Pato Robalino


Omicron Persei 8

House of the Dragon: 1x05 We Light the Way

It is reaching the level of the good seasons of GOT

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Better Call Saul: 6x05 Black and Blue

Too many Deus ex machinas in this season... Unfortunately it reminds me of the last few seasons of GOT :thumbsdown:

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House of the Dragon: 1x02 The Rogue Prince

The fast travels of the last seasons of GOT are present.... (Memories of Vietnam)

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The Expanse: 4x05 Oppressor

Why did they lengthen the series? This season is absurd, and Naomi is insufferable

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

If they tell me it's an episode of TWD I believe it... Episode to spare

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The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

Pffff Skyscraper-sized giraffes, and Joel Terminator mode, I don't know how people praise this series

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Stranger Things: 3x02 Chapter Two: The Mall Rats

Las tramas de los niños las hicieron inaguantables

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x13 The Word

Pffff otra vez lo mismo?... La serie ya roda lo ridículo, escapa o está apunto de escapar y de nuevo regresa.. Se acerca peligrosamente a parecerse a TWD

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Vikings: 5x05 The Prisoner

Heahmud = Athlestan 2.0...? I think that it could be possible

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The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist

No matter who you are, get out of the room!! ... These are the female characters that cinema needs, and not the forced ones that abound today.

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The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist

No matter who you are, get out of the room!! ... These are the female characters that cinema needs, and not the forced ones that abound today.

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The Flash: 3x02 Paradox

Please, someone kill to iris

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