Rick Verschuren



Johnny English Strikes Again


Couple of days later my friend and I watched the third movie. Still funny:joy::joy: yes it becomes more predictable each time. The first one was the best for that reason alone, you couldn’t predict the crazy shit. Now you can. But still hilarious to watch with a friend.

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The story is good, the acting was very good, H and Yusuf were outstanding! The ending sucked big time.. I was never on the edge of my seat like you wanna be with movies like this, the story didn’t grab me.. but still a good watch. Liked the moral dilemma in the end with the kids

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Marco Polo


Season 1 was outstanding! The acting was very good but their were also a couple of people that maybe should reconsider their career path. Season 2 started very good, it felt better then season 1. But then they introduced the Christian’s and their army, Marcos father being the big man. Season 2 ended terrible, the last episode leaves me with so many questions.. how ever it is still an amazing show I can highly recommend.

The cgi in this show was terrible, especially the rocks that were fired at the Chinese wall and the horses on fire in season 2.

One of the best netflix originals.

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Arrested Development


Worst comedy series I have seen. Their were only a couple of funny moments. Stopped watching in season 4. It’s so bad man.

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Johnny English Reborn


Watched it with a friend, first we saw the first one. It’s so stupid but still very funny. It’s definitely less funnier then the first one, mainly because now you can predict the things that are going to happen.

Same with the first one, if I would have watched it alone it would be a 6 at most. But watching with someone you care about and laughing together is so amazing!!

Movies hit different when you watch them with friends, if I watched this alone it would be a 7 at most.

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Johnny English


Watched it with a friend, we laughed so hard!! It’s so stupid but also so funny:joy::joy::joy:

Movies hit different when you watch them with friends, if I watched this alone it would be a 7 at most.

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Here Comes the Boom


Turned this movie on to watch something and turn of my head. Besides turning of my head I got to see a very enjoyable movie with a great story.

The story was very good for a comedy movie, the humor was also great. Loved every second of it!!

Can highly recommend this.


Saw that plot twist coming from a huge distance:joy: that that guy from the school stole all the money

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The Good Place


Good comedy serie.
The concept of the after life is hilarious/amazing. The writers did a amazing job with this one!

Personally season 3 and 4 were the worst, it got to complicated and far fetched storyline. They still had some very funny moments tho.

First two season were great.

All characters were great, all had amazing story’s and were equally funny.

My personal favorites are Micheal when he jokes about stupid human things like texting while driving:joy: and I just love Tahani her story’s about random celebrity’s are the best

Also a beautiful actress with an amazing accent!

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Special Ops: Lioness


Amazing spy drama series. The first spy serie I have seen that shows both sides of the job, and I have seen a lot of spy series/movies.
The family side of the story was so well portrayed, heartbreaking what a job can do to a family. Even more when the husband had also a very important and stressful profession.

The acting was outstanding in this serie. Zoë played amazing, Cruz played amazing!! The eldest daughter played so well, she nailed her performance.

Can highly recommend this to everyone!!

In my opinion their is no need for a season 2. It’s good the way it is. And if their is a season 2 it will always be worse then season 1.

Also what happened to the Nicole Kidmans face :joy:

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Shout by Rick Verschuren
BlockedParent2024-04-16T13:41:56Z— updated 2024-04-17T20:47:39Z



Maybe it was funny back in the day

Kramer and Newman are the 2 reasons I watched the entire show. The rest of the cast was not funny and poor. Only George had his funny moments from time to time.

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The Founder


Great movie based on a true story. Loved that they showed both sides of the story and not just one like it is in most biopics.

It’s a sad story, a story about how cruel the world is. Business man and politicians are the worst people on the planet.

And no not all businessman are bad, we have our own company with my family. Yes our main goal is to make profit, but we don’t want to lose our product quality. In the beginning this was also the case for Ray Kroc but when he started growing and growing, his greed for money grew and grew to.

I can find myself in both sides of the story, I get what the brothers wanted and dreamt of. But I also get what Ray wanted and dreamt of. It’s sad how it went down..

It’s crazy how a good business is one of the biggest real estate players in the world.

Never knew the assistant of Ray was the first woman that was allowed onto the stock market.

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The Wages of Fear


Another poor Netflix movie.
So many mistakes in the movie. Acting was bad, classic example of overacting.

But I still had a blast watching this with my dad, we laughed a lot during this movie about all the ridiculous things.

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Surprisingly good. Always thought it was an animated children’s movie after seeing the poster, but that’s not the case at all. Saw a instragram reel about the first time they went to the White House, very funny scene. Decided to look what movie it was, and watched it later the same day. Michelle Monaghan always good, Peter Dinklage to.

But I have two questions.

How did that nerd become president of the United States
Those Q*Berty baby’s at the end, how? Just how? :joy::joy:

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Daddy Day Care


This is amazing!!! Very good comedy movie. The chemistry between the cast is amazing, all of them played very good.

