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Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Grand Tour: 5x03 Sand Job

the screwing about with each others cars is starting to be annoying. in this case it more or less destroyed the DB9.
sometimes it's funny, but more often than not its just juvenile.

anyway. one more episode to go after this I guess.

too bad, I'll miss the specials.

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Culprits: 1x05 Let Us Sit Bent, and Talk Straight
The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

This was seriously depressing shit. Didn't like it.

Also major goof: Joel and Ellie walk across a path in the forest that's been treaded so often its free of vegetation.... Wait. What? It's it zombie-highway? After 10 years that would be overgrown. For sure.
The grass near the crashed plane looks also as if it was neatly cutted by a machine last week.

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TWIN: 1x08 The Last Day

Shout by RiGHT

A little bit disappointed by the ending
I was awaiting the big reveal that obviously Karin was his daughter.
The whole thing was a bit of anti climax.

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Da Vinci's Demons: 2x02 The Blood of Brothers

perhaps one of the best episodes of the entire series so far.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: 1x08 A Breakup

Not sure what I think about this. First 4 episodes were great. Episode 5 it suddenly was a mess and there was only one person stealing the show (and not John and Jane, obviously) and all chemistry was gone.
Episode 6 and 7 it was asif I was watching an episode in As The World Turns or something. Did suddenly get a different showrunner on board or something? Disappointing crap.
The final episode seemed a bit as if part of it had a movie re-enactment. Not as-good as the movie and lacking that superb acting and stunning chemistry between Pitt and Jolie obviously - but... not so badly done.
Then everything just got messy, easy, predictable. Too obvious. Disappointing and lack of originality. I could have written the script. And no thats not a good thing.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: 1x06 Couples Therapy (Naked & Afraid)

I started fast-forwarding this episode. Ohhhh the drama. ffs. Next.
Sure its important for setting up for the violent divorce, but come on does it have to be this way? I just felt annoyed and ready to kill Jane myself. Ungrateful passive aggressive piece of sh*t

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: 1x07 We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of

sure. realism. everything is dark in the underworld.
cant see shit.
I dont like these dark series. so. -3 for this episode.

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Echo: 1x01 Chafa

Basically you can fastforward the first 20 minutes. the story does not really make much sense anyway, other then meeting Maya who loses part of her leg. Then she's grown up suddenly. Add some more drama. Fisk takes her in and makes her into a bad lieutenant. Add some fist fighting and some more violence. Add a cameo / cross-over from one series. Then someone else makes a cameo and of course she believes him. Does something. Fast forward 5 months and she goes back home to her roots. Done.
Errrr..... ok.
Some episodes of Iron Fist made more sense. And no of course I dont mean that in a positive way.

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Stella Blómkvist: 2x06 Murder on the Bridge - Part 2

This was by far the worst episode over the entire 2 seasons.
Messy. Little bit too much bs storyline. I guess all of season 2 was working towards this, but this really is a let down.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x08 Autofac

Not bad at all. I saw the 'plottwist' coming already from the moment the girl grabbed the magazine. Still not bad.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x04 Crazy Diamond

Some other episodes I kind of enjoyed. This episode was really beyond me. Pigs, surrogates, weird relationship dramas.... Nope. Not for me. At all.

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Poker Face: 1x09 Escape from Shit Mountain

finally a proper episode again

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Poker Face: 1x07 The Future of the Sport

Less terrilble than the previous episode about theater but still quite a few steps down from the first few episodes.

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Poker Face: 1x06 Exit Stage Death

Worst episode so far :(
First 4 were great. This was a utter bs story.

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Culprits: 1x06 Vessels

total stupidity continues. what an utter b.s.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x01 Homme Fatale

Very strange opening episode. It looks quite interesting.
And absolutely kudos for the music.
Interesting what direction this will be going.

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Ahsoka: 1x08 Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord

wtf was this episode? those scenes with hellfire raining down, followed by the zombie mode endless bullet rain....... seriously what a bs. then the chasing through corridors,. where the good guys can close doors to slow down the bad guys. but the bad guys were not able to close those door to slow down the good guys?? right.

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The Orville: 3x09 Domino

wtf......... Charly :'( the best thing about season 3.

I am not sure if I can really like this Starwars episode much. It's one big remake of the attack on the DeathStar in orbit around Endor, even including the base door leading to the power source. Only thing missing is some furry knock off of the Ewoks, where I guess the Kaylon come in - instead.

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Mr. Robot: 2x06 eps2.4_m4ster-s1ave.aes

Loved the Alf cameo and the high Growing Pains influence on the start of the episode. Quite well done.
Funny to hear more of the references like wax on wax off.

But so far whole seadon 2 is not so interesting.... it just keeps dragging on and on.

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Ms. Marvel: 1x01 Generation Why

maybe fun for some 14 y/o's looking for some wokeness in a Marvel series

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x02 Graveyard Rats

This episode was less bad than the first (though not that difficult to achive), but I found this episide to be more disgusting rather than scary or anything.

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Banshee: 3x03 A Fixer of Sorts

Ugh. My God. The level of gore reached a whole new level.

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Banshee: 1x03 Meet the New Boss

Brutal, is the key word to describe this series. This episode even more so.

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True Lies: 1x01 Pilot

I actually liked this first episode. Was more funny than expected. At least the first episode. A bit worried how next episodes will end up, but first one - so far, so good.

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The Expanse: 5x07 Oyedeng

If only the whole person of Naomi and her entire narrative could just be erased from The Expanse. It would save so much pointless and endless drama and soap. This episode is entirely full of it. Add to that the utter b.s. of flying unprotect through the cold vacuum of space and just surviving with a stimpack - seriously, are you kidding me???
This must be by far the biggest nonsense and weakest episode in all of the seasons of The Expanse. What a waste of screen time.

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The Blacklist: 8x19 Balthazar "Bino" Baker

best episode in a long time.

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The Blacklist: 8x10 Dr. Laken Perillos

The worst episode in a long time. Especially that 'actress' portraying Dr Laken Perillos was useless.
Too bad they also are keeping hung up on Liz with literally everything.

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Blood & Treasure: 1x04 The Brotherhood of Serapis

Annoying how there are a variations of the series with 12 episodes and 13 episodes. It makes it very messy when not only watching through Amazon but also other streaming providers :( After episode 5 - or 6 - the main story got messed up for me. There is a definitively a gap in the story now. Anyway. Dont take the series too serious and it's a fun way to pass the time, but in many ways it feels like this series was meant for ~14-15 y/o.

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The Orville: 2x14 The Road Not Taken

I loved this episode.
It had a cool Starwars feel to it with the battle at Endor and just 'the resistance'. Great to have - you know who - back for a scene. Add some Borg Collective into the mix and... You know. All sci-fi we can think off.
Cool. Loved it.
The Orville went from over-the-top comedy to the best(better) version of Star Trek.
Of course there are some plot holes here and there still, but I'll happily forgive Seth and his crew that, just for the fact alone of delivering such a great fan-series.

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