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Omicron Persei 8

The Flash: 4x16 Run, Iris, Run

Review by Vero

I came to this episode with low expectations, but I tried to follow my sister's advice and remain a little bit optimistic thinking that the episode could be well-executed. Well, now that I've seen it I can safely say that, even though it could've been a whole lot better, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I'm blaming my low expectations for that.

It wouldn't be a season of The Flash without Barry losing his powers. Transferring them to Iris was actually a pretty good idea to develop her character further and to help her find her place. I've got to say it, that last scene in their apartment with that music on the background was really nice.

Dammit! It turns out Iris was right all along and that she was the Flash. I was expecting the "Were the Flash" to be a running joke this episode. To my surprise, it wasn't mentioned. And if it was, I completely forgot about it.

I like how they set it all to have Iris running risks and being on the line, but I couldn't help but yelling at my screen when Ralph told Iris that she doesn't understand what it is to be in danger out there and she answered that she does understand because, and I quote, "I'm the leader of this team". Well, 1, by being the leader you don't put your life in danger, you're responsible of the dangers that might happen to the people you're responsible for. And 2, how about mentioning that you almost died last year facing Savitar when he knew exactly the outcome of each and every one of your movements? She was in the same spot Ralph is right now. Leading with that would've made him understand things differently. I can't believe she had a point there and let it slide.

The bus meta, Matthew if memory serves, was great. His power might be one of the most powerful ones on the show. He can literally erase everyone's powers just like that. The catch, however, is that he can't keep those powers (at least that's what I think). I liked him and I'm glad he's striking around. It's refreshing having someone with powers and seeing that he doesn't actually use them to do harm, but to help others. However, something about his last scene sounded suspicious. I hope he's not secretly working with DeVoe or something. Speaking of, why do they keep mentioning that they need to find the remaining bus metas before DeVoe does? I mean, the guy created them. It's not like DeVoe's supposed to be out there looking for them. Yeah, you'll have the lead there, but anyway, if he wants to, he'll get them.

When Barry lost his powers and immediately stopped I couldn't help but laugh. The fact that you've lost your speed doesn't mean that you can't still catch him. I mean, he doesn't have speed either, so it'll be like a normal chase. By the way, Barry running without speed was so weird. The guy runs like a chicken.

Iris' purple lighting was so cool, I'll give you that. I don't really get why it was purple but that doesn't bother me. It was cool. And that tidal wave scene was awesome. I really loved the callback to the tsunami in season 1. And Iris gets a new suit. It was quite convenient that she was already wearing that leather jacket which would end up being her "suit". And it only took Cisco a couple of hours to made her a suit, whereas it took episodes for him to make Dibny one. No wonder he was pissed. That's Cisco's real superpower: making suits really fast. That mask, though. I know this is a TV show with superheroes and crazy science stuff that isn't real, but I can't believe how no one ever recognizes them. There was a moment when I thought Joe's partners were gonna tell him that the new Flash looked a lot like his daughter.

I loved the scene when Barry was telling Iris what to do and that he believes in her. I reminded me to the scene back in season 1 when Wellsobard told Barry how to phase the bomb talking about feeling the Speedforce. I actually thought they were gonna go with that. And that would've been awesome because I love that scene. I was expecting Barry to say "you can do this. I believe in you. Now, run, Iris, run!"

The best part of the episode for me was Harry. Every single time they mention Thawne I get the goosebumps. Harry acting shady again was great. I like that he's hellbent on outhinking DeVoe. He's always been the smartest guy in the room but he knows he can't compete with DeVoe. It's like he found his archnemesis and needs to prove he's more intelligent than him. The scene when he explained how to create the intelligence Booster was so dark and gloomy that I actually loved it. I love how much Cisco cares about him. I hope Harry doesn't break bad of something but I'm really loving Tom Cavanagh's shady and slightly evil acting there.

I loved the scene Dibny and Harry shared there, especially when Ralph said "Your head's on fire" and the camera suddenly pans up to reveal that his head was actually on fire. That got a giggle out of me.

Cisco will always be my favourite part of the show. Between putting his keyboard as a hat while getting fed up with Harry, saying "I've got hangers", and his crazy references, I can't help but love him even more. "You're not breaking bad, Locutus!" He got to references I five words. That's gotta be a record of something.

So Iris did indeed quit her job. Why hasn't that been mentioned earlier? I had no freaking clue why she stopped and now, 16 episodes in in season 4 they mention it. Now that makes sense. I liked that the whole "I was the Flash for a day" lead her to understand the path she needs go take. And that makes her more likable go my eyes. Iris being back on track as a reporter, or simply writing a blog (nice callback to season 1 again) was great. In fact, she's the one to write that future article "The Flash vanishes in Crisis". I like how they showed that the team respects her as their leader, but Id really like for the writers to make us believe it. And I think this is the way to go. She can be a more competent leader, that's for sure, but the writers needs to come up with a way to show that to us. The episode and everything that Iris went through was a step in the right direction.

Now, let's get to the part where reason and logic are absent in this show. "Caitlin, Killer Frost is on fire duty" Caitlin and Killer Frost proceeds to do absolutely nothing. I'm no expert but when I think of putting out a fire I think of water, and guess someone with cold powers could indeed help fighting a guy with fire powers. Talk about the wasted potential of a character. I know this episode was all about Iris, but come on, what the hell happened go Killer Frost being on fire duty? If Iris hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't be half as pissed. At moments it felt as if different people were working on the script at different times without even realizing what the others were writing.

But let's not get distracted by the whole Iris stuff and let's focus our attention on the second meta with the fire powers. What was exactly his plan? What the hell did he think he was doing by staying in the middle of a park surrounded by the police and constantly saying "Money!" in such a weird way? I've seen weird metas before, but what the hell? This makes number one on my list. Really? Demanding money like that? Did he even have a plan other than yelling to cops demanding the money the first fire-powered meta couldn't take? I couldn't help but laugh out loud. And couldn't anyone in Team Flash have warned Joe and the other cops that a tidal wave was gonna come to put the meta out? It's Joe, guys, give him a heads-up.

I have been wondering about that girl that's constantly popping up at Jitters. Could she actually be Cecile and Joe's daughter? I don't know but I've got a weird feeling about her and I thought she's pop up again when Joe was at Jitters. She seems to hang out there a lot.

Now we know the two remaining bus metas' names. Janet Petty and Edwin Goss. Let's see how their powers fit into DeVoe nonsensical amount of gathered powers and how long does his last body last.

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@vero-winchester dude. you have way too much time...

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