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Bleed for This


Good boxing movie.

The pace at the beginning of the movie was fast, after that it became slow, almost to slow. But the movie got back on to the right pace.
The story is amazing, no incredible!

Miles teller played amazing, the rest of the cast was also very good but miles sticks out.

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The Umbrella Academy


This is amazing, it keeps getting better and better. Overall season 3 was the worst but with the character development from season 1 to 3 it still is very good. The first season was took me a while to get into it, after that I couldn’t turn of my tv.

Five is definitely the best character for me and an amazing actor! Every character had moments that annoyed me, normally that bothers me but for some reason I still like every character almost equally.

Can’t wait for season 4

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Grown Ups


It had some funny moments

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Next Goal Wins


Very cheerful and fun movie! As a Dutchie I never heard of Thomas Rongen:sweat_smile: now I do haha.

This story was perfect for Taika Waititi, loved what he did with the movie.

If you like soccer, NO IT’S CALLED FOOTBALL!!! This is a great movie for you.
If you like great and fun characters this movie is perfect for you to.

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The Call of the Wild


Fun family movie.
At the beginning you can see very good that Buck is made with CGI but after a while it gets better and you forgot about it to. Story is good. Loved the part with mailman Omar Sy and his girlfriend.

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Godzilla vs. Kong


Decided to watch it again before I will see the new one in the theaters.

The fighting scenes are great. The story is terrible, and don’t even start about the acting.. the whole Milli Bobbi story was unnecessary and incredibly annoying and bad.

A lot of things don’t make sense at all, like how tf are you downloading the most powerful energy source their is?! Ffs man.

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The Siege of Jadotville


Good movie from Netflix. Never heard this story, it’s a sad but also beautiful story.

After this movie I hate politicians even more then I already did, disgusting people it are.

But yes it’s still a Netflix movie like all others with many flaws…

-battle field in the desert, everyone is covered with dust and that 1 guy with glasses has always perfectly clean glasses. My dad was jealous of the perfectly clean glasses.
-how the fuck did they poison their water?! (Read somewhere that in real life the water was cut of and the compound was way bigger)
-they were in prison for a month but when they game out it looked liked they were in a hotel for the past month, clean, shaven beards…

Always the same little annoying things in Netflix movies.

However, still a great movie that’s worth watching for the story alone!

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Great comedy show! The first season wasn’t good I had to adjust to the characters a lot. But from season 2 it became very good! The characters are well written and the acting is good. The final season was amazing, everything came together in a good way.

Loved the little cut scenes were you see people shopping, this is exactly how I imagine American people when they are shopping, they do the most ridiculous things :joy::joy:

Can highly recommend this if you would like to watch a fun show were you laugh a lot and can cry as well.

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Loved it! Really funny:joy:

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Madame Web



I am a big marvel fan.

I have denied it for a long time but now I can’t longer deny it longer… marvel is dead
The worst marvel and Sony movie ever, the storyline is bad, the acting was terrible, the visuals were disgusting, the visions were awful, we saw the 3 girls in action for about 20 seconds, the super hero outfits in those 20 seconds were ugly as hell, the spider people outfits were vomiting material, what was even the bad guys story?!

Peppa pig has a better story line then this piece of shit.

Don’t watch this

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Don’t know how to feel about this series, the drama was outstanding, the Native American story was beautiful, her motivation is unclear to me, her power more unclear. action wise this series was terrible,

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The Girl Next Door


One of the best romcoms I have ever seen.
The constant plot twists were amazing and unexpected, haha.

This movie was just like Superbad but then with porn

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Why Him?


The movie it self gets a 6 but 1 extra point for all the amazing cameos!!! Story is okay, some parts were really funny, but some not at all. Scotty saved this movie, incredible character!

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Ashton Kutcher (two and a half men), Tom Selleck (friends), Kevin Sussman (the big bang theory), Martin Mull (two and a half men) in one movie?! This is awesome!!

Movie itself was fun, a very enjoyable action/comedy. Liked it a lot.

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French movies are getting better and better each year!

Beautiful action movie. The action scenes where very good. The story is not new, but it is played and delivered very good. Didn’t see that amount of action coming in the end. That elevator scene was something different.

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The Pursuit of Happyness


Amazing movie. Emotional, funny, inspiring and many things more. Yeah there were some small details that bothered me, like where did the kid go when he was at work? He didn’t have money for anything so how do you pay that Chinese woman that can’t write English (only now I understand why the movie name is spelled this way) but overall a great movie.

It’s been on my watchlist for a long long time, never watched it always taught it would be a very sad dramatic movie, after seeing a short clip of it on Instagram I decided to watch it the same day. I won’t regret this. It’s not amazing enough for me to give it a 9 but it’s close.

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