

Omicron Persei 8

The Originals

I loved the Vampire Diaries but truly hated all of the originals and all of their story lines. I basically just wanted them all dead so the TVD could move on. So when The Originals spin-off happened I was happy that they would be gone and I'll never be bothered with them again.

So now in May of 2018, when I read that an Originals spin-off is coming I thought " If the Originals is good enough to garner a spin-off then I might have been wrong about them".

So here I am, nearly 6 years late, over half way through season 1 and loving it.

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Penn & Teller: Fool Us

Love this Penn & Teller show.

Binge watched all 5 seasons after running across a YouTube video that claimed that magicians were using Demon magic & sold their souls to the "devil" to get supernatural powers.

Only problem I have with the show is Penn going into super simp mode any time a female performer gets within a 100 yards of the stage.

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Temptation Island

One of my favorite reality shows is back!
Hope it lasts a few seasons.

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Survivor New Zealand

Decent season of Survivor only because there weren't any hidden immunities
Worst winner of Survivor I've seen in years. Nothing worse than a season full of hypocritical players that demonize strategy & game play because they want the nice people to win.

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Got cancelled too soon & I hated how often Mary "damp cheeks" Sibley teared up, but this is one of the best witch based series ever.

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The Order

I liked it.

This show put a different spin on werewolf mythology, and I love when werewolves aren't portrayed as some disease that forces a human into becoming an uncontrollable killing machine every full moon.

I also appreciated the total lack of vampires. Every other time its vamps vs. wolves or witches vs. vamps.

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FBOY Island

Shout by PHug
BlockedParent2021-08-16T14:31:06Z— updated 2022-07-13T17:02:36Z

Bull Shit ending, they ruined any possible future seasons.
Garrett played a great game and they changed the rules to fuck him over. This blows any chance of a legit future season because now all the "Fuck Boys" will choose 50k over nothing.

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FBOY Island

Way to fuck up the end for a 2nd season in a row.
They have a good concept but they're so desperate to ruin it.
The second Nikki said that they can keep the 100k for themselves I knew this has been a set up for Tamaris the whole time.
She's shown nothing but feminist/hoe tendencies since the 1st episode.

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Parasyte -the maxim-

Shout by PHug
BlockedParent2024-04-14T20:42:32Z— updated 2024-04-17T01:43:53Z

Not an anime fan... have only watched animes that my niece has forced on me.

Giving this a shot after watching Parasyte: The Gray

Watching this just reinforced why I don't like anime.
Had a few good parts but overall it was pretty bad.
Parasyte: The Gray is a much better watch.

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The Secret Circle

Just watched this for the 1st time... canceled too soon

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The Traitors

It has to be SUPER frustrating to hand your fellow faithfuls both traitors on a silver platter and their response is to vote you out.

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Love, Death & Robots

Some good episodes, some funny episodes most are thought provoking.
The good ones aren't mind blowing and I wouldn't recommend skipping any because they are too bad to waste time on.

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The Pick-up Artist

Shout by PHug
BlockedParent2022-07-30T14:34:15Z— updated 2024-03-10T00:44:27Z

I can't find this anywhere.
Only was able to see the 1st episode on Vimeo
*** EDIT ***
Found it from a Reddit thread after Mystery had a guest appearance on the Fresh & Fit YouTube channel.

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Gotham Knights

Canceled before I watched the 1st episode. lol

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I didn't start liking the show until episode 7.

I normally will only give a show 3 or 4 episodes max to impress me but the episodes before #7 had enough "moments" to convince me to keep going.

It's an "ok" show, but so many other shows does similar concepts better.

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Forever Knight

Tried to force my way through this show but I had to end my suffering during episode 13.

This show is too long and too boring with long stretches of nothing happening while Knight contemplates.
The flashbacks are tedious and the story (so far) was monotonous.
I watch a lot of Vampire / Werewolf / Witch based shows and the worst by far are the "Vampire who hates being a Vampire" shows.

I'm assuming Angel was influenced by this because it's basically the same thing but Angel does this so much better.
I hated Angel at first too but I gave Angel 6 episodes before I became interested enough to like it.

MAYBE this show begins to become interesting after episode 13 but I'm not going to waste anymore time on it.

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Seems to be a few people upset because they made Arthur black. If you can set aside your racial issues for a few hours, you will find the show is solid for a Netflix offering. I'm actually surprised they didn't cast the black guy as the "gay best friend" because that's the typical Netflix move.

Unique story in comparison with other "Camelot / Knights of the round table / Sword in the Stone" based shows and movies.
I was far more interested in the side character's stories which is a good sign for character/world building in future seasons.

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The Traitors NZ

Where are Americans watching this? I can't find it on any of the torrent sites.

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V Wars

I liked the show overall, which is easy to do since I wasn't looking for reasons to hate it.

Simply put...
If you like Vampire shows you will like this.
If you need it to be the greatest vampire show in the history of television... look elsewhere.

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Leverage: Redemption

They need to replace Sophie.
She's too old to play the attractive seductive one... I cringe every time she flirts with a mark.

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Too Hot to Handle

Dumb rules that make the show boring. Then those rules are negated at the end, making the entire show pointless.

Worst dating show ever & I've watched them all.

PS. The announcer talks too much and had exactly one funny joke in the entire 8 episodes...

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Season 1 was good.
I liked it even though I knew who the monster was immediately.

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First Kill

Not "good"
But better than I expected, in spite of all the gay stuff.

Would watch a season 2 if they made it.

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Can't make a wife out of a ho the TV series.

Hope you guys are watching and paying close attention, because this is how it happens.
I mean a smarter woman would have a lock code on her laptop and turn her phone's location off or "accidentally" leave her phone at home so her husband can't track her... but outside of those obvious things it's pretty accurate.

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The Witcher

It was good. I liked it.
The timeline was convoluted & the geography, kingdoms and story was confusing for someone who isn't familiar with the source materials.
But I enjoyed it enough, so I'm looking forward to a season 2.

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Fate: The Winx Saga

Kind of a "Harry Potter" school system mixed with an "Avatar the last Air bender" magic system with a bit of "Vampire Diaries" relationship drama and a dash of "Game of Thrones" political intrigue at the end.

Beatrix was my favorite and Terra was annoying but I didn't hate any of the characters so all in all a great show.

ALSO... in true Netflix fashion, the one black guy HAD to be gay. It's as if Netflix is on a mission...

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Doctor Who

We all know that season 10 was the end of the original & beloved Dr. Who series.

The only question is will this be season 4 of the new hot garbage Dr. Who?
Will this be the season 11 we deserve?

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The Challenge UK

What kind of bootleg Challenge season only lasts 5 episodes?

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The Continental: From the World of John Wick

This shit is terrible.

The residents of The Continental are supposed to be the most bad ass assassins in the world.

So it really tarnishes John Wick's accomplishments when 3 females literally woops the asses of everyone & the only competent assassins are the twins who are also half female.

From what we saw in the John Wick movies this entire crew should have died on the doorstep of The Continental.

I checked out when the female lead beat up a gang of Asian men while unprepared and empty handed and won the fight without being hurt or injured or slowed down a little... she didn't even have to fix her hair or adjust her clothes afterwards for fucks sake.

After that I tried to force myself to watch the final episode but I gave up when the police officer started beating the crap out of hotel residents too.

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Marvel's Cloak & Dagger

How is season 1 rated at 60% before the first episode has aired?
Is it the black guy with a white girl thing?

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