Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Reacher: Season 1

This series is seriously superb. The chemistry between the main characters is superb and I am totally in love with Willa Fitzgerald her character. Great action series. Not too woke either, refreshing.

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Terra Nova

There is less than a hand full of actors here who actually are any good, most really dont seem to know what they are doing.
In the basis it's an interesting story and a quite fresh look upon multiple ideas taken from other sci-fi series.
Like already the ring from Stargate for example :) Still I enjoyed watching it.

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Leverage: Redemption: Season 1

Season 1 was pretty decent. Season 2 is stupid and childish.
I very much doubt there will be a season 3 like this.

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Terra Nova

again a great sci-fi show which got cancelled way too early :(

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The White Lotus

I really do not understand how this series is getting such high praises.
I havent smiled more than .... maybe once?
It's more like obnoxious, annoying. Its boring. Not funny.

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Brave New World

The series is seriously good; in between all the sex scenes there is an amazing story. Now I am all for the great sex of the beautiful people - which is actually done very tasteful - but in this case I think a little less graphic might have helped the series pick up more viewers.

But the story is truely amazing. It's striking. It's relevant. It's sci-fi and yet realistic. And when you consider the series is (loosely) based on a book from the 1930s; its hard to imagine how much 2020+ it is.

I loved the movie Equilibrium, which has a openly very dark side to it, with feelings being not allowed. This series Brave New World has the same basis though its the opposite with obligatory fake happiness. I would say that Brave New World actually perhaps is even more dark...

I really enjoyed the story of the series and I totally binged it in just 3 days!
There is an ending to the series, though largely open, but still giving just enough closure to accept it as a series finale........ but I do hope that there will be another season afterall.

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Da Vinci's Demons: Season 3

Way too much psychological blabla. Season 1 was superb and simply amazing.
Season 2 with the mind games, sort of alternate reality and time travel-wannebee was a huge disappointment
Season 3 was just bullcrap.

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Reacher: Season 2

I really miss Roscoe (Willa Fitzgerald).
The love interest 'tension' that is supposed to exist between Reacher and Dixon, is not so convincing.
Overal I find Season 2 less interesting unfortunately than Season 1. There are so many more people in the team involved now, it's no longer the lone wolf taking care of things.

Probably one of my most favorite moments was T-1000, uh, I mean Robert Partrick saying that he doesnt care who Sarah Conner is :)

It's not bad, just a bit less cool than season 1.

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Fool Me Once: Season 1

This series is not perfect. It has some weird scenes that are not realistic or plain simple stupid. Motivations why some characters do something, or dont do something does not always make sense.
It is a bit over-hyped.
It does not have a great ending.
It has proper dialogues, good acting, interesting(mostly ;) ) plot twists and it keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting more.
I completely binged it and am feeling a bit of simply wanting more. And a different ending.
To fill the gap I started watching The Stranger...

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Poker Face: Season 1

There were 2 dreadfully bad episodes, but mostly all others were 7 or 8 out of 10, the odd one out even a 9.
So all in all I'm quite happy with this first season and curious it will survive to go into a second season.

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Red Election

This series is not bad, but it aint brilliant either. Still its pretty decent entertainment. The final episode of season 1 was one big load of .... (you know).
Very disappointing how they tried to bring everything together and then suddenly everything being questionable.

Also - I am not even living in UK nor am I Scottish -, but I found it extremely respectless towards the Scottish leadership how they made it look like they were just laying down and waiting for the Ruzzians to take over their lands and control. Asif the Scottish would be helpless without the English big brothers keeping them safe. Ugh. Too much of a political statement for me to be honest.

Anyway. Forgetting the last episode, I guess I did enjoy the rest of season 1. Hopeing that there will be a season 2..... Too many unanswered questions.

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True Lies

Just don't take this series too serious and it's funny popcorn entertainment.

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Where are the days when seeing the label "Syfy original series", meant absolutely getting quality? Oh my Lord what a... I'm done with this. I was really interested in the idea, I like a lot of the Roman period (-inspired) and Greek mythological series and movies, but this definately isnt one of them.

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The Tower

this is a great police series, but its crazy (white)male unfriendly. whatever the situation, the white man is the bad guy, or at minimum 'a' bad guy. seriously fck off........

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: Season 1

I'm 4 episodes in and actually..... positive surprised. I expected some off-the-charts woke crap. Aside one racism-conversation which turned out ok, I've actually not really felt annoyed about woke virus shit. So.... all in all, pretty good. This is how Tue Lies series could have been!
Donald Glover is great in this role. Quite convincing as the modern retro weak not-very-manly-man. I'm not a huge fan of Maya Erksine, her whole character is rather bland. But together they have decent chemistry.
This series is absolutely nothing like the original movie... but pretty decent. Well above average.

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National Treasure: Edge of History

Very decent series for young adults. Not too extremely woke, at least no LGBT promo, which is nice for a change.
The series is nowhere near as intelligent as the movies, but overall enjoyable enough.

