Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Every single episode:

Velma/Teddi: Hey Colter, we got a new one for you. Reward is something of tens of thousands and it's in Generic City.
Colter: Oh, Generic City? It's only 122,30 miles from me and I'll be there in 58min and 29 seconds.
Parent/Spouse/Friend/Offspring: I know Grandma was a hardcore porn addicted, but it's not like her to go missing. IT'S NOT LIKE HER.
Local police: Yeah, grandma was bat shit cray cray no worth looking any further. And get out of my city. And checking John Doe is a waste of time.
Colter: Hey John Doe, where is grandma?
John Doe: I told the cops we were dating, they didn't listen. Must have been something to do with her cock fight betting. Me and granny were in love.
Cock fight Ring Leader: Yeah, bitch owed me a couple grand, so I made her cook me chicken soup until her debt was paid. You'll never find her.
(some 15 mins of Fights, lurking, gun tossing, calls to local police, Reenie, Bobby, Tedi, Velma and Scooby Doo)
Grandma: Who are you?
Colter: Hi, Grandma, your _____ hired me to find you. You're safe now. Let's go.
Grandma: They'll never let me leave.
Colter: Follow my lead as I used to do with my dad when he showed me how to survive in the woods.
Local police: Yeah, it was good working together. You shared a lot about your dad, hope you find more, since the audience hasn't had an update since the 1st episode.
Grandma (at home): Thanks for saving me.
Colter: You should thank the person who was looking for you. (that is by far my favorite lol).
Person who hired him: (slides check like all their money isn't gone and they will eat nothing but roaches for about 2 years before recovering financially) Thank you so much.
Anybody: hey let's do something.
Colter: Nah, I don't socialize and need to brood about my dad's death, while I do jack shit to solve it.

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@angelcosta haha this sounds about right :)) episode 2 and episode 3 are so copy paste. Didnt see the others yet.

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The Last of Us

It's the worst show I've ever watched. After one episode I can say that it is not suitable for watching. The series was filmed to scare, upset and bring a lot of negative emotions into life. Completely different than, for example, The Walking Dead. It introduces anxiety, elements that were during the last war - a scene with a boy with a child admitted to quarantine. Then thrown on the pile. Probably a series for subliminal coding of negative emotions. Don't watch it. The whole thing is probably filmed according to the current pandemic narrative.

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@michalkaluza you totally miss the point. That kid was infected. And there is no cure. No nothing. No hope.
Until.... End of episode 1.
Plus I hated walking dead, i dont watch any of it.
And this I love so far after 2 episodes.

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The real Captain Marvel. Hope the movie will be fine.

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@dollasmike the only good thing about this movie is ---Chuck--- Zachary Levi. DC movies usually aren't anywhere close to levels of humor as Marvel, character development is non-existant and over-acting is the default in any scene. This movie is about a few little boys, where a boy gets trapped in a man's body basically - I'm expecting that humor level to not exceed that level. I hope to be proven incorrect, since I loved Chuck with Zachary and Ivonne Strahovskiy

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Charlie's Angels

Charlie's Angels (2019) is everything I expected it to be, and that’s unfortunate. I can't think of a single thing I liked about this. It felt more like 119 minutes commercial to promote the new Charlie’s Angels song by Ariana Grande. This movie is yet another victim of American “wokeness”. Hollywood thinks that filling a main cast with women, having a female director and saying "girl power" enough times is all you need to create an empowering movie. Some women might like that but I’m not one of them.

Everything about this movie was hyper-generic:

  • the plot / villain - the whole Calisto shenanigans is outdated and tired - oh no, a bad guy has stolen dangerous tech and is going to sell it to another bad guy;

  • The dialogue is dreadful. I think the screenplay was entirely constructed of viral woke tweets;

  • the action scenes were pretty average, copy paste from other movies. It was weird to see all these skinny women with spaghetti arms to beat all the big men.

The three leads have absolutely no chemistry or star power. The characters were not likable and lacked personality. I just didn’t see where they had enough of a developed relationship. The Angels seemed dysfunctional, like mediocre spies who had no idea what they were doing. Kristen Stewart looks so damn awkward in all movies she's in. And the comedy (if you can call it that) just fell flat.

