
1 follower

Carbondale, Illinois

You're Next

You're next is about the daughter of a preper meeting her boyfriend's family for the first time.
She tries to save the sheltered family from serial killers but they freak out and refuse to listen to her leading to their deaths.
Pretty realistic for how most Americans deal with stress. 5/5.

The plot twist was predictable

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Great music and visual effects! The ending feels a little abrupt, but that's keeping with the books. Looking forward to part 2!

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Sleepy Hollow

I love the dark esthetic of this film! I saw it first in a drive in back in '99 and I think it held up on my '21 rewatch!
It's main pro is the cinematic dark esthetic. There are horror elements to it, but the humor dampens the intensity of it.

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Slasher: Season 2

Shout by Pete

Mild spoilers: I thought this season was pretty good. It did a good job at making me hate all the characters and want them to die at some point.
I might need to rewatch it since one of the killers doesn't make sense in regards to the twist at the end

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The Hallow

The hallow is interesting since it's based off of fairies as they are in Irish folklore (negative and demonic) compared to the often interchangeable pixie (positive).

While I enjoyed the setting and the idea of the villain, I think it was executed poorly.

Very mild spoiler: I hate that they made the "fairies" possessed by a parasitic fungus. It does add body horror, but I would have preferred the monsters just be monsters without some fungus causing it

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Midnight Special

Good visual effects but I found the story boring. Don't recommend

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Werewolves Within

This film sucks! Only funny bits were in the trailer. Wish I could get my money back since I was dumb enough to buy it

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