Phil Devereux



3 Body Problem: 1x02 Red Coast

Now THAT is a strong end to an episode :clap:

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FEUD: 2x07 Beautiful Babe

Good lord this episode was tedious. The season started out so strong but they clearly had too many episodes and not enough story given how it's devolved into nonsense dream sequences. A shame.

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Drag Race Germany: 1x01 Willkommen in Deutschland

best version in a good long while! the vibe is just perfect and the contestants seem great. so refreshing

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 7x07 Snatch Game

Honestly, this is the best Snatch Game of the first 12 seasons. At least four good impressions when we usually get only get 1, or 2 at the absolute most. Brava.

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Mr. Robot: 4x04 404 Not Found

Only my least favourite episode of this show ever. Was this even Mr. Robot? Or did I accidentally watch This Is Us?

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

To quote the one true queen, RuPaul:


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The Good Fight: 3x09 The One Where the Sun Comes Out

The weakest episode of the season so far. Too much Blum, way too much Maya, not enough Diane. The whole Maya/Blum thing was just too convenient and frankly completely unbelievable. Please, writers, just let Maya's character go! She was never particularly interesting and far less so now. Same for Blum. His character's Trump/Roy Cohn parallels were always on the nose at best, but have now well and truly overstayed their welcome.

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Tin Star: 2x02 Resist Not Evil

ok tin star has officially jumped the shark. unfortunately none of the characters' motivations follow any kind of logic anymore. a shame

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 5x29 Drain the Swamp

That Scientology "gag" was so pointless. Not clever, not even funny. By all means make a point about the terrible abuses they're responsible for, but that was a ridiculously long game for literally no payoff. Bizarre and disappointing.

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The Romanoffs: 1x06 Panorama

Well that was fucking tedious and unrewarding. My least favourite so far.

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Claws: 2x06 Double Dutch

This season has been a bit uneven at best but this episode was really all over the place. And what was with all the weird choppy editing and unnecessary scenes? And the dialogue was particularly bad. Bring back the old writers and directors please!

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Stranger Things: 2x07 Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister

Totally out of place and unnecessary. This felt like when network TV shows used to spend an episode setting up one character's spin-off series. Absolutely hated this episode, and I've loved all the rest.

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Top of the Lake: 2x01 China Girl

Good lord, what is that dialogue? I don't remember the characters in season 1 being quite this bizarre and unrealistic, Holly Hunter notwithstanding.

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Real Time with Bill Maher: 15x05 Milo Yiannopoulos; Rep. Jack Kingston, Jeremy Scahill and Larry Wilmore; Leah Remini

Bill is way off his game. Having Milo on at all was a mistake. But then to joke with him and not call out his hate speech was atrocious. Thank fuck Larry Wilmore was there to set him right in Overtime.

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The Path: 2x05 Why We Source

That "juvenile prison" stuff was just so completely ridiculous and ham fisted.

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

Sidseeeeee! Nooooooooo! Why?? Why not her replacement!?

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Chelsea: 1x77 Do Not Despair About Our Country

Wonderful to have Senator Barbara Boxer on for such a necessary conversation today. ❤️

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Transparent: 3x02 When the Battle is Over

These characters are the absolute worst. With the possible exception of the rabbi and Shelley, they are all selfish, self-absorbed, completely unlikeable assholes. Officially giving up on this show.

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Mr. Robot: 2x05 eps2.3_logic-b0mb.hc

Sweet merciful christ! Wtf just happened?!

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Run: 1x01 Carol

Colman is predictably excellent in this bleak but realistic show.

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The Graham Norton Show: 19x13 Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Charlie Sheen, Christine and the Queens

9.5/10. 10 for those wonderful Ghostbusters and the amazing Christine and the Queens. Minus 0.5 for the disgusting and despicable Charlie Sheen.

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1864: 1x04 Episode 4

This episode was particularly powerful in showing the horrors of war and how the disgusting political class are out of touch and send millions of people to needless deaths.

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War and Peace: 1x01 Episode 1

Sorry to say it but... boooooooooooring.

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Ray Donovan: 3x10 One Night in Yerevan

Ridiculous. As if Avi would have kept the poker. They would have destroyed it not put it in some insecure storage. I can only suspend my disbelief so far.

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BoJack Horseman: 1x07 Say Anything

Kristen Chenoweth is fantastic! I'm surprised she hasn't done more voice work.

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Archer: 1x05 Honeypot

"Burying some Dominican guy's rooster!" LOL so good.

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Orange Is the New Black: 3x11 We Can Be Heroes

10 for Boo's handling of Doggett's rape. 4 for Piper's abrupt character change. Such things need to be worked up to. 10 for the psychologist's oh so deserved takedown of Healy.

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Sex and the City: 6x07 The Post-It Always Sticks Twice

"Paper covers rock." Easily one of the most fun episodes of the final season.

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American Crime: 2x02 Season Two: Episode Two

I'm concerned about the furious brushing Felicity Huffman gave her teeth. She's going to seriously recede her gums if she keeps that up.

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Ray Donovan: 3x02 Ding

What happened to this show? The second season was so strong but none of the story lines
are remotely compelling this season. Terry the martyr in jail? Boohoo Ray and his millionaire client? Mickey the pimp? And worst of all, Bunchy and the ridiculous Mexican fighters at the gym? It's just silly. Such a shame.

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