

Omicron Persei 8

The Boy and the Heron

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BlockedParent2024-01-01T19:11:49Z— updated 2024-01-05T09:49:16Z

As expected it is absolutely beautiful, the characters and the plot are both very good too. The world is intersting and full of surprises, so exploring it through out the movie was a blast! The message is a bit confusing to me. I knew it wanted to say something, but I had a hard time seeing what exactly. It made much more sense after reading some 'reviews' and 'interpretations', but I can't say I would ever come up with those ideas by myself. Altough that might just be my and not the movies fault. Even without fully understanding the movie, it is fun and engaging.

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Reservoir Dogs

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BlockedParent2023-12-17T16:59:32Z— updated 2024-01-05T09:41:07Z

I enjoyed this a lot! In media I enjoy when I get to connect or get to know a character, for example through exploring their emotions or something simpler like their opinions on everyday stuff (like tipping people), and both of these things are done well in this movie. I think the characters could be a bit deeper as people, but despite that, being able to see them as real was enough for me to have a great time watching this! Additionaly the way the plot is presented is a neat idea, I never seen a similar movie in that sense!

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Knives Out

It's a pretty typical comedy/mystery movie. It's not that predictable, and both characters and the plot are fine. Don't go in expecting something amazing and you'll have a good time.

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Komi Can't Communicate

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BlockedParent2024-03-31T17:21:22Z— updated 2024-04-05T07:08:50Z

A good romcom and an okay show. The plot is not that interesting, but it's not boring and the overarching idea is cool. It's fun to watch, I enjoyed the characters and there aren't many bad things. It's adorable, but (as expected) a lot of stuff is super cheesy. Besides Yamai, I have nothing to really complain about. That is if it's not the last season, because the "ending" is not satisfying.

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It's pretty fun! The last season wasn't fantastic, but everything else was engaging and enjoyable. There is not much depth to the characters nor the plot, but they aren't survace level or super predictable so it's nonetheless an entertaining show.

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Ouran High School Host Club

The first few episodes were a bit weird, but I imagine they just needed to get some attention on the show, because after them it got better. Similarily the characters, while seemingly boring, but after developing relationships etc. with eachother they became likeable, even kinda interesing. The plot is not super engaging, it's just not that memorable - the last 2 or so episodes definitely carry the series in that sense. But for me the characters and their relations were what compelled me to watch the show, so a complex plot was not needed. It's nothing ground-breaking, but I enjoyed myself quite a bit!

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BlockedParent2023-12-30T22:46:49Z— updated 2024-01-05T09:41:52Z

I'm positively surprised!. I love the idea of carnivores and herbivores having to learn to live together, and how it influences so many parts of their lives. I was a bit scared of it being a weird metaphor for racism, but the world is created in such a way it's very hard to make any comparisons to the real world. The fan service is mild compared to many other shows of this kind. There are a few questionable things, like Haru hating that people want to protect her, but liking Legoshi despite that for some reason, but otherwise it is pretty decent!

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Léon: The Professional

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BlockedParent2023-11-12T16:28:58Z— updated 2024-02-04T17:07:17Z

The move as a whole is just okay. The main characters seems interesting, but is never explored. The plot is pretty basic too. My only complaint is Mathilda. She says weird things, does weird things - basically everything about her is weird. She acts way older than she is and all the things with romantic undertones are just unecessary, at best they are creepy. I don't see what it adds to their relationship, so I don't see any reason for these things to be happening.

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I was intrigued at first, but not for long. Over and over again stories of different artists are told, but somehow they all sound the same - 'they were great, one of a kind, everyone loved them and they drank themselves to death'. I enjoyed when they actually talked about jazz, but the historical parts (which take up most of the time) are bland.

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Great Pretender

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BlockedParent2023-11-12T18:35:34Z— updated 2024-01-05T09:14:21Z

It's okay. The writing is decently clever, but the characterer are super boring.

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Project X

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BlockedParent2023-11-12T16:33:29Z— updated 2024-01-05T09:13:59Z

I don't get it. I didn't find it funny at all, it just seems like a movie teenagers watch to fantasize about college parties.

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Poor Things
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

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BlockedParent2023-11-22T19:45:19Z— updated 2024-01-05T09:25:57Z

The concept is okay, but the main character is so annyoing and the background characters are not that great either. And on top of that you have a lot of fan service. Overall it's just meh.

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