Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

I loved it what a fantastic episode. But something is bothering me. Varys said goodbye to tyrion and goes to dorne but when ships sayl hes there behind Daenerys. Is it a mistake or im just stupid?

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Blood Lust

They could have done so much more with this plot

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Jurassic City

So bad.... Fakest dinosaurs ive seen... And a better plot... You cant expect to put dinosaurs there and a bunch of people fighting them and will be something good... Dont know why they eve do this movies anymore...

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Fantastic Four

Wow....they really KILLED the fantastic four i had in my mind from the first movies...

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The Survivalist

Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2016-03-16T22:49:11Z— updated 2022-04-27T14:20:42Z

I liked the film and all but all those "opinions " on the cover where misleading. not exactly what one expected and surprised me in a good way

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