


Psych: 5x08 Shawn 2.0

Shout by Sarah

Livers can come from live donors, they cut the liver in half and put half in the recipient and leave half in the donor and both livers will regrow themselves to full sized livers. If one half of identical twins needed a transplant they would be a genetic match, the healthy twin would be able to donate half of their liver. In this case, if the healthy twin is willing enough to swap identities with her sister to get her on the list then she'd likely be willing enough to be a living donor.

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Psych: 3x11 Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing

Shout by Sarah

They are aware that second-hand gunshot residue is a thing, right? Lassie said he picked up the gun after it had happened, the residue would've been on the gun itself. A shooter can transfer GSR to other people via handshake, items and furniture via touch, etc etc.

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Psych: 2x04 Zero to Murder in Sixty Seconds

A female mustang is still a mustang. Mustang is a kind of umbrella term for a feral horse descended from domesticated horses brought by Spanish settlers to the US which have since become 'wild'. Filly just means 'young female equine below breeding age'.

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Psych: 1x01 Pilot

The hand thing 'is a nervous tick' and 'he can't make eye contact with the reporter'... autism. That's just autism my guy, it's not a crime.

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Charmed: 1x11 Feats of Clay

how long is that snake :person_facepalming:♀

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Alias: 2x06 Salvation

The hospital from Grey's Anatomy before it was in Grey's Anatomy :sob:
This entire episode is a masterclass in 'how not to handle infectious disease'. Face to face contact with possibly infected people while telling them they're possibly infected, quarantining them TOGETHER while waiting for their test results, letting the negative one go even though one was inconclusive, if Vaughn was positive then them being in the room together would have infected Sydney, and in letting her go would infect others. It's just totally mindboggling.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x11 Valloweaster

Okay so this is like the third time rewatching this show. If the gems had magnets on them and Cheddar or Scully did eat them then that'd be a surgical emergency since the magnets immigrate through the body to get to each other. If your pet, your child, any living creature in your life, swallows magnets take them for emergency medical help immediately.

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Shameless: 9x05 Black-Haired Ginger

Who is Ian to tell Debbie she isn't into girls? Who made him the authority?

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Supernatural: 15x02 Raising Hell

Shout by Sarah

Francis Tumblety was Irish tho.

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Supernatural: 11x17 Red Meat

Shout by Sarah

Can someone please go and tell every writer out there that medically speaking there's no reason to remove a bullet. Like genuinely, doctors only remove a bullet if they're operating or if it's in a high risk area (eg: if it's next to the person's heart) otherwise they tend to leave it alone. Digging around in the wound just causes damage to the surrounding tissue. Over time the bullet will migrate up to the surface, and once that happens a doctor can make a small incision and just pop it out.

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Supernatural: 8x03 Heartache

Did they even try? :person_facepalming:♀

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Supernatural: 7x12 Time After Time

How does Kim Rhodes always end up with two absolute menace sons to keep out of trouble lmao

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Supernatural: 7x05 Shut Up, Dr. Phil

So I'm no expert in construction, nails, etc but the nail gun shot nails through a man's body and out the back of a portable toilet... how long were those nails exactly? A foot at least? Do nails that long even exist?

Dean shouting out Trump is yikes. These things never age well.

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Supernatural: 7x04 Defending Your Life

Pls stop getting mythology mixed up. Osiris isn't the guy who weighs hearts, Anubis is.

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Totally Killer

I see Max Headroom is a slasher now, man time really changes people.

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Supernatural: 5x05 Fallen Idols

So they got the VIN number, the engine number... what are the odds the engine number, which is a manufacturing number, is gonna be the same for like 60 yrs? Parts are replaced frequently in old cars, surely each individual engine has a different number vs all engines having the same number.

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Supernatural: 4x10 Heaven and Hell

How are they always within walking distance of a crossroad

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Supernatural: 4x09 I Know What You Did Last Summer

Why does Lucifer care about the apocalypse? I mean from a Biblical standpoint Lucifer is a fallen angel who rebelled against God - with dozens of different versions of what this rebellion was exactly - so why would he go from Heaven's rebel to 'lets cause the apocalypse' / 'lets do a genocide on the entirety of humanity!'

Also based on Revelation 12 - 'Satan, who leads the whole world astray' - it's literally stating that Lucifer's only 'crime' was to lead people astray, to make them sin, and given that biblical sins are as ridiculous as wearing mixed material fabrics, not taking any photos or creating any kind of 'images' ever, not eating shellfish, don't touch a person on their period at all because they're unclean, shaving, eating pork is unclean, women cannot speak in a church, men cannot cover their heads but women must, etc. Let Lucifer lead the world astray, the world God wants is comically miserable.

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Sex Education: 4x01 Episode 1

The fake Pot Noodle that's just regular noodles in a Pot Noodle pot tho.

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Sex Education: 4x02 Episode 2

Okay but the whole conflict between Otis and O is ridiculous. 'There can only be one'. Right so merge. There are people who may feel more comfortable talking to a woman about their issues, there are people who'd feel more comfortable talking to a man. If the two clinics merged and had two therapists as options then it'd open up more choice. Also LGBT therapists would be a great option - why ask a cisgender sex therapist about trans issues when you can ask a trans sex therapist? Why ask a straight sex therapist about lesbian or gay sex when you can ask a lesbian or gay guy?

As someone who has three horses, Adam's totally right they are kinda like big dogs. I mean they have very different anatomies but personality? Puppy.

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Supernatural: 3x15 Time is on My Side

Silk is literally the most common suture used even now so I don't know why they'd say silk isn't used anymore.

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Supernatural: 2x09 Croatoan

Croatoan is literally the name of the island right next to where the Roanoke colony was, there was a group of Native Americans living there that they'd become friends with, said group have blonde genetics dating back to when Roanoke went missing which backs up the theory that they went to Croatoan island and joined the Croatoan Native Americans to form one group. No one actually checked Croatoan island during that time to see if they had actually gone there.

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Supernatural: 2x06 No Exit

The 'historical dead woman' photo was one of the Jack the Ripper victims, Elizabeth Stride.

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Supernatural: 2x02 Everybody Loves a Clown

So they're just gonna scan a place where literally everything is using high levels of electricity for high EMF? Um... the entire carnival is a high electromagnetic field.

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Supernatural: 1x16 Shadow

'Have you seen this symbol before?' Yeah, bud, that's a Bop-It.

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Supernatural: 1x07 Hook Man

Man door hand hook car door :scream:

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Supernatural: 1x04 Phantom Traveler

Shout by Sarah
BlockedParent2023-09-20T18:45:42Z— updated 2023-10-26T17:08:38Z

The whole 'say god to them to see if they're demons' would work great if they weren't saying 'Christ'. God in Latin is Deus, not 'Christo'.

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Veronica Mars: 3x12 There's Got to be a Morning After Pill

'The female Indiana Jones'... how does nobody know about Lara Croft, like... c'mon guys. She's had 3 movies.

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Bridgerton: 2x01 Capital R Rake

Shout by Sarah

That whole horse chase scene was atrocious. Obvious green screen, weird face acting, rider inexperience showing through incorrect feet, the horses weren't even cantering let alone galloping, and Anthony's shock at Kate jumping a fence... has he never seen a horse jump before?

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Heartland: 16x10 Lurking in the Shadows

Shout by Sarah

I would not hate Amy and Caleb getting together next season if his divorce w/ Cass goes through. Finn's actor passed so Finn likely wont be in next season unless they recast, so... Caleb.

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