

Warrington, England

Station X

This is pretty much the first “proper documentary” I remember watching (I was 16 when it came out). I was mesmerised. It is still good watching it 22 1/2 years later.

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Shout by penwing
BlockedParent2022-11-07T17:59:01Z— updated 2024-03-29T13:02:21Z

It’s described as queer, horror comedy… yes, it has queer characters but to me it was hard to say there was enough humour to elevate it to comedy and the horror elements only really kick in for the last two episodes (fairly standard mystery/thriller up ‘til that point, imo)

When the horror hits though, it hits…

With Season 2 - I was right there with the humour from the get go - maybe the humour will stand out more in Season 1 if I go back to it...

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It’s a bit like a less dark version of Dark (German, Netflix, timeywimey drama). Some good humour some good themes around parents and children. Enjoyed, but Dark was better if you want something to sink your teeth into…

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There are two shows in this... one - the Foundation side - is... bad... the Empire side (which I don't think is based on the Empire series) is mostly quite good/interesting...

The Foundation side though... absolutely awful adaptation of the books. The character of Salvor Hardin in the book has "violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" as a very firm ideal... he (in the books) solves the crises peacefully... Salvor in the films hears that, but races to the guns all the time. Also the resurrection in Episode 9 is ridiculous...

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The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin

Well, I wanted to like this. I like Noel Fielding's whimsy, but I was worried it was possibly going to be like Our Flag Means Death and...

Well, it is... if you misunderstand what the heart of OFMD is and so rip out that queerness and replace it with Noel Fielding's whimsy...

Turns out that whimsy itself does not work well at the heart of a show - it needs something else to play off against and here... there isn't.

Worse, the bits of queer whimsy come off as homophobic - as the butt of the joke.

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