

Omicron Persei 8

Fresh Off the Boat: 5x20 Nerd Watching

Grandma Left eye made my week!

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How to Get Away with Murder: 5x15 Please Say No One Else Is Dead

So don't care about Laurel and her family.

I do feel bad for Bonnie because you know she's going to find out that her boyfriend/future fiance' was innocent and she's going to end up back on suicide watch.

The only 3 characters I like are Frank, Asher and Bonnie so this season was rough watching Bonnie being tortured.

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The Worst Witch: Season 3

All these little girls do is lie & cheat their way through everything but somehow it always turns out fine.

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Love, Death & Robots

Some good episodes, some funny episodes most are thought provoking.
The good ones aren't mind blowing and I wouldn't recommend skipping any because they are too bad to waste time on.

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Temptation Island: 1x11 Final Bonfire, Part 2

Shout by PHug

I'm LMAO! Kace has been begging Evan to marry her for 10 years and he proposes to Morgan in 6 months.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 7x06 Him

This episode is friggin hilarious... The "prove who loves him more" part had me crying laughing

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 6x20 Villains

Superpowered Willow is the best Willow.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 6x07 Once More, with Feeling

I HATE musicals.
When I'm watching a series that does a musical episode I normally FFWD the singing & dancing parts.
This is the only enjoyable musical episode I've ever seen.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 6x05 Life Serial

The Buffy drinking reaction is priceless

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Angel: 3x01 Heartthrob

The episode was meh, but the end was mind = blown.

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Angel: 2x22 There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb

Ever since this episode I wanted Fred & Angel to be a thing...
But Fred & Gunn was sweet while it lasted

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Angel: 2x21 Through the Looking Glass

I LOVE the brother with the dances!

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 5x15 I Was Made to Love You

I'll take three please... thanks

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Angel: 2x11 Redefinition

He hurt my poor little Dru

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 4x03 The Harsh Light of Day

Poor Buffy.
Queen of the pump & dump.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 3x14 Bad Girls

With all the empty graves in Sunnydale that no one notices Faith could have just refilled one

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 2x03 School Hard

Shout by PHug
BlockedParent2019-03-16T14:13:36Z— updated 2019-03-24T12:18:55Z

I love this episode because it introduces us to the greatest Buffy / Angel character of all time... Drusilla!

I've watched every episode of Buffy & Angel three times now and Dru is by far my favorite character.

Best/Favorite characters

#1 Drusilla

#2 Cordelia

#3 Willow

#4 Anya

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

So bad it hurts.
The TV series was a 10 this movie is a 2

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Legacies: 1x13 The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do

I knew he wasn't dead, the only show with the balls to take out a main character is Game of Thrones.

First I thought he got away or was still alive but critical or his superpower was immunity to vamp/werewolf bites.

Then, when I saw him dead, I was fully expecting him to rise again as a vampire because MG was "teaching him a lesson" or he been "exchanging fluids" with Hope.

But as soon as I saw the smoke I knew it was a Phoenix.

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Angel: 4x07 Apocalypse, Nowish

That's what 3 seasons in the Friend Zone gets ya. LMAO

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Ex on the Beach (US): Season 2

This season would have been better without the gay couples.
The gay guys have the drama part of the show down but they are taking potential matches off the table.
What makes the show good is drama + exes getting with other peoples exes making more drama.
Now you just get 2-5 gay guys wasting space & without enough men the women become friends and the show is boring.

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Angel: 3x14 Couplet

"Help me to have sex with Groo" had me crying laughing for a long time.

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Angel: 3x13 Waiting in the Wings

A lot of dudes lurking in that friend zone got bypassed today.
I was rooting for Gunn & Fred to happen but Groo showing up... wow.

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Angel: 2x17 Disharmony

Shout by PHug
BlockedParent2019-03-06T00:53:06Z— updated 2019-03-22T22:30:43Z

"I think your friend should reconsider the name Harmony"
Great episode with a great ending.

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Angel: 2x10 Reunion

After watching every season of Buffy and the 1st two seasons of Angel I have to say that Drusilla is the best character in the ENTIRE Buffy universe.

"I'm ringing all over"

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Angel: 2x09 The Trial

I love Drusilla. 10 pounds of nuts stuffed into a 2 pound bag.

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Angel: 2x07 Darla

100% with team Darla on this.
Nothing worse than a hypocritical vampire that thinks eternal life & super human abilities are a curse but won't end it.

btw. I love Drusilla

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Haven: 5x26 Forever

Send Nathan away but put him 10 minutes outside of Haven?
Great move pops.

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Haven: 3x09 Sarah

So hot with red hair in a nurse outfit.

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Legacies: 1x10 There's a World Where Your Dreams Come True

I loved this episode mostly because I like Lizzie.
My favorites are
1. Josie
2. Penelope
3. Lizzie
4. Kaleb
5. Hope

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