Charlie's Angels (2019) follows the ‘focus more on the politics not the plot movie’ rule, so it has one reason to exist - to empower women. But that’s the most frustrating part - it paints gender politics so simply: women = strong, men = bad. I mean, they even had a German security guard to harass one of the main characters because she looked hot on the security camera, I’m hard pressed to believe German men act like that at work. I thought we are past having characters saying stuff like "Women can do anything" as though it's some kind of revolutionary statement. Why don't instead of writing these dumb pseudo-empowering one liners, write engaging and realistic character arcs for women? Also, I hate movies that feel like they are punching you in the face over and over to get their point across.

One more thing I extremely dislike - they visit like 15 different countries in the film. But you barely notice because everywhere people speak ... English. Yes, even German security employees communicate with each other in English. It happens a lot when Hollywood makes movies in foreign countries.

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@cutecruel dont forget the Turkish kids. They get candy because they speak English!

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Poor Things

This is the film that cinema snobs will describe as a "masterpiece", a "piece of art", etc...
Truth is the cinematography is great, the acting superb but where is the f*cking story? I'm not one for a complex plot or twists but at least make the characters interesting. Even the superb acting all round didn't save this. Everything falls flat even the 'message'. "Heey it's exploring sexuality and women's independence blablabla ". I don't think people need this message in 2023.
If I would summarize this movie in one sentence it's this : Someone really had a fantasy about Emma Stone in 10+ different positions and this movie was it. The only problem is NONE of the scenes felt sexy just gross.

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@anwar29 so true. the lesbian scene was probably the only sexy scene. which was also the woke message you partly refer to.
the only message you seemed to have missed was that a person can grow into a different person after a brain transplant, creating a different soul, even if it's the same looking body. So that person is entitled to rebuilding their life and start a-new.
(or something like that).

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Will Trent: 1x03 Don't Let It Happen Again

That was a letdown, compared to previous episodes. The scene on the bridge especially, it was like out of a B or even C class movie.

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@marwy o m g totally agreed. My God what an extremely piece of crap scene that was.

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Army of the Dead

After a zombie outbreak, Las Vegas is quarantined away from the rest of the world and becomes a city of the dead. Bly Tanaka (Hiroyuki Sanada), the owner of a casino, has 200 million dollars locked in his vault and hires a team of mercenaries, led by Scott Ward (Dave Bautista), to retrieve it. Things become more complicated when Scott’s daughter, Kate (Ella Purnell) tags along and they discover more than just your average zombies inside the city.

What Works:

The best part of this movie is, hands-down, the gore. We get some absolutely gnarly kills of both zombies and humans alike. The best part is, a lot of them are shocking, so you don’t even see it coming until the blood seems the splatter across the screen.

Dave Bautista is solid as the main protagonists. I was expecting him to be a comedic hero, like his portrayal of Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy. That really isn’t the case. He doesn’t have many funny moments. He is the emotional core of the movie. He gets a few scenes where he gets to act in hurt and despair and he does a good job.

Matthias Schweighöfer plays the best character of the movie, Ludwig Dieter, the safecracker. Dieter is the comic relief character, and from the trailer, I was ready to bet everything that he would be extremely obnoxious. I was wrong. Schweighöfer does a great job and is both funny and charming. He was one of the only characters I was actually invested in seeing live.

Finally, I really enjoyed the unique zombies they had running around Las Vegas. I’m not used to seeing zombies on horseback or zombie-tigers. Having an actually intelligent army of the dead was something I was not expecting, but it was certainly unique and gave us a few fun moments.

What Sucks:

This movie is almost two and a half hours long and it simply doesn’t need to be. There are plenty of scenes and lines that could have been cut. This film drags at times, that’s for sure.

The biggest problem I had is the cinematography. Zack Snyder not only directed this movie, but acted as his own cinematographer. He should never do that again. He really likes to have one object or person in focus at a time and make everything else a blurry mess. It’s both distracting and ugly.

