

Atlanta, GA

Lupin: 2x02 Chapter 2

What happened to this show? Nothing clever about any of the plot lines. Predictable and boring. Seems to be written for the lowest common denominator. The last scene made zero sense.

Hope this show is cancelled.

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La Brea: Season 3

I am genuinely sorry to anyone who worked on this garbage heap of a TV show. I certainly would not include it on my IMDB credits.

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La Brea: 3x06 The Road Home (2)

Worst episode of the worst TV show ever. So very happy this is done and removed from my 'continue watching.' It was exhausting watching someone/something pop up behind the main characters in every. single. scene. Like clockwork to progress any narrative the "bad guys" (or dinosaurs) would magically appear, undetected, directly behind the main action. A telltale sign of poor, weak writing.

Oh, and wasn't Petra's mother shot in front of her and nothing was ever acknowledged about it? Kid just gets on the magic plane with her mother's murderer and flies away. Literal garbage.

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Hoarders: 3x19 Hannah / Kathy & Gary

Two of the most unworthy humans to ever exist.

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: 25x02 Truth Embargo

Probably the worst episode of SVU ever, and I've seen them all.

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: 25x01 Tunnel Blind

It's like they asked ChatGPT to write this script. Absolutely terrible.

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Hoarders: 3x16 Andrew / Shania

“We’re all just 4 or 5 decisions away from shitting in a bucket.” -Matt Paxton

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La Brea: 3x02 Don't Look Up

I wonder if Michael Crichton would enjoy this comedic dinosaur show. My guess is, no.

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Hoarders: 3x02 Gordon & Gaye and Sir Patrick

This episode is hard to find, yes, but it is available with some digging through old Reddit posts. It was pulled due to Sir Patrick being a convicted sex offender. This, mixed with the other family's horrible attitude, makes it worth the extra effort in locating.

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Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife

Some "journalist". While I appreciate her telling her sorry, waiting years into the relationship to start digging lacks the intuition and foresight needed in the profession.

Also, anyone who calls you "my love" at the beginning of every video and text is probably a scammer. Instant alarm bells.

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The Witcher: 3x06 Everybody Has a Plan 'til They Get Punched in the Face

I was just so bored and I shouldn't have been.

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Survivor: 45x03 No Man Left Behind

When will they listen to the fans and stop with the three teams of six? Too small of tribes! Every season starts nearly the same with one getting absolutely gutted with back to back (to back) tribals.

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Survive the Raft: 1x08 This is Gonna Get Real Messy

I don't like anyone on this show. :sleeping:

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The Blacklist: 10x19 Room 417

WOW. What timing! Listening in at that exact moment. Almost unbelievable, NO, absolutely unbelievable. What a cringe show pandering to most asleep at the wheel writers and brain-dead viewers. So happy this is almost over.

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Joe Pickett: 2x08 A Call For Help

Weak writing really highlighted here. As the show has progressed the characters have gotten dumber for the sake of "progressing" the plotline. Marybeth was one of the only ones left that felt genuine until this episode where she too suffered the fate of bad writers penning her dumb. This show is off the rails and nothing that happens is believable.

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The Walking Dead: Dead City

Terribly boring, lackluster. Just milking to milk. Bleh.

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The Walking Dead: Dead City: 1x06 Doma Smo

Only redeeming part: the use of Nine Inch Nails.

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Hijack: 1x06 Comply Slowly

They grossly mistitled this episode and it should have been called "Comply Quickly". They instantly released the bad guys and did everything wrong. I'm so sick of shows like this where it only works when the characters are written dumb and their actions aren't true to human nature. We deserve better as watchers and it really astounds me to see such high ratings for such weak, pathetic writing. Yeah the scenes on the plane are tense, but literally nothing is believable and it just doesn't work.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 8x06 All I See Is Red

I feel so sorry for anyone who works on this show, or thinks it has any redeemable qualities.

The writers were clearly as lost as they portrayed Morgan. :laughing:

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Fear the Walking Dead: 8x05 More Time Than You Know

This is basically a show for children now. Nothing that happens on screen is believable in any way. Human motivation, action, speech...all disingenuous and fake. In nearly every scene I'm astounded by plot holes and impossible time/space jumps. It has no redeeming qualities and it is 100% the worst show on television.

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The Blacklist: 10x17 The Morgana Logistics Corporation

Boring. Not epic. Not anything.

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The Blacklist: 10x16 Blair Foster

The end can't come soon enough.

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Outer Banks: 3x10 Secret of the Gnomon

GARBAGE. Absolute garbage season and garbage finale. It took me days to get through this final, painful episode filled with weak writing (leading to dumb character actions), countless plot holes, and the apparent ability to teleport around jungles and countries. There is no reason to watch or support this show anymore. Just end it.

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I'm enjoying this but it's just so darn slow. The length of time it takes people to respond is infuriating and there's too many drawn out shots for no reason. It's just too slow. These 8 episodes could easily have been done in 4.

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Outer Banks: Season 3

Holy crap I didn't think it could get any worse than last season, but I was wrong! Absolute garbage heap of a show now.

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Outer Banks: 3x08 Tapping the Rudder

Stupidest bunch of characters and writers ever. Just kill this show.

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Outer Banks: 3x07 Happy Anniversary

This show gets dumber and dumber. How in the world did it get renewed? So bad.

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Survivor: 44x07 Let's Not Be Cute About It

I was at a live Survivor watch party where all but two of the remaining Survivors from this season were there. It's so surreal to watch them watching "their" episode(s). There was hilarious commentary during the commercial breaks and a standing ovation for the vote out at the end. If you live in a bigger city you should be on the look out for these watch parties. They are everything!

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La Brea: 2x12 The Swarm

Holy crap this show is unbearably bad. We live in an age of high quality television and this monstrosity still exists. It should have been cancelled 2 seasons ago.

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La Brea

Possibly the worst show that ever showed.

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