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Star Wars: Andor

The series starts very slow. It takes it time to get going somewhere. If compared to its dreadful peers like Book of Boba Fett then Andor is a true gem. When evaluated by itself, then it is a very decent series, but it really relies heavily on the StarWars canon. You need to know what 'the empire' is and who Palpatine is and why the empiral navy taking over on planets is so scary. Most people likely know. But you really do need that basis.
Anyway. Series. Starts slow, picks up after 3 or so episodes. The culimination of season 1 is superb, though it does not 110% fully makes sense that all main characters are bothering to travel to the same small city. I'll forgive the scenario writers lacking in that area, as it did bring a very nice final to season 1 and leaves me wanting for more.

Diego Luna is absolutely superb in his role. Kudos for that.

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The Dresden Files

the first few episodes were extremely cheesy. after episode 3 I had doubts if I wanted to continue to bother with the other few or not.
1x05 is the only good episode in this series.

the biggest 'miss' in this series is that there is no proper pilot.
you just get thrown in there. no character build up, no red line in the series. just a number of stories or scripts based on a book line thats made into series....

too bad, there was some nice potential there, but it's really not surprising it got cancelled

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Room 104

Too much weird shit for me.
Feels a lot like art school students got some budget and this was the result

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Stella Blómkvist

Shout by RiGHT
BlockedParent2023-12-19T19:41:44Z— updated 2023-12-21T18:11:13Z

Very much enjoyed season 1, even if it was already hinting a bit too much at feminist tendancies.
Season 2 is just full out men hating. And suddenly muslim refugees and Palestinians are victims of course. The Woke mind virus hits everwhere. Episodes 5 and 6 of season two are by far the weakest. Here's hoping that it wont be the last of Stella we see in those 2 let downs....

Still an intelligent series. Heida Reed is really carrying the series in a convincing way.

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The Librarians: Season 4

Season 3 was not really "the best", but Season 4 just got plain stupid childish. Disappointing.

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Homeland: Season 6

Worst. Season. Ever. (season 6). Quickly get through this crap and head onto a muslim-free season 7. That's a first in a long time, where its not all about stupid or evil muslims, but we're back to the cold war/propaganda war. Finally. So. Get over season 6 asap and get to season 7.

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I was very sad to hear it got cancelled :(
I enjoyed it a lot.
for people who want to consider watching it, there is an ending to the series. it is semi-open, but it does give closure.

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Alaska Daily

Kind of to my surprise i really enjoyed this. I binged season 1 completely. Ok, its a bit predictable and its nothing really original, but overal it's quite well done. It takes on both racial inequality AND the woke cancel culture bullshit both at once. Great job. Quite refreshing to call out the woke over the top angry screamers, who dont really care about being right, but just screaming the most loud to become right.

Hilary Swank is really carrying this series though. Without her there would be not much there in al fairness. Most of the story line per episode seems to be written by some students doing their first scripts and are having trouble to come up with something totally fresh and new. The underlying storyline over the whole season 1 is decent enough though.

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This is like a modern version of Lethal Weapon on nearly every kind of upper known the man :) Very much enjoyed the first few episodes. Sure its all over the top. Like.... by a lot. But in a fun way. Just dont take it all too serious. The series doesnt take themselves very serious either :)

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 5

This was the most cringe season of the worst ever Star Trek series.
the Academy series sounded so - potentially - interesting, until I heard it would be made as a spin-off from Discovery. So probably the same woke shit and drama cringe crap as this.
Probably it means we'll get pestered by the absolute worst of these actors with likely Tilly and Dr Culber and Adira. I'm soooo looking forward to this new series as a spin-off from Discovery. Not.

Thanx God at least Strange New Worlds is a lot less crap.

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Special Ops: Lioness

Shout by RiGHT
BlockedParent2023-11-26T00:11:23Z— updated 2023-12-11T22:43:52Z

I was a bit worried about yet another woke crap series - but..... aside one totally racist "I am not having this conversation with a white guy" remark, this is actually how things should be: just a really good series! there is a high Tom Clancy / Jack Ryan vibe to it.

Not sure why Morgan Freeman is on the poster here on Trakt, he's nowhere in the series. At least not in the first 6 episodes. Completely binged this....

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The Widow

Initially I liked the series and the premise. It seemed so interesting. Then however it just became some regular story like any, where you see the "plot twist" coming miles and miles away. And then quite soon it became some feminist crap where of course the white guy is always the bad guy. Or some useless weak liar who you better just sent away as soon as you meet him. All the drama side stories got so annoying that I started fast-forwarding parts of the story, which seemed to be meant as character building stories. Just not interesting.
It's too bad really. Had they made this into a 4-episode mini-series where they would focus only on Georgia it would have likely been much stronger. I gave it 5 out of 10, but in all honesty it maybe should have been even a 4. The only good thing is how Kate carries the story and the whole show.

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Star Trek: Picard: Season 3

Season 3 is like 1 long epic Star Trek movie. And then like... the best ST movie ever made.

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: Season 4

Happy to see doctor Cathy is back and that they seem to be moving back to the general story line of the books (saw 2 episodes of season 4). Funny to hear the reference of Jack going into politics. Curious what this season will bring.

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