Most of the characters are really underdeveloped and not only that, they are really stupid. You can make me care about characters by making me emotionally invested in them or by making them competent. There are so many terrible decisions and most of them aren’t developed enough for me to care.

Finally, this movie has problems with its tone. I supposed I shouldn’t be that shocked when a Zack Snyder movie is dark and depressing, but this film was marketed as a fun thrill ride. It really isn’t that. Almost everyone dies and by the end of it, it all feels like a waste. Nothing much was accomplished and the character we spent a huge chunk of the movie trying to rescue dies without any acknowledgement. If Geeta (Huma Qureshi) had survived, it might have felt somewhat worth it.


Army of the Dead has solid performances from Dave Bautista and Matthias Schweighöfer, a very unique batch of zombies, and some amazing gore. However, the tone and cinematography are a mess, the characters are stupid and underdeveloped, and the runtime is too long. It’s a decent enough watch, but don’t spend any money on it.

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@mrblaqk 100% agreed. The movie left me sad or even depressed

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Season 6 is politically correct nonsense

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@irkin unfortunately I have to agree 100%. However, get through the pain of watching it and then quickly get into Season 7. A total relieve compared to s6.

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Sucker Punch

Reply by RiGHT

Best Snyder movie so far. Sadly it is deeply misunderstood. Movie is way more deeper and complex than it looks like on first glance.

People don't realize Sweet Pea is the protagonist, Babydoll is a figment of Sweet Pea’s imagination. Babydoll does not exist. Babydoll's story is Sweet Pea’s story. Sweet Pea was sexually abused, killed her sister and is in psychiatric hospital in therapy. Babydoll is Sweet Pea's avatar. Way of dealing with grief, with guilt, and way to manage her current situation and overcome it. Babydoll is also Sweet Pea's guardian angel.

Sweet Pea is the only fully rounded character, other girls represent aspects of her psyche. Babydoll represents strength and courage, Amber loyalty, Blondie fear, and Rocket represents guilt. In the third level reality her psyche fights for the things to get her free from her current state. Second guardian angel (the Wise Man) guides her through. To fully recover she needs to get over her guilt (Rocket dies as a symbol), also other girls represent things which she needs to leave behind to fully recover .

Babydoll is one of those things. She is the fifth thing (“The fifth is a mystery. It is the reason. It is the goal. It will be a deep sacrifice and a perfect victory.”). Lobotomy of Babydoll represents Sweet Pea’s mind of taking control. Sweet Pea needs to sacrifice Babydoll to be “cured”. Escape at the end is a symbol of that process of being cured. That’s why the driver is the Wise Man, he guides her further.

Sucker Punch is Sweet Pea’s journey from “madness” to “sanity”. Movie is philosophical / psychological investigation wrapped in a special effects action-fantasy. As the movie changes realities (mostly in the third reality), Snyder uses more fetishized image of the girls. He uses clichés and cluttered iconography (nazi zombies, sexy schoolgirls). It is a way to detached and disconnected characters from second reality. Second reality, the brothel, is the “main” reality. In which everything happens.

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great analysis by ikendel.
unfortunately the movie is pushed/marketed as a "simple" action movie.
and as such it is too complex for most people to understand.
I also did not get all of what you described from the movie, but more things fall into place after reading this.

it's not a bad movie, but its a bit freaky - not strange for a movie about "crazy" persons, but it will probably mean a lot of people are lost somewhere in the first 10-15 minutes of the movie.

great music in this movie, by the way, very well chosen and enjoyable
(Bjork - Army of me, for example)

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Star Trek: Discovery

Reply by RiGHT

To be able to keep enjoying this show, I literally have to keep skipping the cringe dramatic scenes they have to fill in every 3 minutes, because they don't actually have enough budget to do proper Star Trek episodes. On season 4 currently and it's usually 15-20 minutes per episode that are worth watching.

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@cocalarix unfortunately, I totally agree. 75% of all close up scenes with 'michael' are best to be skipped quickly. All the nonsense drama speeches.

