

Omicron Persei 8

The Lucky One

I am sorry, but Zac Efron was just too young for this role at the age of 25. She looked older than him. Probably now, at 35 he would've been perfect, but not back then. He was like a teenager with e beard. I couldn't believe the 25 vet thing... It probably is true for U.S., but I would've preffered a little bit more mature guy. Anyway, I liked the movie, just your typical romance movie, not great, not terrible.

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The Witcher: 3x05 The Art of Illusion

I really didn't like the directing here. It was absolutely unnecessary to watch the same scenes 2 or 3 times. I like how they used Anya's indian origin for her clothes and make up. Maybes it's just me, but when I saw her in that outfit and hairstyle, she resembled an indian and it suited her very well.

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The Witcher: 3x08 The Cost of Chaos
The Witcher: 3x01 Shaerrawedd
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

It felt kind of childish, like a Disney movie. I'd have probably liked it if I was 15. I'm really disappointed. Also Optimus Prime and the Autobots were a joke through the whole movie, but the end. I expected much more than this. I still like the first trilogy most of all the movies in the franchise. I like that it was set in the 90s though. I love the 90s.

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Fast X

The Witcher is more realistic than this...

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Wolf Pack

Actually I think it was ok, not great, not terrible. Considering other Paramount's shows I've been watching. I hope and expect every following episode to be better than the next. If this was the best ep of the season, I'm afraid it'll get cancelled hard. Compared to teen wolf, the CGI was understandably better, but so far the show doesn't have that comedy character like Dylan O'Brien. Also I'm curious if the transformation is going to be a hybrid one or a full on lycan. Honestly, the hybrid stuff with glowing eyes and facial hair looks ridiculous. I'd love to see Underworld's lycans. Like the one who's going around trying to kill them all. Probably not going to happen though.

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I am so glad that Alan Ritchson got his own show. That guy deserves it. I kinda felt sorry for the guy seeing him in dumb roles. His appearance is just perfect for the role of Jack Reacher, also I can say only respect for all the work he probably did just to gain weight and make that body for the series. Truly professional. The show was really good. I hope they do more seasons.

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The Matrix Resurrections

The effects and fight scenes were top notch, typical for the Matrix franchise, but through the whole movie kept asking myself one question: Why? It feels like a completely unnecessary continuation to a trilogy, which had a good ending.

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

Not a Star Wars' fan, but the show is good. Apparently Disney has invested a lot in this. Basically it's like a western from the future. Liked the end scene.

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See: 1x04 The River

Very good episode. Another great fight scene thia time in water. So the crazy for love queen ia going to kill everybody and it seems nobisy can't stop her, huh? Meanwhile I am so curious about the kingdom Jerlamarel keeps mentioning. And I simply love how much of a badass Tamacti Jun is. Like the character. Bax' death was too merciful...

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See: 1x03 Fresh Blood

So they finally found them. Now it's going to get interresting. What an epic and bloody fight scene! People with sight don't do things like that. Loved it. Can'wait for the next episode!

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See: 1x02 Message in a Bottle
See: 1x01 Godflame
Ballers: 3x08 Alley-Oops

Spencer should have told her...

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MasterChef: 8x16 Chopsticks & Pasta

Shout by plkocev

For the first time this season I got tears in my eyes. Gordon Ramsey has a such big heart. I am glad that he did what he did. Gabriel absolutely deserves it. Very talented young man. And Jason is amazing as always. He is my favourite by far.

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Transformers: The Last Knight

Shout by plkocev

Well, it wasn't something new and unexpected. Same old stuff - nice cars, epic fights and great effects. And this won't get an Oscar for effects, because they will release something like Jungle Book again to get it. Not sure why they didn't include the chick from the last flick. I guess it became a tradition every movie to have a different female lead. Sadly, they killed Hopkins' character and I would have liked to watch him in the next one. Not sure why Bay decided to add kids, which actually ruined it for me. I am tired of kids saving the world or be heroes. Like there are not enough tv series out there already. I was excited to see more of Cybertron. Maybe they should try to do a prequel about the time when Cybertron had been alive and functioning. There would be no humans, but hell, it would be awesome. The dialogues were amazing. Not sure who wrote Prime's lines at the end, but they were just epic. "Did you forget who I am?"

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Shout by plkocev

Honestly, everything after At World's End went downwards. They couldn't think of nothing new and original and added kids to the movie. It slowly becomes a Disney fairy tale. Not sure why Depp still agrees to appear in the franchise. It cannot be for money. Anyway, I am actually surprised that Bloom and Knightley are in this part even though they are just cameos. And they have left the door open for another one possibly with them in it. The thing that bothers me most is that they involved kids in this. So what now? Everybody will be related... what kind of a movie would that be? I hope Barbossa and Salazar didn't die. I liked captain Salazar and would like to see him in a future sequel.

