

Omicron Persei 8

This Is Us: 5x13 Brotherly Love

(I know I'm almost a year late but oh well)

A good episode that still managed to get a handful of tears out of me as only this is us does.
I liked how the whole episode was centered on "the talk" and how it progressed, from no understanding at all to Randall expressing his struggles and Kevin coming clean and somewhat owning up to his part of the blame, however I wished they both had gone much much much deeper, especially after that big fight and the hurtful things that were said... It didn't feel like 40 years of envy, guilt, resentment, microaggressions, lack of understanding, etc were conveyed in this mini confrontation,

I hope they come back to this topic beacuse there's still a lot to unpack, they only scratched the surface here.

The race topic is very relevant,
From an European point of view.

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Supernatural: 14x12 Prophet and Loss

This was my favourite JarPad performance in a long time! This episode was all his.
When the writing is good there's no doubt that both Jared and Jensen can act as well as any other, it's one of the main reasons SPN is still going after 14 seasons.

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