

Omicron Persei 8

Legion: Season 1

One of the best Marvel / DC shows ever. It's sort of a Super hero/Psychological thriller/Horror mash up.

I would rate this season a 10 but they nearly ruined the vibe of the show when someone made the artistic choice of turning half of episode 7 into a silent film.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x04 Is This Not Real Magic?

This is a good/fun show if you aren't some comic book nerd who needs it to strictly adhere to the comics.


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Leverage: Redemption

They need to replace Sophie.
She's too old to play the attractive seductive one... I cringe every time she flirts with a mark.

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Doctor Who: 12x01 Spyfall (1)

That was bad.
Dr. Who has been on the decline.
This may be the final season for me.

Season 7 was the last Doctor I liked but I stuck around because i liked the companions, villains & story lines of seasons 8, 9 and 10.

Season 11 was meh, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt because it takes time to build up 4 new characters & backstories.

This first episode of season 12 was boring and the "action" scenes were Disney level. You know how they do it in Disney movies where things are happening, it all seems dangerous, but we all know that no one will get hurt or killed because 5 year old Timmy and Suzy is watching.
That's how it felt... action with training wheels and guard bumpers.

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Doctor Who: 4x11 Turn Left

Nice try, but I still hate Donna.
And giving us all that Rose time just reminds us how much Donna is lacking.

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War of the Worlds: 1x02 Episode 2

The fact that they killed the cute little girl gives me hope for this show.
Most TV series/movies don't have the balls to kill females, let alone little girls.

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The Magicians: 4x01 A Flock of Lost Birds

Maybe I need to look a lot closer but I can't tell the difference between real Margot and Fake Margot.
They look exactly alike to me.

Also I'm happy to see Marina, she's one of my favorites.

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Black Summer: 1x05 Diner

I'm thinking the diner situation could have been resolved if they let one zombie in and they have 4 people hold it down while the other 1 smashes/stabs it's head

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 7x10 Bring on the Night

Annoying that there was only 1 new Slayer (Kendra/Faith)
Although Buffy has died 3 times so far so there should be 4 active Slayers... Buffy + Faith + season 5 finale + season 6 when Warren shot her.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 5x15 I Was Made to Love You

I'll take three please... thanks

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

So bad it hurts.
The TV series was a 10 this movie is a 2

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Angel: 2x09 The Trial

I love Drusilla. 10 pounds of nuts stuffed into a 2 pound bag.

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The Originals: 5x12 The Tale of Two Wolves

Love Klaus but love "Daddy Klaus" the most

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Big Brother: 19x39 Finale

Paul was robbed.
He played a perfect manipulation/puppet master game through dictatorship & brain washing.
He set up the perfect final 2 dragging his toy monkey to the end. Remember those toy monkeys that you wind up and the little monkey bangs the cymbals? That's Josh.

Don't get me wrong . I NEVER liked Paul.
His 1st season I saw him as a weasel & a poser, but in his 2nd season he was a weasel poser that played a great game.

After Mark went home I just didn't care who won anymore. Sure Paul deserved to win but I don't like him and I was sick of him so I didn't care if he got screwed.

I just hope that this result doesn't effect future seasons making manipulative game players afraid to back-stab and lie.

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Black Mirror: 6x02 Loch Henry

Good episode but not deserving of the "Black Mirror" label.

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Breaking Bad: 5x04 Fifty-One

Skylar is such a fucking drama queen.

  1. She knows Walt is a manufacturer (all good as long as she gets the money)
  2. She knows he had to kill his former boss (CLEAR case of self defense)

She's all for a life of crime when she's cooking the books for her lover or committing fraud to get the car wash or laundering money.

This whole "not safe for the kids" crap is nonsense... I would be with her if Walt still worked for a gang boss but this is different.
Not saying it's 100% safe but as I said before she's no angel.

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The Traitors: 1x11 Episode 11

They said it has to be a boy because the other 2 traitors were girls... then they vote a girl off.

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American Horror Story: Season 11

Worst season of AHS by far.

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Warrior Nun: Season 2

Don't remember watching season 1 of this, but Trakt says I did. So bring on season 2! (I guess)

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4400: 1x04 Harlem's Renaissance Man

They went full SJW

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A Discovery of Witches: Season 2

Had to re-watch season 1 as a reminder... season 2 a lot better than season 1 IMHO.

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October Faction: 1x01 Presidio

Oh great.
The one black male has to be gay.
So typical.

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The Boys: Season 1

I loved the show and the ending had me LMAO!
The only issue I had with the season, was the fact that every male super was an asshole/dick-bag and every female super was a poor innocent victim.
The male supers did everything wrong/immoral and the female supers just had bad things happen to them.

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The Boys: 1x08 You Found Me

That ending had me LMAO!
Homelander is a dick and I love it.

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Are You the One?: 8x01 Come One, Come All (1)

Skipping this season.
Better luck next season.

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Got cancelled too soon & I hated how often Mary "damp cheeks" Sibley teared up, but this is one of the best witch based series ever.

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The Twilight Zone: 1x01 The Comedian

God I hope that this episode isn't indicative of what this reboot has in store for us.

Oh, and "The Comedian" didn't say ANYTHING remotely funny. The nightclub audience all deserve Oscars for acting like there was some reason to laugh. After watching this for an hour I think I smirked once.

The only good part was the end, because it was finally over.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 7x06 Him

This episode is friggin hilarious... The "prove who loves him more" part had me crying laughing

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 6x07 Once More, with Feeling

I HATE musicals.
When I'm watching a series that does a musical episode I normally FFWD the singing & dancing parts.
This is the only enjoyable musical episode I've ever seen.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 6x03 After Life

Buffy was dead for 147 days... so WTF is the new Slayer?

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