Ragnar Teeveer

1 follower

Tallinn, Estonia


probably the best film michael bay has made since "the island" or maybe even since "the rock", it feels like a summer blockbuster from the 90s, reminiscent of "speed" and "con air", but not so much in a campy way like "the expendables" - rather in a completely sincere michael bay way, with massive car chases, loud explosions and strange rollercoaster-like camera movements

also, this looks like it cost a lot more to make than it actually did, demonstrating that bay doesn't need a 9-figure budget to make a big action flick

btw, this is actually a remake of a danish film from 2005, but if they had called it "grand theft auto" instead of "ambulance", it would have been a more successful video game adaption than "uncharted" was

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The Contractor

this would have been a more or less decent thriller, if it weren't for one extremely confusing major plot point:

why were they trying to kill him in the first place? i spent the entire second half of the movie expecting this to be explained, but it never was!

did i miss something? wtf was that all about?

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Don't Worry Darling
Seinfeld: 5x20 The Fire

"you kept making all the stops?!"
"well people kept ringing the bell!"

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Seinfeld: 9x10 The Strike

the human fund - money for people

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The Vault

i liked the film, but i have two questions:

  1. why is the title "way down" instead of "vault" in some countries (including mine)? how is that a better title and what does it even mean?

  2. how do the bank people turn off the system with the scale and the water, when they need to go into to vault themselves? why was doing that same thing before going in never discussed as an option? or did i miss it?

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Sleeping Dogs

it's one of those films where...
...the twist in the end makes some of the stuff that happened before completely incomprehensible - why didn't his partner tell him the truth? what was his incentive to hide it?

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x10 A Quality of Mercy

umm... i'm going to address the elephant in the room here and i'm quite surprised no one has brought this up:

older pike told younger pike that sending the letter that saves the lives of these kids is a terrible mistake, and then promised to show him how, using the time stone from the klingon monks or whatever

but he never did! nothing in this vision explains why these kids need to die, why pike needs to die and how the whole incident is even connected to the future events shown in the vision - there is no connection - none of it is ever explained, not even a little bit

how does older pike know that these things are connected and the accident is some sort of turning point in history? how do the monks know it? why doesn't younger pike question this theory? how does anybody know that this specific event going in a specific way is the only way to prevent the death of spock and the escalation of the war?

the causality of it all is never shown nor is it explained, yet for some reason everyone acts like it's a given - wtf?

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Creed III

who do you think would win in a real fight? jordan or majors?

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The Middle Man

what the hell happened at the end? what was the deal with the cinema? why was she sitting there and why was her face bruised and covered in soot? was she in the house when they set it on fire but somehow got out in time? when? when the guys left, the house was already totally in flames, so how did they not see each other if she got out before that? or did she die in the fire and the part where they sailed away together was just frank's imagination?

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