

Austin Tx

The 100: Season 7
Resident Alien: Season 2

I almost never stop watching a series midway but this is just too painful to continue. It's everything wrong with Hollywood in our times.
To be fair I think the premise is pretty good and Alan Tudyk is a talented actor. He's doing his "schtick" admirably and delivers the alien humor well. It's the absolute 4th wave feminism that is intolerable. But the preaching of the new woke religion is too much.

It was evident from midway thru last season that this is where it was going but after S2E3 the writers turned it into talking points from a women's study syllabus and it's so forced. Women's pay gap? check Women being objectified? check Mansplaining? Check. Bright pink hair? Check. Unattractive fat women? Check and check and check. Stupid, spineless, buffoonish men? Oh yea. It's so bad they even have the kids joining in on the act. Can't let those little ones just be kids, we have to make sure to get em while they're young.
Don't waste your time.

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I thought this was an awesome film without the usual Hollywood PC inflicted script writing. A down and dirty no frills, right to the point right vs. wrong film. Really refreshing and a fun romp where good triumphs. Not complicated, not over directed, not CGI'd to death. Especially liked the fact that he isn't invincible just dedicated to his family and justice.

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Locke & Key: Season 2
Locke & Key: Season 3

Horrible, just horrible. Everything wrong with modern tv shows

This is some of THE worst writing i've ever encountered. I don't know who took over from seasons 1 & 2 but they were hell bent on making this an almost unwatchable joke of a show. I actually finished it as painful as it was.

There is literally nothing redeemable about this.

I don't even know where to begin. It's offensive to watch. The actors try to do their best but its just such horrible writing.
The woke gay stuff in the beginning is so over the top that it's repulsive. There is something very strange about the costumes for the pretty girls. Why are they always showing the midriff and having them wear such bizarre pants? Its just weird. Then there are these bizarre musical interludes. The plot is beyond stupid. There were rules supposedly governing things but that only depends on the scene.

Usually I write something cohesive and logical but between the rum I needed to get thru this and the bad writing all I can say is this is pure shit.

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The House

Not sure what I just watched, but it was definitely an experience.
The animation was wildly creative yet bizarre. The plots, well....come to your own conclusions. Mildly depressing, comical, and thought provoking. Seems that there is supposed to be some deeper meaning or allegory but I didn't get it.
All in all, worth a watch if you like something different.

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Up until the last episode ,which really went conventional with all the typical plot devices that shows/movies of this genre use, the rest of the series was exceptionally refreshing. The pacing was perfect, great story, the chemistry was pretty decent, and hats off to Ritchson who really did a great job dead panning the comedy. What was even better was there didn't even seem to be any of the woke non-sense that permeates most everything these days. Thumbs up.

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Bosch: Legacy: 2x10 A Step Ahead

I was SOOOOO hoping that when Madi picked up the phone, the whole house would blow up and we could finally be rid of her. I can't express my hatred and disgust of an actor any more than that. She has been the very worst of this season. Every time she's on screen it's repulsive with her only Pained-Scrunch-Face look. To the writers: Please kill off Madi as soon as possible. Even between seasons will be better. Just write it into the story without having to watch her struggle with that dead in the eyes face again.
The rest of the show was great. Especially liked having more of Mo and exploring his character.

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Bosch: Legacy: Season 2

Typical Bosch season. Good plot, good production, good acting.... except for Maddie. Madison Lintz must be related to someone in casting because she is by far one of the worst actors I've ever watched. She has one signature move.... squinched face. They didn't do any favors to her bad acting by writing this absurd character. She's supposedly bad-assed, she can outrun and take down a man no problem, survive an underground coffin, solve crimes like a super-sleuth, but then she's completely traumatized by a serial rapist to the point where giving a statement is some kind of existential crisis. She's just plain mean to Bosch who has nothing but non judgemental love for her, yet she insists on being a bitch. You're just left with this adolescent minded brat who is also a Mary Sue.
It's so hard to watch this with her in this and unfortunately about a 1/3rd of the show revolves around her drama.

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The Umbrella Academy
The Boys Presents: Diabolical

This is following on the footsteps of Star Wars Visions and Ani Matrix with short independent animations with unique styles and story lines based on the source material.

Unfortunately, this falls way short. Most are not really that entertaining and rely on shock and gore. While admittedly over the top in the series it moved the story forward, here it's gratuitous for no reason.

Episode 1 is a throw back to 40's Loony Toons style comics. Justin Roiland's episode definitely had a bit of R&M in it. Episodes 3 & 8 are tied into the series so I'll assume fans will like those.
It isn't the worst but it just isn't really good. I'm not sure why Seth Rogan, Aisha Taylor, Andy Samburg, and Akwafina are getting their stories produced. They're not especially talented. Luckily the episodes are only 15m each so not a huge investment.
Bottom Line: It's mostly forgettable and unsatisfying.

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The Expanse: Season 6

I thought it was good. This entire series had something uniquely different from most shows. Sure it had some of the obligatory wokeness in it, but it was definitely at a minimum. This was fairly good story telling with really strong production values. Acting was really decent especially the belters having to learn a different dialect. They sure did earn their money. Story lines did jump around a bit and made it somewhat hard to follow all the different threads. That's inevitable when you are trying to juggle too many characters, but all in all I thought it was satisfying.
The final was a fairly good way to wrap up the season and perhaps the series... or not??? There were some strange arcs that went nowhere and obviously were to be dealt with at a later time. Specifically the resurrected boy and who ever it was that denied Inaros use of the gate? Some strange decisions there for sure.
If it's done, I'll have no regrets. If it continues I'm sure to be entertained.

