Nightingale.

I wish I will have the stomach to revisit this brilliant film in the near future, and I can’t wait to see what other stories Franz and Fiala have to tell us.

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Oslo, August 31st

This film is a great example of how pain can be portrayed while still being able to show the humanity behind that emotion.
Hats off to Trier! This is top-notch directing.

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Boyz n the Hood

It gets surprisingly emotional after a while, which adds up to the important premise that hate has to end at some point. But what showed me that this movie is better than I thought it was at first, is that it works on so many levels; there's a message for kids, parents, politicians, artists, etc.

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The Beast

I hadn’t felt so deliciously manipulated since I watched Haneke’s Funny Games. This film stayed with me long after the credits… rolled (?)

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Atlanta: 3x08 New Jazz

The loop was a bit predictable, but I was impressed by the way this episode feels like a fever dream.

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Thelma & Louise

What we've got here is brilliant writing, directing and -besides awesome acting- one of the best character arcs in cinema history.

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Better Call Saul: 2x07 Inflatable

This is brilliant filmmaking. Even when nothing extraordinary is happening, it entertains you, and you enjoy every little dialogue. The editing in this particular episode was very well done, and it all adds up to the plot progress.

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The Neon Demon

The storytelling might feel choppy at times but it's rather smart and while it doesn't explain everything it did satisfy me. The acting is very good, even the small roles are very convincing. Also, every shot is pure eye-candy.

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Eye in the Sky

Brilliant, intelligent and suspenseful anti-war flick!

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Shout by paranoidfreud
BlockedParent2016-05-14T18:12:11Z— updated 2020-09-12T21:07:02Z

I enjoy watching a —thriller— movie that doesn't take easy way outs, and treats its viewer with respect. I don't know if it's as original as it looks, but it definitely felt fresh.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x20 The Siege of the North (2)

I was impressed by the use of color in this episode.

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Warm Bodies

You know how Alien is basically Jaws in space? Well, this is kind of E.T. with zombies (or CEOFTK). Maybe it's not an accurate comparison, but it resembles how refreshing they both are. It's cheesy, funny and the chemistry between the main actors is very good.

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