Point Blank
The Lion King

I'm 23 years old and i have never watched the original classic from 94, in general i didn't watch the Disney world or animation movies when i was a kid. After hearing a lot about this movie and have watched the trailler, i decided to go to the cinema because of the quality of the graphics of the movie! I wasn't only surprised with the quality of the graphics but with the story itself... is touctching, i wasn't expecting the emotions i had watching this. The story itself gives a lot to think about, can teatch values to the kids, but to the grown ups can toutch on their hearts and make them to think in some actions. Was an very good surprise the movie!

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Atypical: 3x08 Road Rage Paige

this one hit me.... very emotional

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Atypical: 1x04 A Nice Neutral Smell

that dinner at the end was just hilarious, so many things going on at the wrong time kkkk

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El Chapo

I've loved the show, it's in the same world as Narcos and Fariña (love those two) but it's not that good as those two because it fails in two crucial points for me: the first it's when they (Conrado, General, president...) speak in Spanish to the DEA agent and he talks back in English, it's so cringe, doesn't make any sense.
The second one it's something that I was expecting to have, as like in Narcos, that is when it's happening something that they are trying to recreate in detail, they could show more real footage as like clips or photos. That's something that happens a lot in Narcos and I missed it here.
Overall it's a good show and I had a good time watching it. I think it's something that recreates what Chapo was... or is idk.

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Master of None

This show is really good! The point of this show is not really the comedy, this basically follows Dev's life and episode by episode they toutches in very important topics with comedy and irony that makes it fells smooth. It's genius!

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Catch-22: 1x05 Episode 5

"We give you a promotion to the rank captain, We're going to give you a medal, and you want to go to Rome to see a whore?" ahahah that killed me kkk At least at this time he had balls... RIP John Balls :( kkk
The conversation between John and Ines it's Dramedy it's amazing kkk To serious and funny at the same time because none of them are understanding anything and maybe they are assuming different things... just amazing this part.
Btw the Aarfy part was revolting, the contempt for the girl's life not just from Aarfy but from that stupid excuse... :(

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Catch-22: 1x04 Episode 4

Poor Nately :( It was looking to easy for John to just get away from his missions kkk Always adding more missions kkk

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Catch-22: 1x03 Episode 3

I was taken by surprise with this ending...

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Catch-22: 1x01 Episode 1

Enjoyed the flight scenes, they get a very real realistic look! Overall I liked the cast, the cinematography and the story that is being told so makes me want to continue watching the show :)

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Tell Me Who I Am

This documentary is so sad... From the trailer, you get a perspective but what you will find is a lot more than just what you see on the trailer.
It's sad, horrible and heartbreaking because it's not just the guy that lost the memory but his brother too because he lives the story twice. One of the worst things, if not the worst, his lose your memory. I can't imagine that basically, you lose your identity. This man not only lose his memory but when he finds out what his looking for it's f***ing heartbreaking for both of them.
The conversion between them it's touching.

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Master of None: 2x03 Religion

I love when Denise shows up to be and serves as an unlocker for a particular situation. Religion should be something that people want to proceed and not be forced to be of a certain religion :)

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Master of None: 2x01 The Thief

That's how society is nowadays, things like theft or someone being beaten my other's nobody does nothing, everybody looks but acts like is nothing... it's sad. Btw I know that the kid is just a kid and has no maturity but the only thing that he is worried about is the photo!!! god damn!

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Master of None: 1x09 Mornings

One of the best episodes. In 20 minutes they review the various steps, in general, that a relationship has. Since from the exciting beginning to all the troubles that in general happen because of the routine, work problems... to the way they managed to stay together and resolve their problems. In the end, they finished the episode in a cute way, love it.

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Master of None: 1x08 Old People

We have a lot to learn with old people. Sometimes they talk to much but that's just because they want attention... when we get to "that age" sometimes we are put aside from society, that's sad. Old people have a lot of stories where we, the youth, can learn a lot and some of them are very funny.
They need to be more recognized by the life they had and let them share with us. Sometimes we just need to be like Paro for them :)

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Master of None: 1x07 Ladies and Gentlemen

Well, this episode was a feminist satire.

I get it that girls are more "attacked" sexually, on social media or in real life (like the dude on the subway), that they tend to be more persecuted which leads to many rapes...

They're right about it, but as the show shows to us just because they're a woman they tend to be chosen to jobs where their image are used to show a product or interact with people, or sometimes they can get better "deals" by making their faces or be more affectionate...

So, in the end, I understand their problems but they're not, at all, that victims that they're trying to show to the world.

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Master of None: 1x06 Nashville

A fat guy going to an restaurant its a sign that maybe the restaurant is good eheh oh nooooo not fat people, sorry Plus-Sized People... oh f***, Full-Bodied people!!! That's how society is nowadays.

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Master of None: 1x05 The Other Man

I loved the plot twist ahah The talk between Denise, Dev, and Benjamin was interesting.

Maybe the woman just cheated to try to get the attention of his husband and at the same time to get his revenge... it's a thought, but this marriage reveals that maybe a lot of the couples where they have important positions in companies, their marriage is quite boring and without any love. A lot of times, less is more.

