

Omicron Persei 8

Outcast: Season 1

I watched the first 5 episodes as they came out and i gotta say i felt really sleepy in all of them. But then i thought : " This is robert kirkman and i love walking dead" so i gave it another shot and it just blew my mind how my mind changed so much about this show. Kyle is just an amazing character and the hole plot it just geta intense and gets to you not throught the episode but throught the season. Not a 10/10 but still pretty good a 8/10 seems fair.

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Mr. Robot: Season 3

Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2017-11-15T05:11:00Z— updated 2022-04-27T14:14:24Z

plot twist: elliot's dad is alive and he is the one suffering from multiple personalitys cuz he fells guilty for killing his son when he pushed him out the window.... and its a fight inside mr robot good vs evil.

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Swiss Army Man

This movie picks the most common and silly things and make them great. This is a terrific example of the seventh art. I interpretate a lot of things as metaphors(dont think im the only). Like how hank's fear of talking to sarah is replicated by Manny's eretion. A lot of us are afraid to show our likes an dislikes afraid of judgement. We live in an era where being an anti-social young adult(as myself) is specially emotinally hard and i believe this movie is trying to tells how to win this part of our lifes. Is to find someone o something(but try to avoid corpses xD) that can get you where you wanna go no matter how many times youre tink about giving up.
At last there some great perfomances didnt think Radcliffe could do so much performing a corpse. Good work im glad this exists!

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Thor: Ragnarok

I have to say honestly i expected something else from Thor:Ragnarok,something better actually.Im a big marvel fan and this is not what Thor is. Please leave the comedy for comedy heroes like deadpool or GotG. This "hero saga" its more mature than jokes about Hulk being the stupidest avenger...Its funny but i dont think its supposed to be funny,i laughed more than i got thrilled, and i think thrill and those scared/surprised inspirations that where acomplished much better in Civil War for example were lacking in this movie. You got to rethink your choices, the destruction of Asgard,Thors home,should be more significant,even though Asgard its not the place,its still where Thor grew.
I hope they dont do the same in Black Panther and Infinity Wars...

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Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

Wow this was refreshing movie something ive never see before and built in a mysterious way thay hooked me up in a way i hadnt been hooked in a long time. From what ive see in the comments i believe most people are concetrated in the interaction it self, the choice making, and thats no it,its how you fit into to story how at the same time it fits in you. Its really hard to put in words what im experiencing now but i just loved it and will most certainly will show it to a lot of my friends and just standby and watch them get totally confused! The only that was no on point was the cast for Colin and some of the acting(not by the main caracter).

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Arrow: 2x09 Three Ghosts

Yes! My name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive! To the outside world im an ordinary forensic scientist but secretly with the help of my friends at S.T.A.R. Labs i fight crime and find other meta humans like me. (Yara Yara yara) I AM THE FLASH!

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Each movie of this saga is getting worse... This was the worst so far. The first one made me really anxious about the second one and the second not at a same level but also anxious. This third was just so much unnecessessary information in a big gap of time. Lets just hope something changes and the probably last movie of the saga is better

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Arrow: 7x13 Star City Slayer

Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2019-02-14T13:55:42Z— updated 2022-04-27T13:53:54Z

Am i the only one thinkin this future thing is getting more boring every episode? I would be more glad to have 25 min episodes without the future parts... they seem so unnecessary and just a way to fill time now the past memories are over...

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Bridge of Spies

Hank is the man for this roles. Superb... i would pay to view the movie about like a sequel with the negotiation in cuba.

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Ready Player One

Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2018-04-15T16:26:09Z— updated 2022-04-27T13:56:28Z

Very enjoyable film, i can't help getting a feeling that this is a geeky film, since i went to see this movie with my sister(the social type) and to her its like this was a more modern variant space jam. Despite of that, its very well built and some references that most people would know. That "retro" soundtrack looked really cool with the subject of this film,more than appropriate i would say. Overall acting was good, although i noticed some moments that it felt like they were literally reading their lines.
Great movie for the family, its something that shouldnt be missed.

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The Snowman

Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2018-02-09T20:17:23Z— updated 2022-04-27T14:10:43Z

Am i too stupid to understand this film,or is it truly bad? First of all i didnt see any sense in the beggining... my first thought was that she had a stroke or something... Second some transitions between scenes were a bit painfull to watch. First he is in a place then he is in another with no explanation... dialogues a bit basic in my opinion... and the ending... the ending hurts my soul... Its a shame because i really like both Michael and J.K.,not that the acting was bad but i see it has a waste of potential.

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The Breakfast Club

I gotta say this movie must be really interesting for any age but as a teen i must say its hard not to relate with at least one of them its really a deep view at a teens life. We are all once teenagers but it seems that adults tend to forgt that. Any parent out there should watch and try to understand its not an easy part of lifes. Its amazing that its still so relatible in these days. Great piece of art they made here :)

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The Lookout

This could have been so much more well explored. Liked the beggining but thats pretty much it. It just goes downhill.

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Two Distant Strangers

I went on this short-movie without watching the trailer, but I read the description and got intrigued even more when I saw Joey Bada$$'s name on the cast.

