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Omicron Persei 8

Leave No Trace

Tore me up. Everything the other reviewers are saying is spot on. But man, I am still feeling the feels.

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The man I marry must be willing to sew our child a skin suit from the bodies of dead girls.

Anywho, I loved this! The sepia look was great, and the cinematography gorgeous. At times I could feel the humidity. The leads did a great job. Loved the best friend relationship - you don't often get to see that kind of relationship between women on screen.

The story of What Really Happened was a bit confusing, though it does all make a coherent narrative. I wish we could have had longer to sit with all that knowledge, though.

I had never seen Indonesian puppetry before this and it was amazing!

I grade movies on a strong down curve, so a 6 means it's pretty awesome.

The last couple minutes though...blech. Blatant sequel setup and just superfluous.

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I Still See You

Amazing concept that becomes your average "serial killer on the loose" plot line.

Some choices and mistakes feel silly and amateurish. At one point protag takes a journey to Chicago. In what appears to be a collar County the road becomes blocked and they must walk the rest of the way. With zero provisions or planning, they somehow hike the minimum ten to twenty miles by nightfall.

Several short scenes take place in alleys. They are supposed to be different streets, but the same alley set is used every time.

At another point, a character should. Be filthy and covered with dirt, yet they and their clothes are totally clean.

Nitpicks. The ghost effects are wonderful, and Dermot Mulroney is eye candy as always.

Oh, and you can tell it's directed by a guy by the costuming choices for Thorne. My eyes rolled hard when one scene had her braless in a see through white tank top, and the director made sure to emphasize that.

Anyway, concept is super cool and could be used to make a less cookie cutter, more interesting movie.

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The Girl Who Played with Fire

The description promises a plot. It lies. At least it features Noomi Rapace's Lisbeth Salander much more than Blumqvist. Of course, for the sake of the non-plot, the movie has to make her completely stupid in one scene in order to further the non-plot.

The movie does look nice, though, and the locations were full of personality and seemed well thought out. All the performances were good. One of the villains makes no sense and reminds me of the kind of henchman in every Bond film.

It's a shame that the film loses the thread. The plot about exposing a sex trafficking ring at the highest echelons of power was promising.

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The Adjustment Bureau

This is a story about two people trying to get together and forge a relationship against all odds. I confess I stopped watching halfway through because I couldn't get over a huge plot hole. Non-essential spoiler: Matt Damon's character is a public figure, so it would be dead simple for Emily Blunt's character to track him down, yet she doesn't even try.

This could be explained away in the movie's universe, yet the screenplay doesn't bother, choosing instead to forcefully pigeonhole the two characters into rigid gender roles of pursued and pursuer, despite such a passive role being completely out of character for Blunt's outgoing wedding-crasher! The dissonance was too much, so the movie gets a one for basic plot failure.

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