Pedro Brito


Rondon do Pará - PA - Brazil


Slow and completely ridiculous. How did Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly & Emma Watson get themselves involved in the crap.

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Beautiful Creatures

Really boring and dissapointing! The Book is amazing.. the movies sucks

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Dracula Untold

Men its just boring... I slipped a 4 times at least.

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Cannibal Holocaust


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Madame Satã

I loved the cultural diversity of Brazil in the film, as well as knowing a little of the personality of the protagonist in the decade of 30 in Rio de Janeiro.

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22 Jump Street

Best ever credits scene I've seen!

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Esse filme é um erro. Péssimo roteiro, péssimos atores. Consegui assistir 40 minutos ainda!!

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Star Trek Into Darkness

Great soundtrack!!! Khan is so fuc**ing awesome!

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Love it!! Awesome :wooting:
So young!

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Rebel Wilson is not funy in this movie.

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It's Going to Work

Great movie.. Super fun!

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