Pantelis Arkalis


Khalándri, Attiki, Greece


Writing at the end of season one, this show is a masterpiece. The animation is novel, crisp and downright amazing. The characters are unique, with depth and are explored and developed in a masterful way. The music is a whole thing of awesomeness on its own. Watch this, it's a must.

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Brilliant series with superb character development, great screenplay, awesome audio and an excellent take on the subject of reality and time travel. It's story arc completion in three seasons is exactly right, doing the story justice without dragging it out. A series that makes you think.

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Great series from the first minute to the last. Without exaggerations, real good acting and tackling a mostly unknown topic, it gives a peak into a world unknown to most, a peak worth taking. Definitely recommended.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

This shows ranks below only South Park in uncovering the deep, crazy mess that is politics in and organisation of the United States - and that is high praise. Bonus - social issues addressed as by an adult and mess from around the world!

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