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Teen Wolf: 6x16 Triggers

Shout by plkocev

Finally she kissed him! I am really interested in what's making Liam so angry. Could he be the second half of Anuk Ite? I really liked how Gerard threatened his protege. A lovely moment. And whose hand was that in the end? My bet is Melissa's or Scott's father's. Very good episode. I hope to see Jackson and Deucalion at some point for a grand finale.

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It felt more like a parody. Most of the jokes were about sex, like some teenage movie. Alexandra Daddario is so hot though. I really hope they won't do a sequel.

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Teen Wolf: 6x14 Face-to-Faceless

I knew it he was going to do something disgusting when he uncovered the body. Congrats, MTV, for the first time in six season I am really disgusted when I watch the big bad villain. I am getting tired of seeing Scott actually doing nothing. Talking and talking, and talking and then he gets beaten up. Also they showed Styles for like 2 minutes this season. I know it's the final season, but couldn't they at least keep the main actors together for a few more episodes? I am glad that Liam at last learnt to control himself. The Hellhound was awesome as always, best thing in the episode. Also I am tired of Gerard mumbling. He is just a human grandpa, whom they could end in two seconds, but no, they let him be the puppeteer...

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The Mist: 1x09 The Waking Dream

Shout by plkocev

Oh look, Alex is crying again. She hasn't been crying for what now, 2-3 episodes? So finally all characters are at the same place. And let the killing begin lol. I am starting to hate Nathalie. I was sorry for her in the beginning, but now... Somehow she manages to get inside Connor's head and he is like her dog doing the dirty job for her. Kevin is probably gonna beat Adrian really bad at last (I am hoping for this little nut job to get what he deserves since episode 2 or 3). But I don't think he is going to kill him, he is too good and compassionate. His wife on the other hand could do it. It amuses me how in a situation gun vs axe, axe won, but that's just me. The mall's security guard will probably die too, he is so irritating always blaming and hitting someone. And hopefully Bryan will start remembering what the hell happened. Anyway, can't wait for the finale.

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Game of Thrones: 7x05 Eastwatch

Shout by plkocev

It was about time Samuel got out of those old guys. It will be very interesting to watch a meeting between Cersei and Daenerys. I thought Snow was going to go home first to see Bran and Arya, but no - straight to the Wall. I am so curious to watch how they will get a white walker without killing it, especially when there is a horde coming.

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Teen Wolf: 6x13 After Images

Shout by plkocev

So Malia and Scott are a thing now? It really feels like the last season. Gerard is probably going to make them all show themselves to the community, so basically they will be forced to run out of town. At least when they kill that crazy old man once and for all. By the way I got all curious about the story with that dead body. Still a mystery. I really liked the episode and enjoyed the horror element with the dead body. Can't wait for the next one.

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The Mist: 1x08 The Law of Nature

I've been hating Adrian since the very first episode. I suspected he raped Alex maybe in the second episode. At last he started confessing shit, too bad he also started killing. So much happened this episode... First Adrian showed his true side, then the manager of the mall. And on top of that the good old lady decided to burn people alive.The moment I really hated in this episode is when they left poor Kevin to stay all by himself in the car outside, and they just like that decided "hey, let's have sex". Can't wait for the next episode.

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Ballers: 3x02 Bull Rush

Shout by plkocev

Ricky is close to be my favourite character. Serinda Swan is so beautiful...I hope she gets pregnant from Spencer and they leave here as a series regular.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Funny. Not liking so much humour though. It's more like e Disney movie. I prefer more tension, drama, serousness, that's why I am enjoying DC's movies more. This is way too much comedy and visuals. I will probably forget it in a month. On the other hand lttle Groot is so sweet, he won me when I first watched him.

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Independence Day: Resurgence

My main problem with this movie is that Will Smith is not in it. Without him it feels like a remake/reboot, not a sequel. Despire the effects and stuff it's just nah.

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Ballers: 3x01 Seeds of Expansion

Poor Ricky, hope Spencer is ok. It was hell of fun when he got in the office and lady asked him those questions.

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Teen Wolf: 6x12 Raw Talent

I am really getting tired of this old guy Gerard...The thing with the spiders was super freaky... I bet this is not Aaron, but some king of clone or something like that. Don't know where the spiders actually came from though? When Scott and Malia were talking I was thinking (maybe hoping) they will hug or kiss, especially when she said that she was worried about him. I really like Malia, probably the most out of all Scott's girlfriends. Hopefully Brett saved his ass and we won't see his head or body hanging in the woods at the beginning of the next episode.

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