Basically, Dev was a 'Human Dildo'.

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Master of None: 1x04 Indians on TV

I love the thing that they put together 4 friends all different: one black, one Indian, one white and one Asian. With this, they kinda make a group that can talk, in each episode, about things like racism, (for example in this episode), that cover 4 different people that can suffer racism in 4 different ways. This is genius.

About that Indian, Asian and gay not being at a level like black people is kinda true... Nowadays black people suffer racism, a lot, but they kinda have status the other victims (Indian, Asian and gay) don't have and they are too far away, I think.

I get it that some jokes are offensive but sometimes they don't mean to be, sometimes are just... jokes. All nations have some characteristics that can be used to make fun of. But all this just depends on the situation and in the end, we as a society need to work more on this, on both sides.

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Master of None: 1x03 Hot Ticket

This is like a message about when the expectation is so high because the girl is so hot but it's not that interesting and the exterior rapidly fades away. And suddenly the girl that seems more 'normal', not that hot, rapidly becomes not just more interesting (because she's definitely more interesting... more like a 'Woman' in the sense of the word) but because she's interesting she becomes hotter!
And he was randomly just trying every girl... that shows our society nowadays.

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Master of None: 1x02 Parents

This episode touches on an important subject, has an important message that is to thank our parents for the life that they gave us.

The way this episode talks about this doesn't cover everybody but in general, the point is to thank them for what they give to us, the work behind to give us a better life, to give things that in their time couldn't get.

And normally we kinda have some shame to open our hearts and let the emotions talk, but that's important to do and after that, we feel some much better and they appreciate that a lot, (i think eh eh). :hugging:

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The End of the F***ing World

Well, what can I say... it's f***ing weird and fantastic at the same time.

After watching the trailer i was like "what the hell..." but I give it a chance because it looked quite cool at the same time. We got 2 seasons and each episode is around 20 min, so it's very easy to watch and the time flys watching this. This has a good story and the 2 principals actors are fantastic, they do the weird/awkward characters very well and at the same time kinda funny the way they treat every situation in the "f*** it" way.

Btw the cinematography and the soundtrack are absolutely fantastic.

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The End of the F***ing World: Season 1

The boy is weirdo the girl is... well i don't know what to call but it's more than weirdo to. It's a start... a weird start but i guess it's intriguing enough to keep watching.

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Rambo: Last Blood

I found the movie quite similar to Taken... ok I'm exaggerating but in terms of the whole point of a 'father' trying revenge is kinda the same objective. Btw Taken is my favorite film ever. I liked this movie, is different from the other Rambo's movies but that's not bad! Rambo is a character and now he is 'old' so now he is enjoying his life and he uses his experience to get his revenge and I know the final of the movie is kinda 'too heroic' but Rambo, in general, is 'too heroic'... that's the point of Rambo. For 1h30m is very enjoyable and the final is frantic. Btw I loved to see the sentimental side of Rambo. 10/10 for me.

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Droppin' Cash: Los Angeles: 2x03 Chief Keef & Dre London

Cheif keef house its a dream :o All that games and TVs... God damn!!!
Dre london spending 50k in a watch like it is nothing...

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Droppin' Cash: Los Angeles: 2x01 Trippie Redd & Fetty Wap

Triipe red its a kid, sincerely i like a song here and there but its not that interesting. But on the other side Fetty Wap seems super cool, simple and discreet ^

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13 Reasons Why: 3x04 Angry, Young and Man

God damn, another plot twist... I admit this is starting to get more interesting, but every time that the 'Sherlock Clay' thinks and makes a theory about someone always make sense but it turns out to be nothing. First Jessica&Justin, now Tyler (and I was thinking that was him)... now, who's next?! I can't think anybody else, seriously... or maybe will be another plot twist and it turns out to be Justin?! I really don't know now... but it's been interesting!

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13 Reasons Why: 3x03 The Good Person Is Indistinguishable from the Bad

Sherlock Clay! eheh I'm not going to lie, the idea of Ani&Clay made sense... i was kinda beleiving that Justin and Jessica were involved on the crime... but right now i'm thinking more on Tyler. He is super calm right now, during the episode he seems 'ok' like an 'angel', but that last clip on the episode brings the mistrust.

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13 Reasons Why: 2x07 The Third Polaroid

Zach is so fake... always trying to me what he is not. That Jessica VS Alex moment was dope, i understand both parts so i don't blame anyone, it's so hard for Alex as it is for everyone around him, mainly for Jessica. Bryce's girlfriend is starting to notice who he real is.

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13 Reasons Why: 2x06 The Smile at the End of the Dock

The best episode so far... Mostly because i see myself so much in Zach. This episode changes the way i see Zach. Actually Zach and Hannah make a cute couple but i feel so bad for her because Zach broke her heart... Zach seems a strong guy but its weak, he wants to keep an image for her friends that doesn't correspond to the real Zach. btw the way Zach puts the condom its interesting ahah About Clay, i understand his reaction on hearing the story between Zack and Hannah but i hope he changes is mind about Hannah

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