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The Tomorrow War

Truly retarded and anyone who liked it is too.
Seriously, that was mean, but COME ON.... this felt like trolling. Nothing at all made even a tad of sense. Zero logic. There are so many things just terribly wrong with this I can't even be bothered to list them.

The only part that was good was the black side kick saying shit 50x's in a row. That was comedy gold right there.

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Rick and Morty: 7x08 Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie

Absolute Rubbish. I can only imagine people who liked it have IQ's in the low 70s and actually like rap music which isn't actually music at all.

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Better Than Us
Resident Alien: Season 3

Was better than S2, but just barely. If it wasn't for Alan T it would be unwatchable though the sheriff can be quite funny at times. Darcy and Asta are the worst in every possible way. Their characters bring absolutely nothing to the show. Feels like DEI hires or to fulfill some woke agenda statistic.

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Gen V

Shout by Ranchpig
BlockedParent2023-10-14T06:45:00Z— updated 2023-11-06T12:56:43Z

In a normal world this show would be rated X and only degenerates and sadists would enjoy it. Unfortunately, this isn't a normal world and years of incremental desensitization not only allows this show to air but to give it a rather high rating. It's perverse for perversity's sake. I can handle the "gore". It's a bit over the top but not nearly as bad as the "Boys". It's all the genital references. From the very first scene to weird micro-midget porn to exploding dicks. The obligatory gay references have now evolved into a strange trans theme. Others have alluded that this is wokery on roids and it's hard to argue against it.

Sad thing is that the main story arc isn't actually that bad, but it's interwoven with bad premises, agenda driven themes, lazy writing, and of course, the obsession over debauchery, drugs, male nudity and over the top sex.

MODERATION EDIT: Be respectful.

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The Orville
The Boys Presents: Diabolical: 1x06 Nubian vs Nubian

Best Feces Friends Forever ..... That's my guess.

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This reminded me of a classic Disney movie of the 40's. Clean, wholesome, entertaining, fun, whimsical, magical, moral etc. etc. etc.
On so many levels this is such a good film, but for me the best and most relevant part is there was nothing WOKE about it. Felt like I was transported back to a time when movies and tv were for entertaining, not pushing an agenda.
Maybe there's hope after all.

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This is one of the most dramatic and emotionally draining movies of all time. It's on par with Glen Gary Glen Ross. A rollercoaster with a very simple premise. Been meaning to re-watch but didn't want to deal with all the emotions but caught a clip on Utube and gave it another go. Glad I did. Even knowing the plot and ending it was still a thrill.
What I found in addition to the great acting (and it is), sound, production, atmosphere, etc, is that the story is almost mythological. To be GREAT is by definition something a fraction of a percentage can attain. Is it talent? Is it drive? Is it perseverance or all of the above? That's what's so magical about this story. Both men were aiming way above their limits and however unlikely, despite the hurdles, it took both of them together to reach that mythological status of GREAT.

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Saturday Morning All Star Hits!

Good job on re-creating the 80's vibe/nostalgia, but humorless and otherwise quite boring.

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Midnight Mass

This is probably THE WORST show i've ever watched for so many reasons.
It's completely degenerate and narcissistic. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about the main character. He's like a disgusting and warped neurotic Woody Allen wannabe. His over the top jewish stereotypes only reinforce that the jew is all about himself and his perversions. This show is, in many ways, what is completely wrong with the West and our slide into moral decay. Every idea this show promotes leads to our cultural downfall. I'm only halfway through S2 and I just have to turn it off.

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This is a typical Good start, bad everything else show. I have a feeling that the writer came up with a great premise but either didn't have an ending in mind whatsoever or it was canned in order to just use the "callings" to extend the soap opera.
This reminded me of Blind Spot. Same dumb formula. Instead of tattoos it's visions. Kind of a shame too that they wasted 3 seasons not to just end it.
Like I said I doubt there was ever an ending or explanation for any of it. How shows get the green light without a clear path is beyond me.

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Not bad at all. There is a bit of a disconnect between being modern yet portraying historical accuracies. I like the little touches, the laying on the couches, the wardrobe choices, the toilet, and even when Livia is brushing her teeth. These are pretty amazing details yet in the grand scheme of things it feels more like a modern soap opera. I understand that the real events were pretty much like that, but it kind of comes across to me a bit "too" dramatic. Like they hired the script writers from CSI or NCIS. A bit too campy.

All in all I think it's really well done though. The production value, music, acting, those little touches make it worth while. I find it interesting that though this was 2000+ years ago, we still deal with the same BS from our "ruling class". Just goes to show there's nothing new under the sun.

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2036 Origin Unknown

I've never liked Katie Sackoff's one dimension acting (grimace and grief) in anything she's ever done. Couple days ago I thought I would give Another Life a spin and couldn't even finish the first episode it was that bad. Not specifically her but the whole show was garbage. Had some time to kill and thought I would give this a spin.
After ten minutes I knew to lower my already low expectation to near nil. Yet even that was too high. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about this film school attempt at a movie. I could make criticisms but it would be a waste. So WARNING.... please for the love of God, don't even think about watching this! Let me be your "BRIDGE OUT" sign and turn around as fast as you can.

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The Gifted: 1x09 outfoX

Already this show has gone down the crapper. What is with these sub par writers?
Seriously, this could have been good, but they just can't help destroy a good idea.

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