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The Veil

Reply by RiGHT

Ah, The Veil, the show that's like a secret agent with a fake British accent—trying to infiltrate the world of prestige spy thrillers but ending up more like a bumbling intern who accidentally spills coffee on classified documents. Buckle up, my fellow espionage enthusiasts, because we're about to dissect this six-episode rollercoaster of confusion, questionable decisions, and more plot holes than a Swiss cheese factory.

The Veil: A Spy Thriller or a Game of Hide-and-Seek?

Picture this: The Veil is the lovechild of James Bond and Carmen Sandiego, conceived during a high-stakes poker game in a dimly lit Parisian alley. It's got all the ingredients for a gripping spy thriller: shadowy organizations, double agents, and enough secrets to fill the Library of Congress. But alas, it stumbles like a tipsy MI6 agent trying to chase down a villain on cobblestone streets.

The Plot: A Maze Wrapped in Enigma, Wrapped in Confusion

Our heroines, Imogen and Adilah, are on the run. They're like Jason Bourne and Lara Croft, minus the cool gadgets and charisma. The show's premise? Well, it's as clear as a foggy London morning. Something about a mysterious veil (hence the title) that grants superpowers or maybe just a killer skincare routine. Honestly, I lost track.

The finale, titled "The Cottage," promised answers. Instead, it delivered more questions than a pop quiz in a foreign language. Imogen and Adilah—our dynamic duo—stumble upon a cottage (because where else would you hide from international assassins?). And there, they confront their fate. Spoiler alert: Fate wears a trench coat and speaks in riddles.

The Characters: A Gallery of Eccentric Spies

Let's meet the cast, shall we?

  1. Max: The token American. He's like a walking stereotype—loud, obnoxious, and probably owns a "Freedom Fries" T-shirt. Max's heroic ending? A bullet wound that's less threatening than a paper cut. But hey, at least he didn't spill his Big Gulp on the secret plans.

  2. Malik: The suave Frenchman. He's the kind of guy who sips wine while defusing bombs. His patience with Max deserves a Nobel Prize. Also, he's in love with Imogen, who's too busy interrogating Michael (another spy) to notice. Talk about a complicated love triangle.

  3. Michael: The enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a man-bun. His British accent? About as authentic as a Buckingham Palace guard breakdancing. But hey, he's got secrets, and secrets are currency in the spy world. Also, he's the reason Imogen's throat remains unslashed. Thanks, Michael.

The Dialogue: More Contemplation, Less Conversation

Remember those moments when characters just stood around, staring into the abyss? Yeah, The Veil has more of those than a meditation retreat. The dialogue? Sparse. The action? Scarcer. It's like watching a chess match where the pieces refuse to move. Maybe they're waiting for a plot twist to checkmate them.

The Verdict: A Missed Opportunity

The Veil had potential—the kind that makes you lean forward, spill your popcorn, and whisper, "What's happening?" But alas, it squandered it faster than a lottery winner at a casino. Elisabeth Moss's fake British accent? Let's just say it's faker than a knockoff Rolex sold by a guy named Vinnie in a back alley.

So, my dear viewers, skip The Veil. Instead, rewatch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy or binge-watch Alias. Or better yet, become a spy yourself. At least then you'll have a valid excuse for lurking in dark corners and wearing sunglasses indoors. Remember, the real veil is the one that hides the remote control when you're searching for it during a thrilling finale.

And with that, I vanish into the shadows, leaving you with this parting advice: If life hands you a veil, make sure it's not just a fancy curtain. :dark_sunglasses::mag:

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@whos_ur_buddha haha great story. the cottage probably actually refers to the 'big reveal' regarding Imogen/Violet her daddy issues by the way - but I guess that was something we could see coming ever since the 'there was nothing left of him to bury' remark.

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Sneaky Pete

Reply by RiGHT

season 1 and 2 were great but season 3 was not good

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@ahambrahmasmij oh wow, I totally dont agree. my favorite season was season 3. season 1 was great, but didnt like season 2 too much.

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Reply by RiGHT

We need more shows like this.

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@funeralatthemovies if you havent yet, check out Banshee with Anthony Starr

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Reply by RiGHT

This movie is not a sci-fi... This is a movie about drugs and addiction. The way it shows the road down is unique. Drug like diamonds, or shiny precious pills are the reality for those addicted to it. I think it is a great movie but do not sit down to watch it expecting a sci-fi or an action movie.