Maaan was I fooled by this movie... Not in a bad way, at all... I just thought he was finally going home to his dog, thinking to myself, This is bs, here they go again with the "communication solves everything" message. So glad that's not the case, and kept it real.

I like it how they didn't dwell on the time travel thing too much and kept as real as an un-real thing could possibly get.
I advise everyone to make a thorough watch on this powerfull work of art.

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High Maintenance: 3x04 Breathwork

I WANT ONE OF THOSE PUPPETS ASAP. So interesting how i keep getting hooked on this new personalities this show presents every single episode. Its such a weird beautifull approach to a small part off the world.

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The Farm

Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2018-11-25T14:37:44Z— updated 2022-04-27T13:55:44Z

Please if you are seeing this DO NOT WATCH this!! This is the worst horror movie i've ever seen. Basically if you watch the trailer and the poster you already can say you watched it because everything else in the movie is just people moving from 1 place to another,and that is not how you make a scene! Theres not more then 50 lines in this movie and this actors are just the worst. I've never been more mad about wasting my time watching a movie and if I can prevent 1 person from watching it will make my year!

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The Shape of Water

Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2018-02-21T02:54:36Z— updated 2022-04-27T14:06:19Z

First of all i got to say that ending was as beautifull as it can get... the soundtrack along with it made it so calm and beautyfull, really transmited a feeling of serenity.
The cast is great and its amazing how strong of a presence a mute character can have when its played very well.
It is very well build with everything in order but i can't help thinking about this being a more mature, worked version of beauty and beast(with a few twists).
As a conclusion I have to say you're not gonna waste your time watching but still its not a must see.

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The Cabin in the Woods

This is a great movie,a couple jumpscares but with a few laughs in the middle it makes it really enjoyable.
Acting is really solid and best of it is how unpredictable it is.I saw the trailer and thought i basically knew the story but man its full of surprises,even while i try to predict whats happening next or whats gonna be the outcome i still didnt get a single thing right.
Great to watch if youre into horror films and looking for something a bit different.

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The Switch

Loved everything about,except the end,i believe that this woud look better with a sad end...

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I dont know what it is but this movie has it. Not a masterpiece of course,but still there was something about this movie that made it so enjoyable to watch.The designs of this monsters were great,there wasnt one i looked and said to myself:"Thats totaly fake". Dylan does a supberb job at his perfomances and this one was no exception and Jack was an awesome pick for this role because he really looks like that crazy/fun guy. I noticed a few flaws in the story but i still dont regret watching and its the perfect movie to watch with friends or family, even if youre bored alone just trying to pass time, watch this,next thing you know youll be smiling and amazed.

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The Taint


1.The script was most likely written by a 10 year old...
2.The actors look like they dont even want to make the movie,terrible!
3.More than half the movie is just random men pursuiting women holding some object above their head while their just ejaculating from their penis hanging out off their pants...
4.Did i forget to mention,this movie is about DICKS!!!
5.Even the writter got lost because the other half its just secondary stories that make no sense and doesent seem to stop.
I got intrigued by the poster thats all, and im impressed by the fact that i watched the whole thing so that i could warn others.It would be better for mankind if this movie got deleted.

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This movie is great i loved it...until the end. The reason why i loved it its because its a movie that lacks plot holes and has great storyline very well paced and with great perfomances(in my opinion they talked and facial expressions were on point). Did not expect that from John Reily, i always saw him as cheap basic comedy kinda actor but im glad i saw this movie. The reason why i didnt like its because of the ending. I was lost at the ending. Was not expecting the screen just to go black after the phone call. Am i missing something? Please tell me if i am. 7/10 seems fair since for me they just build up the story until it reaches nowhere.

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Spider-Man: Homecoming

Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2017-07-13T02:43:05Z— updated 2022-04-27T14:16:49Z

Just GREAT! Real top spider man fan and i "have" to love every movie of it... The downside for me in this is that it has too much comedy. I get it, he's a teenager but he his also spider man. I didnt see much responsabilty with that great power. Again:Not an HATE comment freakin loved it and nice troll there of the second post credit scene :D

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The Flash: 3x08 Invasion! (II)

I dont watch Arrow (yet) but i desperetly need to know in wich episode of Arrow this continues and why theres a "2" after invasion. If any1 could reply i would love

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Free State of Jones

I liked its story was pretty interesting and good but i think old Matthew wasnt the right man for this role... i just couldnt see him as newt. But then rest was well made with the right amount of violent/ indecent images and the soundtracks that fit in. Really liked Moses he gives you a certain sensibility required to enjoy this movie.

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

I didnt care that much about abraham but glenn... Damn the first time i thought he died i shed a tear but now... god damn i lost one of my favorite caracters and shed more then 1 tear without question. We will miss you Glenn

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

I loved it what a fantastic episode. But something is bothering me. Varys said goodbye to tyrion and goes to dorne but when ships sayl hes there behind Daenerys. Is it a mistake or im just stupid?

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Blood Lust

They could have done so much more with this plot

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Jurassic City

So bad.... Fakest dinosaurs ive seen... And a better plot... You cant expect to put dinosaurs there and a bunch of people fighting them and will be something good... Dont know why they eve do this movies anymore...

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Fantastic Four

Wow....they really KILLED the fantastic four i had in my mind from the first movies...

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