Prince Cantodea


Mexico City, Mexico


La peor película más esperada. Es plana seguida de una fórmula genérica exitosa. Sentimentalismo y chistes para tratar de disimular la falta de originalidad. Paree que se hizo con el pretexto vender en estas fechas y nada más. No aporta nada. Carece de historia. Es predecible. Bonita visualmente. Llena de clichés. Y estamos hartos de clichés.

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Modern Love: 1x03 Take Me as I Am, Whoever I Am

The best episode. Absolutely brilliant Anne Hathaway, i feel emotionally connected to the character I have a mental disorder and I just crying all the time feeling, remembering, loving the time I feel alive and when I just killing myself. Every character and the ending the best of all episodes. Such emotional and perfect that make you want live and love with every time passing.

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Goliath: 2x08 Tongue Tied

What? That is all.

What a disappointment season. But very well Billy Bob Thorthon. The seconds characters are really specials and hilarious.

I hate that season finale. But is really realistic. Very good lawyers with a messed up life. Shows the human part of every and Denisse Billy’s daughter show her weakness. Very precious season more human than one season. But not well at all.

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That is aún amazing horror movie. First person like the viewer is the principal character. By moment seems like a Silent Hill videogame the horror, suspense, tension, and a claustrophobic feeling every scene. The attic moment when fall down a stair and show under the light of lantern a zombie boy is the best horrible moment of the movie

Great surprise this movie. Very interesting and frightening. Amazing.

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Avengers: Endgame

The movie most disappointed.
Boring but exciting in other moments. I’ve expecting receive an epic and amazing ending after 22 movies. But. I just received and screenplay with black hole that eat the logic and congruence. I’m disappointed. Furious.

I want to see a marvelous movie. But, why? Why marvel? You made a movie full of no logic just completely made for fan service. Is just a mixture of back to the future, and other moves referenced in.

Was good. Not epic.
Was bad. Not terrible.

Unfunny. The jokes don’t made me laugh. But see all superheroes in screen was emotional and right. Some minutes were boring and useless. Some characters were wasted.

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American Gods: 2x07 Treasure of the Sun

Oh my fucking god. My American god. The best episode of the second season. I love Mad sweeney the best character and most intereting with past useful. I think must reborn i guess with his coin. What shall happen? I’m shocked now. Brilliant season.

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The Tick: 2x10 Choose Love!

Oh what an epic final season. what happened with superian? Is a fugitive of another planet? I hope the third season. What amazing show funny great epic. And Arthur is... special.

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American Gods: 2x03 Muninn

So brilliant and amazing show. So philosophical and real. Shadow is a very interesting character I think will be a semi god or descending of a old god. Wednesday is so bad ass but enchanted. I only not tolerate Laura is so frustrating and poor character but all history is amazing. This chapter maybe slow but with revelations to the future. Loved it.

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Goliath: 1x07 Beauty and the Beast

The most fuckin awesome show. Prime video you won my heart.

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