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@gerasandor totally agree. how this movie got the "sci-fi" label is probably by someone taking little yellow crystals themselves and thinking that the brainbox of alternate reality is real.

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Poker Face: 1x07 The Future of the Sport

Reply by RiGHT


Shout by IHateBadMovies.com
BlockedParent2023-03-25T20:37:12Z— updated 2023-04-04T13:31:22Z

For a show whose every episode is essentially paint-by-numbers, it has to be hard to mess up the formula. That said, this episode found a way to do it. Terrible writing from the first scene to the last. Cringe-worthy dialog. I am surprised that a show with this kind of visibility could have been done so poorly. Sure, it did mess with the formula a little bit but the twist was still there and if you'd seen the other episodes you could see it coming a mile away.

follow me at https://IHATEBadMovies.com or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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@adammorgan Totally agree with you. The fake fights over audio - b.s.

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Die Hart

Reply by RiGHT

What a garbage movie. Files at everything.

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@nuxxi I guess you mean "fails" ? ;)

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The Misfits

Reply by RiGHT

When you order Ocean's Eleven from Aliexpress...

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@maddrum your comparison is spot on. I dont agree with the 1 out of 10 though, it's enjoyable enough. But yeah, dont expect wonders. The scene with 'Violet' having been back in the hotel is too predictable and just... well... doesnt make sense. Some other scenes also just dont make sense from a story point of view. But just turn off your brain and its entertainment enough.

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The Orville: 3x09 Domino

Reply by RiGHT

A bland but well constructed space movie. Too obviously constructed for my taste however. This is basically THE blueprint.
What I must praise is that this could really be a standalone movie. Even all the elements like previously established relationships or children do not need the knowledge but the viewer can just build his own picture with the information at hand. And I must say this is actually more enjoyable because it would be less on the nose storytelling. But well this is just an observation since this is NOT a standalone movie.

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@lenodos there is a standalone movie for this episode. It's called Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. With some elements in there from earlier episode IV and V

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The Witcher: Blood Origin

Reply by RiGHT

The amount of negative comments on here is wild. The fact that Michelle Yeoh is part of this cast and they said the acting in this was bad is even wilder.

There were complaints that this lacked a story. It’s literally a movie broken up into pieces and follows basic story telling. You might not agree with the story but one was told. Yes I’m a bit confused to how this fits into the original lore about human witchers. Do I think this change ruins this limited series? No.

I can agree with some that mentioned time. I don’t know if this was days, weeks, or months from the moment we met the Lark to the moment she killed her love. Also their romance was the writers banking on us seeing them in proximity and assuming a romance bloomed. It was lazy and personally I couldn’t see the love. I understand why they would need to have some type of love but they could have done that better.

Loved the bards songs.

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@mamasaucy I think it's one of Michelle Yeoh her weakest roles. But she was one of the very, very, very few brighter spots.
Also this feels like it doesnt have much to do with the whole Witcher universe. I know it does, but it doesnt feel much like that. So it just feels (again: feeling) like the ones making this wanted to cash in on the success of the first series of The Witcher.

then again: The Witcher season 2 and especially season 3 are not feeling much like The Witcher (season1) anymore. Too complicated, too many story lines, way too many characters and in general too much b.s.

This piece of cinematic crap (blood origin) fits in perfectly with the Elves from the Witcher season 3 - which is for me by far the weakest of all the story lines.
In short: I hated this. Crap story, poor acting, unlikable characters whom I didnt care about if they'd live or die. Good thing it was only 4 episodes.

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The Midwich Cuckoos: 1x01 Bad Things

Reply by RiGHT

Just started this & the opening scene reminded me of Humans. Maybe that was just because Ukweli Roach was in that show as well. IDK

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@mysunflower hope it will be very different, I very disliked Humans.

