

Omicron Persei 8


Was kind of skeptic after the first episode but gave it another try and watched the remaining two episodes that was available but that's where it ends. This kind of strained jokes and below the belt humor with a twist of slapstick doesn't work at all with the crime genre. At least not when it's served like this..
Think it would have worked better if they had focused more on the crime part and toned down the the "comedy" part.

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NSU: German History X - The Victims

This episode was a total bore compared to the first one, a long yawn.

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American Housewife

This is so terrible I don't know where to start.
It's like a very very weak copy of The Middle, a very loud, tomfoolish, without finesse kind of copy.
Managed to watch the pilot and half of the second episode before I binned it.

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Like the show a lot but Mercy is one of the most annoying characters I've ever seen in a series or movie. Hate is a strong word to use but it's close in this case.

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The Putin Interviews

Interesting "interview" with an insight in the life of Putin.
I find it odd though that no one told Stone how to use and work with an interpreter prior to all of these meetings, the way he does it is awful and annoys the shit out of me.

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Westworld: 2x08 Kiksuya

The only episode (so far?) this season that holds the same standard as the ones in the first.

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Fuck Up

If you like the tv series Dag you'll enjoy this.

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Not as bad as I was afraid it would be, especially since it's staring both Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy.
Still a pointless remake though.

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True Detective: 3x01 The Great War and Modern Memory

Not a fan of the nonlinear way they tell this story. Have loved the previous two seasons but this one is of to a slow start.

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Tiny Furniture

Like a very long and very boring episode of Girls.

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An extra star for Kristen Bell. How the .... did this mess get so high grades?

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Death in Paradise

Almost done with season seven but think this is it for me. In this season (and maybe all of the previous ones but I really didn't notice?) every episode have followed the exact same format and it's getting boring.
A short sequence where someone is found dead, queue opening music, the main characters is doing something silly, they get noticed about the dead body, they follow leads that get them nowhere while the Commissioner and the two Officers has a separate "funny" byline, they round up all the suspects at a café and all of sudden reveals evidence and stuff in a timeline that you as a bystander has no way in figuring out.
So bye, bye.

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Suits: 6x06 Spain

I agree about the story going extremely slow, but Louis talking about his wood with Jenna is one of the best scenes for a long time in this show. But maybe that's just me being drunk while watching ;)

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L.A.'s Finest

So I gave it a chance and the first episode surprised me in a positive way. But when they with the minimal amount of keystrokes that would make even the guys on CSI jealous found the killer by tracing the Bluetooth sensors in the wheels of his car in the second episode I gave up on this being a good cop show. Will watch a few more because of Alba to see if it gets any better. Strongly doubt it though...

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Friday Night Dinner: 5x01 The Other Jackie

Worst episode in the whole series, completely ruined by Jim and his date. This show would be so much better without that character, annoying level 100.

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The 100: Season 6

How the F can this season have such a high rating? They've completely molested the show with all this cult of "immortals", supernatural/magical anomaly gibberish and resurrecting of dead characters. When Kane came back in a new body in episode nine just to die a second time I lost hope...
This show deserved a better faith...

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The kind of movie you've forgotten all about as soon as the end credits start to roll...
Theron is good though and saves it from a lower grade.

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The Fate of the Furious

Not much have change from the last F&F movie I saw, that was made very clear already in the very first scene.
Lost interest after 10 minutes and picked up my phone only to watch when I heard the voice of Nathalie Emmanuel.
And the scene where the u-boat exploded in a sea of fire and they drove the cars around Vin to protect him from the fire.. Come on..
And then there's the bottomless pit of cheesy one-liners...

People actually pay money to see this?

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Marvel's Daredevil

Only three episodes in and I have no problem with it being slow as a lot if other seem to have. But theese endless Jackie Chan kung-fu fights get really boring really fast. Just kick/punch the guy in the face and move on...

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Wasn't of to a good start with some very hard to like characters, gained some momentum in episode 3/4-isch and went straight back to the cruise speed it set in the beginning.
On episode seven now and have no idea what this thing want to say, it's starting to look more and more like a Dogme 95 movie and that's not meant as a compliment.

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The Inner Circle

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2019-09-02T20:23:43Z— updated 2019-09-09T19:04:47Z

Three episodes in and they just killed the only reason to continue watching after the two first train wreck episodes.
Can't blame the actors cause they just follow the director that have to do his job with a manuscript made by what have to be a 14 year old kid, it's ridiculous! No place for the viewer to draw its own conclusions, every single thing that is depicted on the screen is written on the viewers nose.
This has the potential to be a decent show but with this manuscript it's day time mediocre.

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The White Princess

If they had manage to do this with the same actors as in the White Queen it would have been a lot better (I guess). Not just because it would have been easier to jump into but also because they wasn't half as bad as this lot. It probably has to do with the script too but three episodes in I have no relation to any of the characters and they all feel rather 'bleh'...

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Space Station 76

What was this piece of crap even about? To call it a comedy is more than far fetched...

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The Irishman

Lost interest somewhere half way through, never really got the feel of what the whole thing was about, and the time jumps didn't fit in. Great cast and photo but this CGI youth serum thingy was kind of ridiculous and poorly made, or the effect itself was nice but when De Niro moving around as the 80(?) year old he is it doesn't matter if his face looks like 30. Like when he was beating up that shop owner and kicking him to the curb, it looked like he was using a walking chair while doing it :D
This will probably be on of the most overrated movies for a long time, people will up vote it just because they feel they are supposed to like it.

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2

An improvement from the first season but the last 3-4 episodes was just a three hour long kung-fu movie with a Daredevil talking with a more and more "mysterious" and fake deep voice for every scene that flies by. Can't say I'm looking forward to the next season. Especially since I know it's the one that got it cancelled...

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Sunes jul: 1x14 Julbaket

"Det här kommer Håkan få fan för..."
Best scene ever in an adventskalender!

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Jojo Rabbit

Wow, not even Rebel Wilson could make me rob this flick from a ten! Five minute of screen time is probably the right amount of her never-changing-character-no-matter-the-film I can take before her spirit completely takes over the movie. Bet she's a lovely person but I can't stand her "acting".
Besides that this is right up my valley with it's satire take on a dark and serious topic that's sadly never get old. Great performances of the cast, great choice of music, great photography, great directing and a truly great story. Love it!

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Life on the Line


Very close to an even lower grade thanks to the last 15 minutes.

On the plus side it makes me extremely glad to be working in Sweden with this kind of stuff if this movie for real reflects how this kind of work is done in the US.

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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

If you have a connection to or at least know who Fred Rogers is (was?) this will probably make much more sense than it did to me.
Nice acting but an incredibly dull story that takes you no where.

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The Chosen Ones