

Omicron Persei 8

You: 1x06 Amour Fou

Everyone is crazy in this show. I love it.

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You: 1x03 Maybe

It was over in less then 10 seconds LOL.

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God Friended Me: 1x01 Pilot

This is actually a good show. I'm not religious or anything but this is entertaining.

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The Sinner: 1x07 Part VII

Damn this episode was good. I might watch it twice.

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Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back: 1x02 The Old Coffeepot Restaurant

So so so disgusting. I dont know how they fixed this place in 24 hours.

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Bar Rescue: 6x15 Phishing for Answers

Hope the son can keep this up.

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Alone: 5x02 The Haunting

I love this show. Wish I had the guts to do something like this.

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My Hero Academia: 3x03 Kota

Finally something is about to happen

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The Challenge: 31x14 Vendettas Never Die

That final was so weak.

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