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True Lies

Reply by RiGHT

It’s okay!!!
The effects are good and well done, the acting is okay and passable.
The best way to describe it is its full of cheese and it knows it, it even plays into it!!!!!
It’s a switch off, sink into the sofa and be entertained tv show, just don’t expect things to make sense or be award worthy.
Just enjoy!!!!!!

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@cuddlelover Initially I liked the series a lot, as in, the first 2 or so episodes. Then it slowly turns into a obvious and simple popcorn show. Turn off your brain and just watch the special effects.

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The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

Reply by RiGHT

This was seriously depressing shit. Didn't like it.

Also major goof: Joel and Ellie walk across a path in the forest that's been treaded so often its free of vegetation.... Wait. What? It's it zombie-highway? After 10 years that would be overgrown. For sure.
The grass near the crashed plane looks also as if it was neatly cutted by a machine last week.

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@lawsen I am probably that 1 single person left in the whole world who never played the game - yet. And yes I dare to call myself a gamer :) I'm more into civilization style games these days instead of FPS games like the Quake-series that I used to play.

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The Mentalist: 7x10 Nothing Gold Can Stay

Reply by RiGHT

Come on!!! With only 3 more episodes to end the show, did they really need to kill Vega!!??? :angry:

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@ajperez81 agreed. F'ing crap. Gave this episode a 1.

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The Book of Boba Fett

Reply by RiGHT

It’s all about how you end something to leave a lasting impression on the viewer, and holy moly, did this show leave a lasting impression.

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@121100m which impression is that? The one of 'wtf happened to the most scary bounty hunter in the entire galaxy' ? How did he become a sissy?

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Star Wars: Andor

Reply by RiGHT

horrendous piece of bantha poodoo, this was

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@tommyboy3816 oh come on, Andor isnt so bad :) you didnt watch Book of Boba Bullocks yet, I suppose?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Reply by RiGHT

It is what it is. It started good, and ended bad. Blend some stupidity, with some comedy, a little bit of nonsense, with a dash of action, a good character here, a terrible one there. Some ridiculous storytelling, and some crossovers from time to time, stir it well, and you have Legends of Tomorrow.

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@lordsamhain This sums it up extremely well. Later seasons had too much of the "terrible one there" characters.

Things unfortunately went too much woke and therefore broke. Cancelled.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Reply by RiGHT

The action in the movie is good, special effects are well done. But. The movie is so incredibly stupid....... plot is retarded, story line is nearly not present, and supersupersuper hero Batman is of course much stronger than any other DC hero. Cyborg perhaps makes even less sense, other then being the woke addition having no other function then just that. Add to that, Ezra Miller as The Flash is perhaps even more annoying then the guy in the series...... so yeah. Great movie. Perhaps good as background noise while doing something else. I gave it 6 out of 10 for the action sequences, but the movie by itself is perhaps a 4 out of 10 max.

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After watching the ending I changed my mind. Movie is a 2 or 3 out of 10 at best. UGH. So I'll rate it 4 out of 10 max.

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Marvel Studios: Legends

Reply by RiGHT

Just recap episodes of the characters journey in the MCU and how it relates to their upcoming MCU Disney+ show. Quite helpful but nothing more than a recap. I was kind of hoping for a doco based episode which touches on the character in the comics and relevant stories that are relevant to this character.

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@theavereviewer Marvel Studios: Assembled is for that, I think

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The War of the Worlds: 1x03 Episode 3

Reply by RiGHT

why have I got 8 episodes?!?

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@hugh_shaw that is the other version. There is a 3-episode (or even 2-episode) mini-series which is set in a more historic timeline and there is a 8-episodes modern-day version.

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Marvel's Iron Fist

Reply by RiGHT

Second season was actually good and the finale left me wanting a season 3. I don't understand why netflix cancelled the show after this season, maybe a weaker season 1 is the reason not enough people gave this one a chance. It definitely had the potential to have a great season 3 and they could have it been the last one.

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@francisco-pereira Netflix lost the rights on the Marvel series, thats why all Defender series got cancelled (Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Dare Devil, Defenders and that utterly crap one with the big black guy (cant remember the name) )
There is a tiny chance they might come back on Disney+, but it looks like Disney will have a new set of Marvel series and not related to the Defenders set.

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