

Omicron Persei 8


Was kind of skeptic after the first episode but gave it another try and watched the remaining two episodes that was available but that's where it ends. This kind of strained jokes and below the belt humor with a twist of slapstick doesn't work at all with the crime genre. At least not when it's served like this..
Think it would have worked better if they had focused more on the crime part and toned down the the "comedy" part.

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American Housewife

This is so terrible I don't know where to start.
It's like a very very weak copy of The Middle, a very loud, tomfoolish, without finesse kind of copy.
Managed to watch the pilot and half of the second episode before I binned it.

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Like the show a lot but Mercy is one of the most annoying characters I've ever seen in a series or movie. Hate is a strong word to use but it's close in this case.

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The Putin Interviews

Interesting "interview" with an insight in the life of Putin.
I find it odd though that no one told Stone how to use and work with an interpreter prior to all of these meetings, the way he does it is awful and annoys the shit out of me.

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Death in Paradise

Almost done with season seven but think this is it for me. In this season (and maybe all of the previous ones but I really didn't notice?) every episode have followed the exact same format and it's getting boring.
A short sequence where someone is found dead, queue opening music, the main characters is doing something silly, they get noticed about the dead body, they follow leads that get them nowhere while the Commissioner and the two Officers has a separate "funny" byline, they round up all the suspects at a café and all of sudden reveals evidence and stuff in a timeline that you as a bystander has no way in figuring out.
So bye, bye.

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Only managed to watch two episodes and I absolutely get why they canceled this and it's a wonder it got picked up from the beginning. Utter crap.

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L.A.'s Finest

So I gave it a chance and the first episode surprised me in a positive way. But when they with the minimal amount of keystrokes that would make even the guys on CSI jealous found the killer by tracing the Bluetooth sensors in the wheels of his car in the second episode I gave up on this being a good cop show. Will watch a few more because of Alba to see if it gets any better. Strongly doubt it though...

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Friday Night Dinner

I hate Jim, ruins the show every single time he shows his face...

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Marvel's Daredevil

Only three episodes in and I have no problem with it being slow as a lot if other seem to have. But theese endless Jackie Chan kung-fu fights get really boring really fast. Just kick/punch the guy in the face and move on...

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Wasn't of to a good start with some very hard to like characters, gained some momentum in episode 3/4-isch and went straight back to the cruise speed it set in the beginning.
On episode seven now and have no idea what this thing want to say, it's starting to look more and more like a Dogme 95 movie and that's not meant as a compliment.

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The Inner Circle

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2019-09-02T20:23:43Z— updated 2019-09-09T19:04:47Z

Three episodes in and they just killed the only reason to continue watching after the two first train wreck episodes.
Can't blame the actors cause they just follow the director that have to do his job with a manuscript made by what have to be a 14 year old kid, it's ridiculous! No place for the viewer to draw its own conclusions, every single thing that is depicted on the screen is written on the viewers nose.
This has the potential to be a decent show but with this manuscript it's day time mediocre.

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The White Princess

If they had manage to do this with the same actors as in the White Queen it would have been a lot better (I guess). Not just because it would have been easier to jump into but also because they wasn't half as bad as this lot. It probably has to do with the script too but three episodes in I have no relation to any of the characters and they all feel rather 'bleh'...

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The Chosen Ones

In the sixth episode the characters, and story, walked away from me and I lost the connection with both of them.
Norton is a decent actor in other productions but here he never manage to build his character to someone you either like or dislike or is able to bond to in any way, he just is. And that's a problem when you have the lead role. The cast in all is interesting and performs well and I think I would've been able to really like this show but without a proper lead character it all falls flat.

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Rig 45

Amateur hour got funding?
Only managed to watch half of the first episode.
It starts with every character gets the buildup as a suspect, bam bam bam, without any finesse at all. Then follows the "burglary in the medics office where a truckload of sedatives were stolen but I didn't report it, because "Meh"-part and I just laughed out loud and turned it off.

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Ture Sventon

Sventon and Vessla as portrayed by Helge Skoog and Johan Ulvesson are unbeatable and even the first cast from -72 are better than in this one.
Glans is OK but Robert Gustafsson is recycling the same five characters he has been using since he was done with Percy Tårar in -96 and they stopped being funny 20 years ago.
Positively surprised by the kids though, probably have a bright future if they choose to take that path.
The show was OK to kill a couple of hours with, fun story that they manage to tell without hiccups, nice camera work and set, probably a high budget for a Swedish production.

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The most over hyped show from Viasat so far.
Five episodes that tries to tell a story but fails completely and just leaves the viewer with more questions than answers what it was all about. Could aswell been cut down to a three episodes mini series and with out problems delivered the same so called story.
The script and dialogue is a joke and the directing/editing/filmography a complete mess.
Fares and Rehborg did OK considering what they had to work with.
225 wasted minutes.

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Fullt Hus

Couldn't take more than three episodes.
One of the worst scripts I've seen in years, the dialogues and "jokes" is on the level of a high school play , and the directing......
Take a look at one of the shows it tries to copy instead like Solsidan, Ack Värmeland, Sommaren med släkten or Helt perfekt cause this is a complete waste of time.

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White Wall

Don't waste your time, an endless snooze fest that leads up to an unresolving ending. Just a lot of nothing.
Only thing I'll remember from this is Mattias Nordström, impeccable once again.

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68 Whiskey

Compared to other shows that get renewed for a second season and even season after season this deserved a second chance.
It sure has its flaws and could've been done better but was very surprised to see that it already was cancelled.

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Daniel di Grado should stick to directing stuff and leave the writing to others. A dull story taken forward by a badly written dialogue delivered by a cast that's not exactly top of the line.

It just another VOD assembly line production.

Not my cup of tea...

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First of, who was the genius that decided that some nu-metal influenced music would be a good fit for something taking place 1880-1920? Kind of ruins the mood and feel completely.
And this should've been a miniseries of 6x45min or something, this format feels kind of rushed.

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Season one was refreshing and fun but the second season really is a second season, more of the same stuff without adding anything new and feels repetitive and kind of dated.

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Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms

Season one was "fun" but season two was completely colorless, plain boring, so skip the second season since it adds nothing to the story.

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Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-11-25T19:12:04Z— updated 2020-12-30T13:50:16Z

As much as I disliked the character Joseph I disliked his portrayals writing of this show. Watched the first and a half episodes and the rest just played on while I began doing something more interesting and fun, cleaning my house.
I like Schwimmer but he had the script against him this time. I also liked Gana Bayarsaikhan character but the rest was just so misplaced they even were beyond the point of misplaced in a fun way.
Please don't give this a second season.

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For Life

Am I the only one that didn't get the ending?

Off to a good start, ep 4-6 kind of boring and back on track again in 7-8 up until the end where they missed a piece or two in the story.

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The Restaurant

Can't think of a single bad thing to write about this, a consistent high quality on all parts for 32 episodes straight.
The best Swedish produced drama of all time in my book. Glad to see it end on a high note but at the same time sad because I still want more...

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The Thin Blue Line

The show is off to a good start but don't like the hint of "love affair"-thingy at the end of the second episode.

I like that the focus of the show is on the cops and not the case but there's already enough shows with/about love drama out there so why the urge to make another one?

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The Ambassador

I really hope this get a second season but I won't hold my breath waiting.

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Lost most of my interest somewhere around episode five.

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